Reviews from

in the past

I'm not going to say this game is amazing because it's not, but it's really comfortable and from what I understand, that's what Dragon Quest games are all about. Compelling story, good mechanics, and most crucially, incredibly good on-boarding. I find that a lot of RPGs have a real problem with that, but this game gets it right and is never overwhelming or boring. Highly recommended.

Very charming game. Party Chat was the best part of the game and the story was so cool too.

the way this storys told is way too impressive for a 1992 super famicom game. like DAMN compared to the older dragon quests this game blows them all out of the water in terms of storytelling. i prefer dq3s gameplay overall and the ost was ok but credits where credits due this game surprised me

Dragon Quest V: Hand of The Heavenly Bride for Super Famicom, Playstation 2, and The Nintendo DS, is probably the greatest RPG of All Time

Slight update: You can read my (unfortunately negative) thoughts on Dragon Quest combat here

This game's difficulty curve seemed very unforgiving to me, and I realized it was because of how much I liked to experiment. I loved recruiting all the different creatures into my party and swapped them in and out wanting to try them all, inadvertently ending up underleveled in the process. This is perhaps the grindiest game in the series due to there being such a huge cast if you recruit plenty of monsters, and then having to grind exp and equipment for all of them.

Having said that, what kept me playing was the story - perhaps one of the most effective in any RPG for its simplicity. Other RPGs have complex themes, some of which they handle extremely well (see exhibit A: FFIX and dealing with mortality, and exhibit B: Xenogears and... whatever the heck its themes are). DQV succeeds because its theme is so simple that it can hardly be called a theme; it's just the story of a kid who grows up, trying to do the most good he can in his tragic life. The amount of emotion and wham-moments this game was able to communicate in its 16-bit medium really is quite something.

Foundational, emotionally stirring, and still unique to this day. One of the best JRPGs ever made and a shoe-in for one of the top 10 or 20 games you must play before you die. Seriously.

Escaped slavery after 10 years only to become a slave to Debora

Can't go wrong with Dragon Quest

go play it stop looking at a fucking review

If you only play one DQ game it better be this one

i don't remember playing this game but goat

I started this game in anticipation for XI.
I turned it on Thursday of a late morning.
I proceeded to see credits on Sunday.
Please play Dragon Quest V.

Good game, but overhyped in my opinion. it didn't reach my high expectations. There's a choice you make in a game that's kinda neat, but it turns out not to be as consequential as it seems. Not a lot of moments from this game really stood out to me.

The gameplay isn't the best by any means, it especially gets kinda just tiring near the end, but everything else is masterfully done. The story is downright artful along with it's accompanying soundtrack

boring as shit grindfest. has some cool ideas but they're overshadowed by how tedious the gameplay is

Fantastic, one of the all-time JRPGs, tough but not cruel, and above all, joyous. Special shoutout to Square Enix for adding Debora in the remakes so that gay men with low self-esteem (read: me) would have someone to marry.

Dragon Quest V começou bem interessante, como uma história relativamente envolvente e com certo toque emocional.

Mesmo detestando combate em primeira pessoa, especialmente em turnos, consegui me acostumar e avançar bastante no jogo, indo quase até o final.

Perto do final, o escopo se abriu de uma forma que senti pouca motivação de prosseguir, um mal que assola diversos RPGs que vão escalonando pra níveis épicos e nem sempre consegue me manter engajado.

Talvez eu retorne algum dia pra finalizar, mas não me sinto tão a fim de fazê-lo.

Kino game, killing lots of metal slimes for the sake of get one was totally worth it.

y'all know i love the dragon quest. i stopped playing it to play dragon quest XI because legs bought me it and i was a little fatigued of it. i'm in the third act and i will return one day.... when i am older

best game ever omg literally no flaws

My favorite dragon quest game

É de conhecimento comum que Akira Toriyama é o designer de personagens da série Dragon Quest, mas eu diria que o V é o primeiro que vai além do visual e mais se aproxima do espírito e modelo dos shonens popularizados pelo mangaká em Dragon Ball. Seguir toda a trajetória de vida do herói, incluindo nascimento, casamento e paternidade, é uma jornada e tanto, com vários momentos épicos e marcantes no decorrer dela. Essa narrativa se encaixa perfeitamente com o gênero de RPG, diga-se de passagem: a medida que seu personagem amadurece biologicamente, ele também progride mecanicamente, ganhando níveis e habilidades.

Falando em mecânicas, não posso deixar de notar como a série tem se provado para mim muito mais inovadora do que eu pensava. Cada jogo lança por terra meu antigo preconceito de que Dragon Quest era um RPG tradicional e básico. Cada jogo tenta fazer algo diferente e tem sua própria identidade, com o V sendo o mais interessante até o momento, pela sua narrativa geracional e mecânicas de captura de monstros (anos antes de Pokémon popularizar o conceito).

Meu maior "porém" em relação a DQV fica para o ato final, que é bem arrastado. Uma falha que me parece bem proeminente na série, pelo visto.

Dragon Quest 5 did something I really don’t see RPGs do, and yet it still was the same game from the same series I grew to love. Aside from a few hand selected problems, DQ5 charmed me with its life growing story, interesting characters, and inspiring monster/ally system.

Kind of unprecedented for its time, and remarkably compelling