Reviews from

in the past

Played the fan translated PS2 version. What a game!! One of my fav RPGs of that era, very cozy.

ensina mais sobre simplicidade que a marie kondo

This game rules. The narrative in this game is very well crafted, each generation feeling significant and well paced, resulting in one of the strongest casts in the series so far. The monster-catching mechanic is very well done, promising great potential for replayability. The game's rather pedestrian difficulty also means that you don't feel you need to spend too long grinding for monsters, or even for gold/levels.

Un remake increíble de uno de los mejores JRPG's de la historia.

JRPG fantastiques probablement un incontournable
La trame scénaristique dégage une candeur très touchante en phase avec tout les autres aspect du jeu (ambiance, design...).
À cela on ajoute un soupçon de maturité consciente sous-jacente et obtient un mixte parfait pour enfant et adulte, c'est impressionnant.
Les adultes vont probablement y trouver une nostalgie même si ils n'ont jamais fait le jeu car la DA édulcorée comm celle-ci est très marquante de l'époque.
Et les enfants vont y trouver un amusement constant.
Les deux seront frappé par le message très bien ficelé dans le scénario avec une très belle morale.
En somme des thématiques qui parle à tout le monde qui sont celle de l'héritage et du sacrifice.
Tout le reste j'ai rien à redire c'est impeccable.
La Da et les charadesign très jolie
Le gameplay je ne sais pas trop étant le seul dragon quest que j'ai fait, c'est du tour par tour classique mais jamais agaçant donc rien à redire. Le système de recrutement rend la chose très attirante presque addictive.
L'ambiance tout comme le reste collé parfaitement à la thématique
La musique aussi
En fait c'est simple on à l'impression que ce jeux a été fait par un seul et même cerveau, tout s'assemble parfaitement, rien ne fait défauts.

This game is prescribed to too many things great and good. Yes, it's a pretty good Japanese RPG, quite significant considering it even partially influenced the formation of Pokemon. The story is indeed interesting to follow almost the entire time, but by the very end it disappoints with an overly mundane ending. When it comes to the DS version specifically, it's no different from IV or V, but it's got the best dungeons of the trilogy and the best story. But this game doesn't deserve as much praise while still being one of the best parts of Dragon Quest. However, it is recommended for any fan of the genre

Goes really hard until you get into a battle and remember this game has Dragon Quest combat

One of the best main-line DQ games

Very hard choice between this and IX for my favorite DQ. Nera appreciators rise up.

emulator/R4 card goin bunk interrupted my progress on this one. it's very good, for the first few hours! i want to see how the rest holds up!

Best DS JRPG and probably also my favorite Dragon Quest entry.

This is one of those games that I love too much to really look at objectively, so I'll only say two things. First, I replayed this on Android and the port was surprisingly well done. It's basically the DS version, but it looks, sounds, and plays incredibly well for a mobile game. Second, I decided to go with a girl other than Bianca for this playthrough and since Nera is boring, I married Debora. It hurt a bit not choosing Bianca, but I'm really glad I went with Debora since her brand of unabashed narcissism is just really fucking funny. If you've played through the game before and went with one of the original girls, I highly recommend doing a Debora run. Her writing is just so different from the norm in Dragon Quest that it makes her stand out more than a character like her would in other games.

Porque el prota es Gohan peruano

this game made me realize how much i love the color purple

It's rare to see a JRPG focus on family as its central theme as your player character goes through childhood, comes of age, and then adulthood. It's a very sweet game and I adored it so.

I recommend this to anyone who enjoys JRPG's, because this one really went beyond my expectations.
overall, sick ass game, 4.5/5

"He tries to picture his dad's face by looking at his own reflection."

After finishing my 2nd playthrough of DQV there's no way it'll ever leave my top 5 games. This is the perfect Dragon Quest game because of the way it encapsulates exactly what the series is all about: bigass adventures, heartfelt stories, and funny characters. It's such an emotional journey the entire way through it's really hard not to resonate with the story. I was getting choked up AGAIN during this playthrough which I guess goes to show how good the story beats are much of a pussy I am. It's a struggle at some points seeing the most punished fucking protagonist of all time just have to keep going through it. This playthrough didn't take me very long either clocking in at about ~25 hours with very little grinding. I'd easily recommend this game to anyone interested in a 2D Dragon Quest game because it does more than just hold up today.

"You'll always be my lackey... Ha ha ha! No, you'll always be my dear friend."

