Reviews from

in the past

A lot better level design than most of DS2. The area was really cool and felt like a Zelda dungeon. It had a fun gimmick with the pillars you have to shoot or hit. I think the enemy placement also wasn’t as annoying as a lot of other areas in the game. Two of the three boss fights were really good and better than majority of the bosses in the main game

This was short, too the point, and actually fun? I didn't enjoy the gank boss fight but the others were fine.

This feels like a completely different team worked on level design. Not only is Shulva an interesting and cool area to explore, it's actually fun. The enemy placement here is nowhere near as egregious as base game Scholar, and feels balanced enough to be challenging while fair. The bosses included this time are also a lot of fun (Sinh is a bit annoying for simply flying away the whole time but overall a fun fight). Good DLC overall.


-Ter trazido o reset de pontos de talento para a franquia
-Possibilidades mais criativas de builds
-PVP mais intuitivo
-Espaço para 4 anéis
-Power stance (poder jogar com 2 espadas e muda completamente o moveset)


-Estus de recuperação lenta
-Gerenciamento de vida (você simplesmente morre se estiver muito fraco mesmo, ou for muito ruim, pois tem outros itens que recuperam sua vida, e você pode estocar eles)
-Slow desnecessariamente demorado por dano em area
-Lore fraca, puxou muito para o realismo e estragou a experiencia (para mim, minha opinião)
-NPCs esquecíveis, chatos e sem carisma
-Adaptability (péssimo)
-(tem a ver com o talento a cima) se você não colocar pontos nesse talento, simplesmente sua esquiva fica inútil, muitas vezes mesmo que você desvie do ataque claramente, ele pega mesmo assim, tornando um talento inútil sendo obrigatório, sendo obrigatório tbm jogar de escudo, pois você não consegue desviar, tem que ficar bloqueando ataques, sendo obrigado a um estilo de gameplay
-(Tem a ver com a de cima tbm) Hitboxes zoadissimas
-Bosses repetidos e esquecíveis
-Design de personagens muito feio/estranho (minha opinião)
-A dificuldade estar diretamente atrelada a movimentação tosca dos personagens em geral, e não a alguma estratégia de batalha em si (minha opinião)
-construção de cenário bem porca (world building), linhas retas
-tentaram trazer algumas inovações mas fizeram de forma burra, tem muitas mecânicas que tem no jogo e ninguém sabe, pois foram mal implementadas (exemplo das arvores na floresta de nevoa, você sabia que se bater nas que tem uma face, elas chamam atenção dos inimigos invisíveis, e você consegue matar eles mais facilmente? pois é...) entre outras dezenas de coisas
-Portas/passagens invisíveis toscas, tem que apertar pra abrir uma passagem secreta (tanto que nos outros jogos retiraram este modelo, voltaram com você tendo que bater na parede, para a porta aparecer)
-e sim parece bobo, mas mudou tudo, no projeto, o miyazaki só foi um supervisor, pois estava trabalhando no bloodborne, então isso fez muita falta, o diretor que assumiu o dark souls 2, foi o mesmo que fez a série de jogos kings field, onde Dark souls foi muito inspirado, mas a visão de mundo diferente desse diretor, estragou a experiencia para mim!
-Tanto que por causa do motivo a cima, eles fizeram as DLC pois estava com uma repercussão negativa por conta dos fãs mais antigos, então o miyazaki trabalhou dirigindo estas DLC's que ''melhoraram'' um pouco o jogo.

Pronto, acho que é isso, acabei de fazer um TCC das qualidades e defeitos, e também um pouco da minha opinião sobre o jogo

Las vagas similitudes de Dark Souls 2 con la saga King's Field solo sacan a relucir el deterioro en el diseño vertebral de estos juegos. Donde antes el protagonismo estaba en el lugar, ahora lo está en la acción. Donde antes se buscaba ponerte en los pies de un aventurero y actuar en primera persona, ahora se limitan a saturar el pasillo al siguiente atajo de enemigos en sus estudiadas posiciones. Poco queda de la espeleología de la saga prima, aunque se ven retazos. Se intuyen paralelismos en los golems del bosque renacidos en árboles o en la imagen de un rey Vendrick consumido en su soledad (en Dark Souls 3 habrían convertido este encuentro en una pelea multifásica). Existen ecos de cierta ciudad subterránea en esta aventura suplementaria, donde buscamos la corona de un rey olvidado en lo profundo de un templo custodiado por un dragón. Cuando pisamos una placa que activa una trampa o accionamos con una flecha un mecanismo que descubre un pasadizo secreto, nos viene el lejano recuerdo de cuando éramos arqueólogos y no guerreros.

Besides having great visuals and a couple fun additions; this was kind of infuriating to play. I didn't like the gimmick with the ghost enemies, the placement of some bonfires was annoying, and the amount of ganking is just as much of an issue as in the main game. I was hoping I'd at least get some good bosses, but I didn't even get that. The Sinh fight was fine, but the fights with Elana and the Gank Squad were terrible IMO. I'm hoping I'll like the other DLCs more, as this just didn't do much for me.

