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Siempre quedé a espera de la secuela

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Would’ve loved to play through the full Z series in this format. Loved the hand-drawn-style environments, character moves and team combos were cool and didn’t get old, and I liked seeing slices of life in the Saiyan Saga for all the characters. As a kid, I didn’t grind to get to Broly, but I appreciate a good secret boss.

Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans es el mejor juego de Dragon Ball de la Nintendo DS sobrado.

Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans es un juego RPG con combates por turnos pero con la temática de Dragon Ball, es un locura.

La historia tiene lugar desde que Goku se va a entrenar con Kami hasta el enfrentamiento entre Goku y Vegeta, con la historia de siempre mas desarrollo de mas profundo de la historia de Krillin, Yamcha y Tenshinhan, no es nada super profundo, pero son detalles que enriquecen la historia original, aparte de tener mil guiños durante la historia a los primeros arcos de la primera temporada algo que me ha hecho sacar mas de una sonrisa.

Ahora a la parte jugable que es lo que mas me ha sorprendido, el juego empieza de forma bastante sencilla y va escalando progresivamente hasta ser bastante difícil en algunas partes, sobre todo el combate secreto final, que es prácticamente imposible a no ser que vayas super equipado y con nivel alto.

El juego se basa en combates 3 vs 3 máximo por turnos, nuestros personajes tendrán la posibilidad de realizar ataques normales, bloqueos, usar objetos, técnicas ofensivas/defensivas y mas adelante en la historia desbloqueamos técnicas definitivas, que se usaran cuando tengamos el indicador de Furio completo, estas técnicas serán habilidades únicas como el "Kaio-ken", antes de eso ese indicador servirá para hacer combos con nuestros personajes, mezclando sus habilidades y creando combos bastante potentes.

Cada personaje tendrá unas técnicas y pasivas únicas que iremos desbloqueando y mejorando con PA, estos los iremos consiguiendo junto a la experiencia tras combate, esta idea me gusta bastante ya que le da un extra de profundidad haciendo bastante importante el farmeo y el desarrollo individual de cada personaje.

Aparte de eso cada personaje podrá llevar equipado dos objetos de equipo, los cuales podremos comprar, farmear de enemigos o encontrar escondidos por las zonas del mapa.

El apartado artístico es algo sencillo la gran parte del juego, ya que es un pixel art sin mucho detalle en exteriores y personajes, pero en interiores mejora bastante. Eso si, en frames que te ponen de vez en cuando durante la historia hay varios dibujos que son muy espectaculares y los splash de los personajes tienen un diseño bastante diferente al que estamos acostumbrados en esta saga y es bastante bonito y novedoso ver estilos diferentes en personajes que conocemos de toda la vida.

En resumen es un juego extremadamente divertido y adictivo, con una idea bastante novedosa para lo básicos que suelen ser los juegos de Dragon Ball, siendo muy arriesgada pero funcionando extremadamente bien, tiene ideas muy buenas, una banda sonora decente, muchos guiños que te harán despertar una nostalgia bien fuerte y por suerte pocas cosas malas, lo que mas me molesta es que no existe una continuación de este juego, con lo que es único.

No es muy largo ósea que recomiendo probarlo ya que para muchos amantes de la saga será una sorpresa ya que no es un juego muy conocido.

Oh my goodness gravy this is such a good fucking RPG why doesn't this have a sequel but xenoverse does

Jeu très sympa avec une bonne histoire mais je ne m'en souviens plus trop (il me semble que j'avais eu un problème de save à un moment)

goated. Best dbz game by far. One of the better turn based RPG's in general

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La panda: ¡Diablo! ¡Los amigos Yamcha-Tenshinhan-Piccolo han muerto en el Orden cronológico del manga y del anime™! ¡Las bolas del dragón ya no existirán nunca más, y nunca más veremos a Los amigos™!

La adivina Baba altoke:

Probably the best non-fighter Dragon Ball game?

You don't know how badly I want a sequel to this game man safsafsfasafafsfas

A fun RPG based on the Saiyan Saga.

Gameplay : 3/5 Le gameplay est globalement très bon, ce qui le tue c'est la répétitivité hallucinante. Le powercreep est également abusé sur certainez zones, mais derrière tu os tous les boss pendant 3h... Il a malgré tout une assez bonne durée de vie (surtout si tu fais pas le 100%, ça oblige à farm) et a même du contenu post ending, bien qu'on puisse le faire avant. Le fameux Broly ! (Ptdrr c'est n'importe quoi ce fight).
Les zones de combat sont toutes de belles références à l'oeuvre originale et c'est vraiment plaisant d'aller de l'une à l'autre.