This is the first DQ i've finished, but i see it probably was a big improvement in the series, especially in terms of story and narrative. It still utilizes cliches, like the bad guys still being generic bad guys and that's it, but it still twists some of these cliches, and this got one of the best mute main characters i've ever seen in a JRPG, alongside Lucas from Mother 3 and Tatsuya from Persona 2 IS, and this is very different for such an old game in the genre. It's so satisfying seeing him and his family growing up, and the way the gameplay also utilizes the story is one of these things i like a lot about this kind of JRPGs. I must also mention the scene after the ending of act 2, it's one of my favorite scenes from any game, but there's a lot of moments where the narrative shines, and different from a lot of games in the genre that i finished, this one didn't take so long to get me hooked. Worldbuilding is also very well done, the world feels so alive thanks to the chats with NPCs, party talking also gives great interaction, especially in the third and also last act.

The gameplay core is still simple, but it doesn't take so long to feel better than 4. There's some cool things like you're being able to right after the start buying a boomerang, which makes you able to hit all enemies, saving a lot of time(Capcom also copied this without any shame in Breath of Fire 1 lmao), it doesn't take so long to have a magic caster, and well, this game is based as fuck because Pokémon also copied the monsters mechanic. Just as i feel about Pokémon, i think it works better if you use a guide to see which monsters are worth it and where to catch them, but this is something i don't mind using a guide, in fact, i find it to be nice. My mains for for the first and second acts were the Rotten Apple, whom i've named Tomate, because he still looks like a tomato and this reminds me of a gospel cartoon in Brazil, and the cat whom i've not give a name, but after getting the Orc King, whom i've called Big, and the Golem, whom i've called Kanye.W(for no specific reason), they became my absolute mains, especially Kanye West, he was the one who's landed the last hit on the final boss. But anyway, this mechanic gives different ways in playing the game, even if some monsters are absolutely better than others, and it's also great how the children in the last part of the game grow to be so strong. You also got plenty of optional stuff to find/do, and you're well rewarded with this. Some dungeons are also very cool, some have simple and good gimmicks, like the carts one, there's only one or two i really disliked.

As for aspects i don't liked, are most of the issues i have with this kind of game. In a lot of moments is cryptic saying where you should go, the random encounter rate is very high, and i felt it was higher than on DQ IV on DS, don't know why they did it. At least this is not as grindy as the fourth game became in chapter 5, but it would be better if the difficulty fitted well with a lower encounter rate, because i wouldn't have too much patience to play this without a fast forward. But Jesus, the menus still look like a very old game, but that's not my main issue, the main problem i have with them is how the game is such a slug to even use a healing erb. even with fast forward they not as fast to use like, let me guess, the potions or ethers on Final Fantasy IV-VI. Buying them is also very slow. I also really don't know why the game must only save in churchs and lacks the final fantasy tents, otherwise it would flow much better, must be kinda complicated playing this without an emulator. But even if the menus are ugly, the art direction is really pretty, there's some beautiful sceneries, and the 3D is very well done for a DS game, especially in monsters animations, it was obviously improved compared to IV. Soundtrack was also very improved, there's some memorable themes.

Overral it was a nice experience, even with the issues, this is one of the coolest stories i've seen in a JRPG, and even if the encounter rate makes the game slower, it was fun as fuck beat a devil king with a golem named Kanye West and Super Sayajin kids. I hope the following games are at least as good as this, or better.

Also, this is Fire Emblem 4 if Sigurd had a good ending

se me corrompió el save a media partida y me da pereza volver a donde estaba pero peak dragon quest lo que pasa que no puedo darle 5 estrellas a ningún dragon quest que no tenga el menú de personalización del 9

Playing this on a DS emulator makes it a bit hard to pick up but other than that its pretty fun.

So peak you'll forgive the main villain faction being named Zugzwang

Went into this game with high expectations, since it's many people's favorite DQ game; it's really good, but I found it a bit overrated, some parts feel really slow and sluggish, but I don't want to downplay the game, because it's amazing; just not as perfect as people make it out to be.

Beautiful story with an even more beautiful soundtrack. Amazing sprite work as well. My favorite Dragon Quest game and quite possibly my favorite JRPG of all time, I simply adore it.

If you didn't choose Debora you're a coward

Um dragon quest que mexe muito com teu emocional e que quebra o padrao da franquia no sentido narrativo, grinding viciante e me fez apaixonar pela franquia

I played this on the advice of a podcaster who claimed that this is what everyone would talk about instead of Chrono Trigger, if it had ever made its way into the English world. Well, I sure don't think so. This game is more "consistently not bad" than I'd say it's "good".

El juego de mi infancia, posiblemente de lo mejor que me jugué nunca.

dragon ball if it was good

the pinnacle of the dragon quest franchise, and one of the best jrpgs of all time.