I have no idea why but I fucking hated this area when I first played it. While the level itself kicks ass the gank squad is maybe my least favourite boss in the entire series and the other bosses are pretty mid.

I'm genuinely surprised by how much I enjoyed this, considering I wasn't a fan of the base game. The level design was noticeably improved and the two required fights were pretty enjoyable (we don't talk about the gank fight).

The DLC is creative with a unique area that has multiple riddles and doors to unlock, somewhat similar to a Zelda dungeon, but that's pretty much it. It is frustrating with tough enemies, some of them even having an invincibility gimmick, and unlike the others it doesn't really have memorable bosses. The dragon was really forgettable, in my opinion.


Genuinely love this area. Sihn the Slumbering Dragon is one of my fav fights in the series.

This DLC opened up with an absolutely beautiful view, but annoyed and frustrated me to no end through poor level design and unfun enemies to fight. The two bosses were interesting, but needing repair powder for one of them due to it just destroying your durability left a sour taste but the other was kinda enjoyable. Really wish they did better on this DLC, I feel like that setting has incredible potential.

This is definitely the weakest of the 3 DLC packs made for DS2, and to an extent the weakest from has ever made, but it is still worth doing as Sinh is a great final area boss and the area is kinda fun with a cool gimmic. Is definitely losing points for the coop DLC even then of the 3 it is probably the shortest and easiest to run past. Too bad the coop boss is ass tho

joguei as DLCs desse jogo bem tarde, acabei me surpreendendo porque elas são bem legais até, a Sunken King em específico tem um mapinha que pode ser chato em momentos bem específicos mas não achei nada que fosse insuportável de passar, com uma boa exploração você termina essa DLC em umas 3 horinhas ou quase.

The DLC starts strong by immediately having better level design than the whole base game. The sunken city would fit right into DS3, and the enemy placement is far more reasonable than previous areas. The bosses are pretty good as well, ending with one of the strongest boss fights in the series. A must play for anyone who has only played the base game.

As a start to the Dark Souls II DLCs, it's rather fitting. The contrarian's Dark Souls has a contrarian DLC. The level's exterior is quite beautiful, but once I started progressing through the area, I knew I was in for some shit. Finding bonfires was difficult because after playing through the entirety of the main campaign and not interacting with any puzzle based buttons or switches, this brilliant DLC decided to introduce them without telling me. As a result, I stumbled through the area not finding a lot of the bonfires and eventually giving up and looking up a guide. It's ultimately a new way to design a Dark Souls level, but as with a lot of the things that make Dark Souls II unique, it just isn't enjoyable. The DLC doesn't do a good job explaining how the puzzle mechanics work, which made it a real pain in the ass. Along with that, the enemies are irritating to fight against since they refused to stagger and the mechanics are not explained. Adding to that, classic asshole Dark Souls II enemy placement made the experience quite hellish at times. Luckily, the DLC is saved by having two great bosses back to back at the end of the level. Hopefully the next two DLCs are more conventional.


The queen was a fun mix-up that does a good job building on Dark Souls II's trademark multi-fight system where you have to juggle fighting summoned enemies, while dodging the queen's dark magic. I found Elena to be my favorite boss in the DLC and possibly one of my favorites in Dark Souls II.

Sinh was a pretty neat dragon fight. It spews poison fire and likes to fly around a lot. The latter making the battle a little tedious at times, but with proper practice and active preparation, the fight becomes pretty fun.

oyunun en iyi 2 bossuna sahip dlc'i

Imported from my Backloggery:

Crown of the Sunken King was definitely the best of the DLCs, and possibly the best part of DS2. Toward the beginning of the DLC, I loved the Zelda style switches that you had to hit with bows or swords. I loved all the bosses, Elana was my favorite gank fight of the whole series. It wasn't too hard and was never unfair. Just a great time save a few areas.

this dlc rocks, playing through with a bro made it a blast. idk why some people rag on this dlc, had great level design and some really fun bosses, gank squad included

A slightly more tedious experience than the main game, offset by the amusing boss fights, especially the notorious "Gank Squad".

not recommended for faith users

the best ds2 dlc. sinh is the best dragon fight in the series p easily

I wish I could give it 0 stars

I felt like I was doing a Zelda dungeon in this and was amazed there was a dragon that didn't have awful breath hit detection. (Really fun boss at the end)

I think the theme of the Crowns DLCs should be "fun ideas". I think Sunken King is full of fun ideas, and tbh I think the only issue I have with it is the quality of the bosses. Shulva is fun, theres some unique enemies, and the Free Play multiplayer areas are fun teasers for non-purchasers.

thematically one of the coolest dlc from have ever done, the enemies, areas and bosses are peak ds2 creativity (sans the three fuckers). some annoyance in balancing however, and as always will never be above a 4 star simply cos its in ds2 LOL