Reviews from

in the past

Why is it so hard to follow the simple instruction in the game's title?

Tudo nesse jogo é bom, o estilo de arte principalmente é muito bonitinho, a unica coisa que deixa um pouco meh é em relação do jogo ser separado multiplayer de singleplayer, sendo necessario assim comprar os 2 jogos separados(sendo q na teoria é o msm jogo por isso não faz sentido).

Don't Starve is brutal but super addictive. The art style is awesome, and it's that perfect mix of "just one more day" and "oh crap, why is everything trying to kill me?!" Trying to scavenge for supplies, build a camp, and keep those sanity-draining monsters at bay is crazy tense, but in a good way. It's tough as nails, especially for beginners, but the challenge is what makes it so satisfying when you finally start to thrive.

a história/universo é intrigante, desperta vontade do "mais". mas para por ai... me sinto sem objetivo ao jogar o jogo, perdido... acho que falta aprofundamento na história e falta direcionamento pro jogador...

If you don't have someone holding your hand this is nightmarish.

O jogo é bonito, estética foda, personagens legais. O único defeito é que não existe uma dificuldade real, isto é, após entender como o jogo funciona o jogo simplesmente não tem risco de morte reais.

dai falta luz e tu morrekkk

whaddaya call a game that looks great, has great atmosphere and music, but at its core is the same boring crafting survival bullshit as every other game? i guess you call it "don't starve"

potentially the only good thing to come out of the open-world-survival-craft period that wasn't a factory sim (i.e. modded minecraft clone).

Quite a learning curve, but still fun to explore and discover secrets as you try to survive! Especially fun with friends.

Visuals and theming are amazing. The Tim Burton artstyle really adds a lot to the experience of being trapped in the brutal wilderness full of monsters and terror. I especially love the occasional cartoony moments that defuse the tension a bit.

The gameplay, though, leaves a lot to be desired. Don't Starve pays lip service to "roguelite" but every run feels pretty similar once you know what you're doing. There's a definite meta and progression chain with no variation. If you don't know what you're doing, you'll be stumbling into noob traps and hitting your head against the wall until you look up a guide.

Ironically, starvation is the least of your worries

This review of Don't Starve isn't going to be very conventional as far as my writing goes. I try to be as thorough as possible with these, especially with games that I've completed, but with Don't Starve, I simply cannot do either. Klei Entertainment has absolutely stuffed this game full of content that I simply cannot experience in its entirety within the time frame I was able to play this game.

That being said, Don't Starve is an enjoyable time. There's a wealth of different things to build, ways to survive, and things to do. There are straight-up areas of the game that I know exist that I did not get to. In any case, there's a lot to do in this game, and part of the fun is coming across all of the things you can find and wondering what they do. Not all of what they do is interesting, mind you, but there's so much that some of it is inevitably going to be fun. For example, cooking food on a fire eventually becomes a monotonous, automatic task, but is made more fun when you build a crock pot, which allows you to experiment with different recipes that have different levels of effectiveness. Despite that, I can't help but feel the game's procedural generation isn't as good as it could be. It mostly focuses on "setpieces", individual areas with unique events, rather than the map itself. While this is a unique approach, it does mean that every game of Don't Starve feels essentially the same to me. Maps always have the same broad areas for the most part and even if the layout is different, it doesn't feel that way. In the thirty or so hours I spent with the game, I couldn't say I was presented with the same uniqueness that other procgen games such as Spelunky and Brogue had recently shown me. Despite the wealth of content, I just sort of got bored near the final stretch, but still felt satisfaction in reaching the "end goal" for this exchange. The game is helped by its stellar presentation; a Tim Burton-inspired world with memorable character designs, tons of personality in the fluid and expressive animation, and a genuinely whimsical if overly short soundtrack. Some minor issues, such as an unnecessary 60 FPS lock, remain over a decade after release, but it's not a huge problem.

Would I recommend Don't Starve, then? I honestly don't know if I can. Not because the game is not quality, it is, but because I have not experienced enough of it yet. If you like survival games and somehow haven't played it yet, it's certainly worth a shot.

only fun if you mod the fuck out of it and/or you do 2-player

Jogar sozinho é tristinho e broxa

this is the communist version of rimworld and wouldn't you know, its better ; )

really enjoyed playing Don't Starve! A roguelike with a good amount of depth and really characteristic visual style. Many characters to choose from each with its own quirk, make it for a very replayable title. It can be hard to learn at first but you can aid yourself with the wiki.

I can't follow simple instructios (I didn't eat)

é bom mas eu não entendia absolutamente nada que tava rolando

not as good as together but still good

help im getting jumped by the shadow creatures created by my madness-

Beautiful style but the gameplay was not to my liking.

Very fun survival game, and I enjoy the art style a hell of a lot. The media surrounding it has also been very fun, and I love Webber, my we/ours baby ::::)