Reviews from

in the past

Lo mismo que el 1 pero con más explosiones

This is the same as the first part, just as boring, just capturing points with the same enemies, it’s so dull, even ubisoft made it more interesting in the games, jumping on buildings to collect points to improve statistics is also not interesting, it’s like playing an indie game and not a major exclusive, some kind of nightmare.

primeiro crack que joguei, jogo de zumbi podre. bem depois joguei os outros, mas esse n tanko

Very dumb fun. I never played the original but this was a good time to just shut my brain off and jump across the city.

Played for a very short time and just wasn't into it.

I will never understand the disappointment here, this game is better in every way than the first. Better abilities, and enemies to fight. And the setting and plot gives a much more dire and spy super soldier type of atmosphere that more than compensates for the obvious paper thin story. I will always stand by my love for this game. But yea it could be MUCH more. An all time great.

For someone who really loves movement systems, a game focused entirely on gaining crazier and crazier movement powers really hits the spot even if the game is basically nothing but that.

Had a lot of good memories playing this fun and interesting game

I have no idea why people love 1 but hate 2 because they’re 95% the same exact game and the rest is VERY minor

Crackdown 2 is an unbelievably poor sequel to one of the best 360 games ever made. I can't think of many other examples of someone fumbling a sure thing as badly as Microsoft have fumbled the Crackdown franchise.

The developers of Crackdown 2 clearly had no clue what made the first game so enjoyable and therefore opted to remove almost every unique element of Crackdown 1 in favour of zombie horde survival, for some reason.

A truly baffling sequel, I don't know how this ever got greenlit.

It doesn't suck, per se, but like, it's just not as fun as the original and it also doesn't do anything new so it feels pretty pointless.

Me and my friend used to carry each other around the map and act like we had been in horrific car accidents.

Idk why but when I played this, it was right after I played through the inFAMOUS series and I must've had it on the brain because I remember saying "Oh, so this is inFAMOUS but not as fun?"

They're obviously not that similar, but it's just what popped in my head.

I still had fun playing this game, but it's worse than the first Crackdown in almost every category.

Same gameplay, less interesting story and missions than the first one though.

Salti in giro e fai robe, divertente giosu

Ruim, mas ganha uns pontos ao jogar com amigos

Just as mediocre as the original. Most Xbox exclusives are a joke outside of OG Halo and Gears.

My entire experience with this game was playing co-op with a friend and using rubber duck sticky bombs. Don't remember anything else.

Tengo todo el DLC

Melhorou um pouco mas ainda é merda

Another Xbox 360 game I adored. I can't remember how good it all actually was, but I had a lotta fun.

6/10, You are either having the best time ever or you aren't having fun, no inbetween

Whoever came up with the concept of flying spirit orbs can die in a hole.

this game seems like a game you'd see being played in an episode of workaholics

It's fun but also not fun, you feel me?

maybe the greatest demo in gaming history, too bad the full game sucks