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I am fairly new to the strategy genre, but I know that Relic is one of the most innovative companies in the field. Company of Heroes brings so much to the table, from it's squad-based tactics, garrison commands, and just general cinematic flair for creating a memorable look at the Normandy front. I am no historian, and I am 100% sure that Medal of Honor and Saving Private Ryan had a huge influence on the tale that was woven between missions, but there are so many moments in this campaign that really stood out to me, and taught me the value of learning from failure. I think this game cemented strategy games as a new genre for me to explore.

It's the best strategy game ever for me. My Steam hours are around 1200 hours for this version. I've been playing this game since its first release. I was not using Steam then. I've played with other accounts and non-Steam relic account many times. I have played a total of at least 5000 hours. Still no fun any games. Unfortunately, there is a disappointment like the 2nd game. I played it for 5000 hours only for 500 hours. You consider the rest. If you haven't bought it yet and you are going to meet for the first time, unfortunately, I say you are looking at a masterpiece whose place will never be filled, take it without thinking! Have fun.

not a big fan of squad based RTS but still fun

Definitely an old favorite of mine. I think I've always spent more time in skirmishes with the CPU than anything else but for the sake of doing so, I ran through the campaign again. Still pretty fun and with a varied offering of mission objectives to keep things mostly fresh. It runs a bit long though and I don't think I'd ever enjoyed the other single player options offered all that much. I may go back to it sometime just to see but I feel that ultimately probably won't happen. I'd probably be best served to explore the sequels at this point.

This is a fast paced, intense real-time strategy game. The base game's story is nothing to write home about. In fact, it's non-existent. If you were to ask me to name a character, I couldn't. Not even the captain that dies near the end. Unfortunate because the cinematography of the cutscenes is great. No, the gameplay here is what really shines. It takes what made Warhammer 40K Dawn of War great and adds World War II weapons to it. Even on Normal, it really makes you think and adjust your strategy. It's a shame that the single-player's story is so lacking, otherwise this could have made it to the Great Games list. Instead, it just stands as a solid RTS from the golden age of that genre.

This is one of the most overrated and shallow RTS games I have played in many years. The praise given by critics and gamers to Company of Heroes is truly alarming. To play the game, you will be forced into signing up and logging into a Relic-Online account with your CD key. It doesn't matter if you're playing single player. Relic forces you into this DRM style process that is not even listed with Steam. This is absolutely unnacceptable and I feel misinformed by Steam and Relic. Relic had another idiotic idea. Menus for all three standalone Company of Heroes games are included, but locked. There are also two training missions from the second standalone game that appear, but are locked as well. Ridiculous. Upon first impressions (first four missions), the tactics appear to be slow, unrealistic, lacking in response, and surprisingly linear for a real-time strategy game. I am somewhat shocked, as this game has secured much hype over the years. The AI (of your own units and the enemy) is amazingly simple and limited. The units often have a hard time with your directions, and all units appear to be suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The AI is simply not up to standard. Many of your troops stand or sit around during a large generalized firefight, or have extremely bad shot accuracy. Saving and loading times (especially) are unexcusably long even with a modern computer. After you quit the game, Steam uploads/synchronizes several hundred megs each time. I understand I can turn this off. My complaint is the amount of space the Company of Heroes save games occupy without allowing you to delete previously saved games. Company of Heroes does not make this simple save game housekeeping possible. The game has some serious sound volume troubles in general, as it is abnormally low. Between the live action portion and the cutscenes, this problem is most serious. The cutscenes are much lower in volume in comparison. You will be restricted to constructing a very small amount of buildings (six) and only seven types of infantry troops. If the aforementioned buildings and units were more extensive with their usage and utility, I would not have much to gripe about. In reality, you will find that what you have access to is quite abridged for a game that came out in 2006. From the fifth mission on, things do get better and a tiny bit more exciting, even though it will continue to be almost an exact repetition of the first four missions. The gameplay is abbreviated, strikingly dull, laggard, close to being boring, and with little to no excitement. You select your squad(s), point them in a certain direction, select some inexstensive actions, watch some mildly interesting battle take place until the enemy troops are all dead, then capture a strategic point. That's it. There is really not much else to it. Even if the mission objectives change from mission to mission, the means you will exercise to achieve those goals will be the same. Construct buildings, generate units, upgrade, take over strategic points, repair units, replenish units, and then repeat. Once again, that's it. Company of Heroes does not provide the player with any fresh real-time strategy scope. This clumsy piece of software also managed to crash multiple times during the final mission. It took me about 19 hours to complete

