Reviews from

in the past

merece 4 estrelas, paguei merreca e me surpreendi.

A dungeon crawler with some managerial aspects, kind of survival but not quite.
Honestly, I understand why some people might like it, but it's not my style of game; still, the artstyle is fun, the UI looks good and the BGM is nice.

Eu entendi foi nada doq é pra fazer nesse jogo.

Recebi o jogo de graça, mas não funcionou bem comigo. Não sei se entendi muito bem como funciona, mas de qualquer forma não me prendeu ao ponto de eu querer aprender.

The premise has you crash land on an alien planet. The survivors have to fight their way up 12 floors to the surface against increasing numbers of alien hordes held back by only your heroes and tower defences.

The simple idea ends up being a nightmare of random factors which can lead to your demise as you make the journey. Which heroes you encounter, if you can afford them, the level layout, resources, power available, equipment. All of this affects how far you'll get and how likely you are to die trying.

There is a technical side to the game which lets you carefully generate resources, distribute power, block monster spawns, and tactically make use of abilities - but you'll have to master all of that to even stand a chance.

I've been playing this game since 2014, I have 184 hours at the time of writing and have never beaten it, but I keep coming back for more.

A worthy multiplayer indie experience and considering that I rate most them low says something about this game.

Von den Bildern hatte ich irgendwie nicht erwartet, dass das Spiel mehr ein Management-Spiel ist, was aber für jetzt kein Problem war.
Dungeon of the Endless ist ein Tower Defense Game, bei dem man versucht seine Helden Ebene für Ebene aus den Tiefen des Dungeons zu bringen. Dafür muss man auf jeder Ebene den Ausgang finden und dann einen Energiekristall zu diesem tragen, um die nächste Ebene zu erreichen.
Das Spiel hat dabei einen rundenbasierten Aspekt, da jedes Mal, nachdem man eine Tür zu einem neuen Raum öffnet, ein neuer Zug vergeht.
Besonders interessant fand ich dabei, wie man die verschiedenen Ressourcen, sowie die Struktur des Dungeons, nutzen muss, um möglichst sicher und gestärkt durch die Ebene zu kommen.
Auch gefällt mir auch die Abwechslung der verschiedenen Gegner, auch wenn es schwer wird diese gegen Ende noch auseinander zu halten.
Es wäre auch schön, wenn ein erfolgreicher Spieldurchlauf nicht so viel Zeit bräuchte.

this game is fuckin impeccable and theres nothing like it i feel. its an amalgum of an RTS, a tower defense, and a management sim and it handles those three great. i think ive beaten it on Normal like twice

Fun with friends, less so alone.

Wait, like, Endless Space, Endless? Uh... okay, sure yeah I dig it.

Cooler Ansatz, aber nicht perfekt umgesetzt.
Die Version auf der PS4 ist aufgrund von Lags unspielbar.
Und die Level dauern ein wenig zu lange um dann vorbei zu sein. Das führt zu dem ständigen:" Es ist zwar Towerdefence, aber Ressourcen werden mitgenommen, Türme nicht.. also lieber keine Türme."

Superb mashup of tower defence, dungeon crawling roguelike, and party based RPG. Dungeon is a game with exceptional strategic depth, engaging risk vs. reward systems, satisfying mechanics and a stellar atmosphere

Whether played solo with a tactical pause or multiplayer in a more frantic real time strategy mode, Dungeon scratches the itch for fans of tricky tactical strategy games

Disappointing game. It has a lot of unique elements and does a lot of things right. Unfortunately, the emphasis on RNG and difficulty completely ruins this game for me.

The first few floors are quite enjoyable and have good difficulty scaling, but once you get to the latter half of the floors, it seems like you need to rely on getting a quick path towards the exit. On a lot of the floors I was able to get past, I spent most of my time staring at the health of my heroes just to make sure they didn't get melted by the swarm of enemies each time you opened a door. 

Maybe I had a few bad runs, but in my four hours of playtime, it was fun for the first hour, and after that, it was all downhill. The game also suffers from a really bad progression system; most rogue-likes get easier with each run, but with Dungeon of the Endless, you only unlock heroes, which in my experience doesn't make much of a difference. 

Dungeon of the Endless could've been great with a progression system that made it easier with each run and easier difficulty settings. I might revisit this in the future, but for now, I don't have any intention of trying to finish it. 

definitely not the easiest game and the fact that each playthrough is like 3+ hours is rough but its still a good amount of fun!!

VERY tough to win the first time, but once you win once the rest of it is cake

takes a lot to make me like a hard game (took about 20 tries to beat it once)

A unique experience that's worth a few runs

Para min foi uma grande surpresa, de inicio foi apenas mais um jogo pego de graça para pegar na biblioteca , mas resolvi testa-lo quando vi que tinha tag de tower defense, no começo eu tinha estranhado um pouco e não tinha me acostumado muito, mas resolvi continuar dando uma chance e valeu apena, um jogo que consegue te prender muito bem na sua run, apesar de dizer que sua dificuldade é easy ou to easy, ele tem certa dificuldade que tu vai aprimorando depois de algumas run, fazendo uma estratégia própria e quando consegue alcança o final é muito satisfatório.

very fun mix of roguelike and tower defense mechanics

Excellent game I have not fully fleshed out but had a really good time with.

Интересный коопный рогалик. Очень много тактики.

Amplitude Studios' Endless series of 4X games, to me, have always been characterized by visually striking, high concept civilizations and incredibly evocative lore writing. Big picture world building has always been the series' strength, but I've always found the smaller details and character writing to be just a bit lacking. This is, of course, completely fine in a 4X game, where you're managing entire armies and building massive superstructures. But in a more intimate setting like a dungeon crawler, where individuals are the focus, I couldn't help but want a bit more out of the heroes' colorful personalities. While the between-level elevator conversations are fantastic and give a tiny glimpse into who these people actually are, the more interesting ones are unfortunately relatively sparse as unique dialogues aren't even guaranteed to happen unless you happen to have a specific combination of characters. Even then there's only so many elevator rides before a run's over.

I understand if the focus is on the gameplay, but to be honest, while the series' games do fulfill a niche of providing fun, unique spins on 4X archetypes, they never quite reach the same level of depth and replayability that classics in the genre, such as the Civilization games, are known for. I find the same problem to be true for this particular foray into the tower defense/dungeon crawler genres. And while there's definitely a lot of polish and some pretty interesting interpretations of the mainline games' 4X mechanics, for some reason I just never found Dungeon of the Endless to be as addictive as the many other roguelike dungeon crawlers on the market. A lot of cool ideas here though, so hopefully they'll improve upon them in Endless Dungeon, the slightly confusingly-named spiritual sequel.

This is a game that I want to love so badly. The art is fantastic, I love the atmosphere and feel of the world. I enjoy the FTL x tower defense style gameplay. But it feels like there's just something off about this game. I don't know if there's just something fundamental that I'm missing about this game, but it feels like they overload you with a lot of strategic options, while most of them are not viable for winning. Even trying to look at guides for this game, it seems like there's one correct way to play to win, and anything else will lose. Again, I could just be missing something here, but to me, this game comes very close to being amazing, but just doesn't quite hit the mark.

The single most underrated soundtrack in any game I’ve ever played. The game itself is pretty good too.

I hated playing this alone, and I had a decent time playing it with friends. It's not my style of strategic thinking. I'm really looking forward to the "remake" that seems to be slightly more action-focused. But I would totally play this again if my friends asked me to hop in.

Easily my favorite hidden gem among roguelikes. Excited for Endless Dungeon in the future!