Reviews from

in the past

Only good thing I remember about this game was the H2 Oh No! level soundtrack, which I can quite happily listen on to a loop.

It is one of those game where I played the pirated version as a kid and can never beat it because it's just broken (can't load some level).

Now that I finished it... I really didn't miss much. The game might look similar to Crash 3 at first, but it goes too overboard with the variation, making the platforming section a lot fewer than previous game, which is a negative because the platforming is the best part of any Crash game.

Not to mention the variations in gameplay isn't really that fun, the robot section is boring, the racing (the only one) is too floaty, the jetpack is too slow and annoying, the minecart is just meh, the plane section is alright but I never really liked those stuff even in Crash 3 anyway.

And don't get me started with Coco's stage, she is objectively worse to control than Crash because she get none of his power up (except dash).

I actually had a fun time with this game. This is the game I grew up playing and I think it's a good Crash game. Now is it as good as main games no, but it's got some interesting and fun levels.

The loading times weren't that bad

No inicio ainda tava a tentar apanhar as caixas todas mas lá pro meio do jogo desisti 💀💀 o boss mais dicifil foi o de agua

Controles horriveis, principalmente nas fases da bola girando

نجمتين ونص علشان فيه قلتش باللعبة مايبيني اكمل اللعبة ف عطب

odd level designs and weird controls aside this one is alright, the music is better at least

BANGER. Nostalgin med brorsan på ps2:n är sjuk

Used to think the hub world was cool wubdika

What a weird situation. I've always heard complaints about the game but they weren't exactly what I expected. What I expected was that the gameplay was a step down but I genuinely this there was passion behind the game. The level designs are new and unique, and they have some decent new gimmicks. The problem is that the main game feels pretty bad and that means that even within the spattering of gimmicks, when it doesn't hit, you can't brush it off. Nearly every level allows you to walk around any enemy, the abilities seem to break most of the game or on the flipside are so unnecessary, I would forget about them. and even if I thought the ball levels were fun, I think every other gimmick was bad or worse then it's predecessors.

They were close but still so far off. If models were larger, maybe this would be more fondly remembered

Ainda é Crash, mas não é Crash

É engraçado escrever esse titulo, pois por mais que o jogo tenha o nome, personagens, estética e tudo que você encontra nos primeiros 3 títulos, principalmente no último já que esse aqui é quase que uma cópia descarada, ele ainda sim passa toda a sensação de não ser um Crash, mas sim isso, uma cópia vazia e sem alma.

Os gráficos são interessantes, a trilha sonora é bem boa, mas a essência do que fez a franquia ser o que é que são com boas fases, jogabilidade complicada porém justa e inovações de gameplay, não se fazem presentes aqui, já que em termos de história podemos passar adiante pois isso nunca foi o forte mesmo.

TWC entrega fases genéricas e com level design muuuito aquém do que foi feito anteriormente, basta pensar que nos jogos anteriores, você ia tendo uma crescente de dificuldade a cada warp room e tendo uma "lógica" em termos da estética delas, aqui isso não acontece, pois ele cisma em entregar fases que não dialogam entre si e que não possuem o apelo para engajar na jogatina, principalmente pela quantidade exorbitante de fases com veículos que se no 3 já enchiam o saco, aqui então...

Falando sobre o desafio do game como um todo, vários inimigos são desnecessários. Antes você tinha que ter, mesmo que simples, uma estratégia para não morrer ou perder um Aku Aku, aqui em vários momentos os inimigos não representam uma ameaça e você pode simplesmente contorna-los sem nenhuma dificuldade. Sobre os bosses, esses são tão sem graça e chatos de enfrentar quanto assistir 40 minutos de uma preguiça dormindo.

Por fim, acredito que tudo isso passaria de boas se a jogabilidade não fosse tão travada e lenta. Em muitos pulos ou sequências que demandam isso, parece que o Crash comeu uma feijoada e está com um pouco de gravidade, pois ele é lento para pular e lento para cair, mas vou fazer uma ressalva sobre esse item pois eu não lembro se o os anteriores eram assim também, pois minha memoria está muito mais atrelada aos remakes recentes. De qualquer modo, a jogabilidade nesse game aqui não é das melhores e envelheceu mal.