Histoire : 4/5 Le jeu retrace très bien les évènements du manga, du 23eme championnat du monde jusqu'au combat contre Vegeta, en y ajoutant des quetes secondaires respectant le lore, et ça fait plaisir de voir qu'il y a des efforts de ce côté !
Evidemment on aurait préféré moins de filler et plus d'histoire principale (Freezer, Cell, Boo) et je pense que ça aurait été largement faisable !

Musique/Ambiance : 4/5 Les musiques sont clairement géniales, et l'ambiance y est clairement. Spéciale dédicace au remix de l'ost de dragon ball sur ness !

Graphismes : 3.5/5 RIP les styles pixel art sur des grosses licences... Le jeu est globalement très beau et c'est un plaisir de voir nos z fighters tout en pixel art. Très réussi.

The story expands DBZ's first saga nicely and the gameplay has a few nice ideas but the combat is very spammy and lacks depth which most RPGs have.

Now this is an awesome underrated gem. Presentation is excellent, with extremely crisp and smooth animations. The 3 party system fits perfectly into a Dragon Ball setting, and the turn based combat is engaging and rewards creativity and patience. Every character feels useful and has something unique to offer. The Sparking Meter lets you pull off really cool and clutch stuff.

Leveling up feels really good and doing side content feels rewarding.

My only real gripe is I wish it was longer. Stopping at Saiyan Saga is a real shame. Especially since this has no sequel. A game in this style running through Frieza Saga would have been amazing.

Still this is a must play if you love RPG's and Dragon Ball. One of the best out there.

- Kakarot!!!! -
este juego es de los muchos que extraño, todo de este juego esta 10/10
es un excelente rpg con un combate muy rapido para su tiempo.
su pixelArt esta muy increible y bien hecho, tiene demasiadas animaciones para cada ataque.
ojala hubiera mas juegos de esta saga con este mismo estilo

Los juegos de peleas están bien y los de acción-plataformas están simpáticos, pero sin duda no me esperaba un juego RPG por turnos, y con este me quedé enviciado como un obseso.
Muy buenas tardes he pasado tratando de explorar todo lo que tenía por ofrecer.
Buen trabajo de parte de los creadores de la Xeno-saga y Tears of the Kingdom. Tendré que echarle un vistazo a sus otros RPG.

Jogo bem divertido, em minha opinião não se compara com os Legacy of Goku 2 e Buu's Fury, mas é um bom jogo, a trilha sonora é boa, o jogo mostrar partes meio "fillers" e certos What If, o boss secreto Broly foi uma sacada genial para combinar com o tema do jogo e é muito difícil, a dificuldade do jogo em si é moderada, a taxa de encontro de inimigo é alta e pode irritar um pouco (não tanto quanto Persona 1), o combate é divertido e tem um sistema de builds, onde colocamos pontos em certos stats dos personagens quando subimos de níveis e tem todo os guerreiros Z para fazer uma party ( com exceção do Chaos kkkkkkk), um bom jogo, tinha muito potencial pra uma sequência que infelizmente nunca saiu e só vai ficar nos nossos sonhos. recomendo jogar

It's fun. My only real problem with this game is that sometimes it gives you the freedom to chose your party, but a chapter later it forces you to play with one specific character. Reading the reviews, it seems i wasn't the only one that suffered when they force you to play as Gohan. I understand that they tried to stay true to the original story, but i would've prefered the freedom to just play with who i wanted regardless if it it makes sense in the story or not.

The game is kinda good, but also kinda fuck it. When it left me with only underleveled Gohan in my team (because nobody would want to use weaker character in their team so he wouldn't suck as much), I thought I've seen enough of this game already.

The game is a turn based rpg that hooked me a lot. The story is the classic one but with additions to include the fight system, there are many playable characters and a lot of variety. The style is really cool and the enemies are very cool. In the end I recommend it without problems.

Le mastodontiche spalle di Tenshinhan

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This turn-based RPG for my favourite franchise has always interested me, but somehow I never played it until now.

The story timing of the game was confusing. How do you make an RPG out of a saga that consists of one battle, a training period, and then another couple of battles? Well the answer is of course to fill that training period with a lot of filler. But first, the game actually starts at...the beginning of the 23rd Budokai arc? You actually start BEFORE the 3 year time skip too, during which you get to spend some time with Krillin, Yamcha and Tenshinhan on some game-exclusive training missions, both together and alone.

Once into the canon part of the martial arts tournament the game sets a weirdly misleading idea of how the pacing will go. Most of this arc is skipped. Plot points are only briefly brought up in dialogue (my favourite part is when they talk about how Piccolo "ate" Kami after he sealed him, only for Kami to appear in a later cutscene with no explanation), and every fight except Goku vs Piccolo is skipped entirely, shown only as static images.