Company of Heroes is the "realistic" WW2 era RTS for people too dumb to play Man of War (like me).
The game is mostly built around small scale engagements with units that act as hard counters to others so, as an example, it's not possible to take out a tank with small arms ammunition. There is still infantry blobbing from time to time, but it's averted for the most part.
I think the single player campaign is good and introduces different units and mechanics at a decent pace, but unfortunately I can't say the same about the standalone expansions I've tried so far, possibly a consequence of the shorter length. However, I do appreciate the different perspectives it adds since usually everything WW2 is so laser focused on the Allies, particularly the American contribution to the European theater.
Overall, Company of Heroes is a fantastic RTS, it was innovative at the time and it managed to spawn a soon-to-be trilogy (as of may of 2022). The game is sadly getting harder to run with every passing year, but I think it's worth playing the main campaign at least once.

Si tuviese que judgar el juego al completo estoy segura de que seria un juego muy completo y muy extenso, con una diversidad de escenarios y rejugabilidad casi infinita, todo esto con el añadido multijugador, pero teniendo que opinar sobre el juego base sin sus expansiones no puedo decir otra cosa que no sea esto:
-Una campaña que sabe a muy poco, limitada por el propio juego y las limitaciones de la misma.
-Un multijugador en el que el eje central de este son los DLCs.
-Una jugabilidad increíble y muy intuitiva.
-Un port de pc que deja un poco que desear.

Great strategy game, thanks to the mod I spent too many hours on this.

Um exelente RTS, a campanha era boa e competir contra bots também era uma boa experiência.

Still the greatest small-scale RTS I have ever played. From the small size of the map to the voicing of each of the units being serious to being annoyed that we're clicking on them too much.

Relatively simple as far as real-time strategy goes, but the spectacle of its systems bouncing off one another still proves an unadulterated delight.

A game that captures in amber that youthful joy of what we imagined setting off firecrackers in piles of plastic army men.

Relic makes great strategy Games. It gets overshadowed by the superior dawn of war games but it's a similar game with a great WWII aesthetic.

Played this extensively as a kid. Was plenty compelling then, from my memory of it.

It's alright, I enjoy it, but it's not something I could properly get into.

I don't think RTS games are my thing. If I were to play one, I'd want there to be a more compelling story to keep me motivated.

One of the best military RTS games of all time.

When I started this, I thought it would be a straight forward squad based WWII tactical game. Instead, it's much more like Starcraft, an RTS with resource management and territory control emphasized rather than squad based combat. That was initially a turn off, but after getting more comfortable with the interface and the tech tree, it started to click and I really had fun. This type of game is pretty foreign to me, so it was a real achievement to complete the Normandy campaign. There were some really cool moments, and I enjoyed creating new strategies when what I was doing wasn't working. The plate spinning got a little annoying on the more hectic levels, but overall a solid recommendation from me.

The base game is pretty bare for an RTS, but with the DLC + mods this game really shines. Many hours of fun with friends in this one.

Kinda barebones for an rts game but the fast pacing of each match makes up for it

Uma das melhores coisas desse jogo é poder jogar em coop. Campanha bem feita e design geral muito bom, mantendo o gênero vivo e bem representado.

Aesthetically, CoH is certainly my favourite RTS game. Of course it doesn't really hold a candle to AoE2, but I'll always get hype for CoH.

es dificil con ganas pero buah si te lo pasas bien durante horas en la misma partida

Company of Heroes is great because it's both an amazing strategy game and also a great toybox for me to play WWII in

this was the game that made me realise im not good at rts

Probably my favorite WWII game and one of my favorite real time strategy games. I like that it's not as resource and speed obsessed as say Starcraft...

Oh... I should rate Starcraft actually.