Resumindo: é Crash, mas não é Crash. Tem seu valor por ser a primeira entrada da franquia na era do PS2, mas não inovou em absolutamente nada. Talvez por ser também o primeiro titulo fora das mãos da Naughty Dog e como o último foi sucesso, repetiram a fórmula. Mas se pensarmos bem, talvez foi esse jogo aqui que decretou que esse estilo que o Crash vinha tendo, não era mais tão interessante de seguir, pois não foi um sucesso aclamado igual os outros, mas não pq a formula é ruim e sim o produto. Então, nota 2,5 que no meu modo de julgar significa o meio termo, que não fede, nem cheira.

It looked a lot better back when I was a kid. It's still pretty good, but an adult's perspective is not kind to it

Quando eu era criança adorava esse jogo, hj em dia só posso pensar no quão chato e insuportável foi zerar

Good, but not as good as previous installments.

While this isn’t as good as the original trilogy or 4 this is still a solid game. The standard Crash levels are solidly designed, and it shakes the formula up with monkey ball style stages, robots stages, underwater stages, Coco stages, and more. I appreciate the variety but honestly it focused on the non-standard stages so much it was just a relief to see a traditional level appear. I like the design of Cortex’s new minion Crunch he was cool.

Yeah, you can see why this Crash 4 got retconned out of existence. A ton of the game is spent playing crap vehicle levels. I didn't care for them much in Crash 3, but now they're even more tedious. When you do finally get to play a real Crash level, they're nothing special. It's pretty much just Crash 3 but with more and worse vehicle levels, and really mediocre platforming levels

I remember watching my dad play this and the one time I tried I immediately sucked ass.

i dont know about you guys but the really bad explosions only add to the crust factor of this game, but it's like a charming kind of crust. the floatiness of crash is kind of hard to control, however.

also i dont get people complaining about the story. it's crash bandicoot, automatically assume cortex is going to be up to some wacky bullshit that will make the game non-canon in about 20 years.

This review contains spoilers

- Fun game
- Classic crash
- Getting all gems was a good time
- Time trials tedious as always
- Performance issues on steam deck PCSX2, had to switch over to desktop nightly for a handful of levels

I remembered it to be much better

um dos melhores crashs pena q n teve rework

For what it's worth it's better than you'd expect a Crash Bandicoot game made in under a year by a new team to be

mind-numbingly easy at points, frustrating at others, but it's alright! I had fun!

A decent attempt by Traveler's Tales but failed to live up to the legacy of the originals.

it’s games like these where I ask myself “do I want to invest more time into this game than I feel it deserves?”
the answer is no, by the way.

This is one of the Many Crash Bandicoot games i grew up with although i didn't beat this one as much as i did the Trilogy!

This Crash Game is a bit different, the controls are a little jankier but roughly the same as the other games, imo it kinda feels like a crash rip off in a way but i find it fun just the same
The worlds are set up like Crash Bandicoot: Warped where each world is split into 5 levels and then the Boss for that area before you're able to go to the next section.

The Levels in this game for me lack the good designs and uniqueness that the Trilogy had although there is underwater levels, running levels, Robot levels and vehicle levels which are missing something but it's still fun in different ways

One thing i wish they changed is that every boss is always Crunch Bandicoot in various scenario's and beating the same dude over and over can get repetitive

One thing i can say this is really good at is the soundtrack which features many tracks i'm sure i've heard in older games and some new to this one which are still catchy and make the game alot more enjoyable when raging in certain area's.

I found the Box Gems Here to be alot easier to get and i don't think any levels are Missable which means you don't HAVE to do the coloured Gem paths (I might be wrong on this) I haven't got any coloured Gems yet but i'm gonna go back for them for sure!

I've never done the Time Trials on this Crash but after unlocking certain Power-ups during the main game that will likely make things a bit easier

It's definitely worth playing this Crash Title, It's not the best in the series but you can play it for a few hours, have some fun and wreck enemies in a Robot suit!