So after we get 1 fight for this entire ass tournament, we move on to the main event, right? Well actually no, first we get the wedding dress filler arc! Which gets way more attention and time than the actual canon fighting arc. I guess it is more adventure-focused, so whatever.

By the time we get to Z and finally get Gohan as a character, he starts at level 1, while everyone else has the benefits of their training in previous chapters. Accurate to the story? Kinda (not accounting for Gohan's hidden powers). Balanced for gameplay? I mean... also kinda, they don't put Gohan in high level areas. But it's annoying to have done all that training just to start fresh with a new character.

Anywho from here canon plot points are given major focus, unlike the 23rd Budokai. Cutscenes go on for a very long time, pretty much explaining everything in detail. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's just...weird. Why start the game with this kind of rushed storytelling, as if you're acknowledging players should be familiar with the story, then afterwards make sure the player understands every story beat to the letter?

From here we kind of alternate between canon, anime filler and game-exclusive. The biggest chapter of the game, and the one that really tells you "we're a video game, we need more content that our separated cast can't bring!" being when you have to find the dragon balls, at which point Piccolo, with Gohan in tow, teams up with the Earthlings to look for them. Oh and Goku gets brought back by Baba to help them look! Can you imagine how insane that'd be in the real story? Goku being brought back mid-way through their training, to team up with still-evil Piccolo and the good guys? It's funny. And to get a lot of locations for this DB hunt, the game goes back to the original. You visit places like Muscle Tower, the pirate cave and Pilaf Castle.

So that's how you make an RPG about a very simple, small-scoped saga. You essentially shoehorn in everywhere from the series that doesn't appear in this era. And that's not even getting in to the game-exclusive areas.

I do like some of the little stories they added to the game. Plus there's one moment in said chapter where everyone teams up to search for the dragon balls, at the end of it they of course need to go their separate ways so they're in position to be in their canon spots when we get back to that part, well since Gohan is supposed to be kidnapped, but has been hanging out with everyone just fine, the game addresses this by actually having Piccolo offer Gohan to stay behind with the heroes, only for Gohan to say he wants to keep training. A surprisingly great character development moment.

This all gets even weirder when you realise that in Japan this was branded as a "Kai" game (it came out around the same time Kai started airing). But that just raises so many more questions! OK, it does help explain why they picked this specific period since that's where Kai starts, but why would it then add 23rd Budokai stuff that doesn't exist in Kai? Why does it add filler that only exists in Dragon Ball Z, that Kai specifically removed to make a more accurate retelling of the manga? If you were a kid who just started watching Kai, and then picked this game up, you'd be so confused, but even more confused when you learned many parts of this game aren't actually made up for the game, but came from the old anime. Why brand it a damn Kai game when it's clearly based on Z?!

So in summary the way this game handles story is an absolute mess. Oh and I figured the reason they didn't do a sequel is because the Namek saga would be awful for this type of game. You'd only really be able to play as Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta for most of it, and there's hardly any interesting landmarks on Namek to visit. And yet, the game STILL teases that a sequel was being worked on! It ends with them talking about the DB's on Namek (as in the manga) and then says "to be continued" before ending with a post credits screen of a silhouetted Freeza. What the heck was going on with this game? Let's not even get in to what the game would do if it ever got to the Boo arc, now that it used up Baba's 24-hour revival magic here.

I've already typed this much and I haven't even gotten to the gameplay yet. The story is easily the least important part of this whole thing, and yet the way it was done just fascinates the hell out of me.

Gameplay is fine. It's a pretty basic turn-based RPG honestly. There's a few things that stand out, like I don't know how many games have a dedicated "recovery" attribute where you auto-gain a bit of HP every turn. You've got a few special moves per character, but since Dragon Ball isn't known as being a very strategic RPG, you're mostly relying on brute strength with these. There's a few buff or healing movies, but I think only Tenshinhan's solar flare can cause a status effect. For the rest, you rely on items.

I don't think it's a bad battle system. It's simple, but it's flashy and fast enough. Basic attacks are a multi-hit combo rather than just a standard sword slash or something, and you even have the chance to get a lucky combo extender for extra damage. You've got a "sparking" meter which essentially acts as a limit bar. When full you can fire off a super move, or if multiple characters have a full one you can chain specific moves together to form an S-Combo. What is an S-Combo? Well it seems to just be literally watching the characters perform the moves as they would have anyway with zero difference, but now it has a unique name! I guess it might do more damage than using the moves alone? I basically never used these, just preferring to fire off the ultimate attacks.

There's a lack of polish in the translation that can be best seen by how the stats call one stat "Tc" which you'd assume stands for "Technique", especially since it's the stat that buffs your Ki moves. So what does every item that interacts with this stat call it? "Skill". Use an item that raises a characters "skill" stat and watch their "Tc" raise. Weird.

The speed stat also felt horribly broken. It's pretty simple how it's supposed to work - order in battle goes by biggest speed number to smallest. The first turn almost always goes like that, but why then does every turn after seem to shit the bed? Why is my Krillin going first on turn 1, but then 2nd on turn 2? There were no stat changes or status moves between. Why is the enemy attacking before or after me seemingly RNG? Why does the enemy sometimes straight up miss a turn? It's like the speed stat in this game is more a suggestion than hard numbers.

The game doesn't take much advantage of being an RPG by adding side quests. There's only 2 in the whole game, and both are long grindy ones rather than small self-contained stories. The first one has you give one NPC 1000 carrots. To get a carrot you need to equip a specific field item and defeat enemies, turning them into carrots. When using this item you do not get money or any regular item drops. So essentially you need to defeat 1000 enemies while forgoing the ability to gain cash or items, and you need to waste an item slot on it. Not very fun.

The other side-quest is pretty great though. Use Tenshinhan's mafuba to capture all non-boss enemies in the game. Whether the move will work isn't guaranteed, but you can raise the chances by lowering enemy health and giving them status effects, or getting new field-items (each is just an upgraded rice cooker). Sounds familiar right? Catching things by weakening them, into containers that have various tiers? To drive this point home even more, there are exactly 150 enemies in the game to capture. It's a very creative side quest. Albeit a grindy one, and the game lacks any info in-battle to say if you've already successfully used the technique on that specific enemy.

The games movement speed was a bit low, but it annoys me more because it has 2 different levels of unlockable speeds. Both are field items, meaning you have to use your slot on them if you wanna go faster than a snails pace. The first is gotten mid-way through the game (in a missable, albeit not easily, chest) and the second is the final reward for that capturing every enemy in the game mission. So yeah you'll likely have almost finished the game by the time you can get it.

Being slow is one thing, but I hate when a game offers what should be a run button as a damn unlockable.

The game has a secret boss, and it's no secret anymore that it's Broly. I guess fitting for the title, but surely Turles would fit both the title AND era? I'm not surprised at all they went with the more popular of the two though.

One other thing I wanna talk about is how in a couple of the chapters where Goku is in otherworld, Kaio sends him on a quest to a game-specific location (I think so anyway, maybe it was from a filler ep). For some reason in these 2 visits to this location, Goku is joined by a fully AI controlled Bubbles and Gregory. This assist party member thing NEVER happens outside of these chapters! Why are freaking Bubbles and Gregory implemented in this way but actual fighters like Chaozu and Yajirobe never get to see the battle screen? Lmao. It's not like it's a case of wanting to make sure Goku wasn't alone in his fights, because many chapters have characters fighting solo, including other chapters with Goku in Other World (like the Princess Snake segment). They're not even that helpful. They're mildly decent the first time, more as damage sponges than anything. But the second time they don't get any stronger despite the fact the enemies do, so their best use is to take a hit or two before they "run away" for that battle. I'd rather have just played Goku alone than have to sit through their animations every turn.

I feel like I've mostly complained about this game despite giving it 4 stars! But that's because it's only really the more minor complaints that are easy to hone in on. I can only really say that I loved playing the game in so many ways. I loved going through all these Dragon Ball locales with gorgeously designed backgrounds. The graphics truly can't be faulted. I liked the additional story stuff, I liked the music and little easter eggs. It's fun to fight well-known characters in a different way than the usual methods for Dragon Ball (fighting games or beat-em-ups).

It's an RPG for Dragon Ball fans, and the love of the franchise kinda just makes the game work in a way it would probably fail as a unique IP.

By allowing free character building and adding an engagingly rewarding real-time action element to its challenging turn-based combat, it creates a intriguing mix of strategy and reflexes, but a small variety of abilities, dull level design and an annoyingly high random enemy encounter rate make the experience significantly tedious. It retells the most entertaining and compelling part of Dragon Ball's story, but significant changes end up spoiling some of the tension and emotional impact of the original story.

Capolavoro incompreso per essere un gdr di Dragon Ball

An excellent game made by Monolith Soft, and the sole Dragon Ball RPG that's localized from what I can tell.

Attack of the Mid
This game was alright, story was kind of cool because you could go back and visit lore and characters/locations from the original Dragon Ball series but IN DBZ which is pretty rare for a DBZ game. However, the fact that the majority of the bosses in this game were easy as fuck and generic robots was kinda cringe. Also kinda cringe that the battle system was basic as fuck and all you did was spam the same few abilities for dmg output. There's no healers in this game, there's no buff/debuff strats, its just spam the shit out of supers and prayge. Game is slightly better than mid 6/10