Reviews from

in the past

loved it tbh, but very grindy and there's a lot of inconsistency in quality if i'm being objective. definitely my favourite FRPG

boring and ugly to look at. couldn't get passed the tutorial without the game felling like a chore

Got stuck on some tentacle boss; didn't have the motivation to continue from there

começou edgy das ideia, tem um combate meio obtuso e é bem feio, eu hypei pelo trailer para um storytelling engajante mas o prólogo é deveras ruim, não digo que o produto é ruim como todo pq simplesmente não joguei muto, mas se eu voltar não vai ser pq ele tá saindo do GamePass

This is the worst game I ever played. And I really mean it. I forced myself through the game even with all its bugs just to criticize it with authority.

No one should ever play this excuse of a game. The developers should focus on a small scale project instead of trying to recreate the structure of a high-end JRPG.

Combat is mind-numbing and the rest isn't good enough to make up for it

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for March 2023, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before April 4th, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

It is an Indie Final Fantasy which sounds strange.

Edge of Eternity is made by Midgar Studios, it was kickstarted in 2015, put into Early Access in 2018, and fully released in 2021, with continued post-release support up until the end of 2022, so far. This is done by a team that lists only 13 developers in the credits and this game is supposed to have 50 hours of gameplay. This is essentially a major title, done by a tiny team that tried to aim for the lofty goal of something like Final Fantasy.

For the size of the team, this is a massive accomplishment. This is a huge undertaking, and it seems like they delivered an enormous game. The combat feels interesting and there are a lot of different systems in the game. The world has a great feeling you can explore it for quite a bit. The story feels epically large at times, and it’s pretty obvious there’s going to be a lot to unpack.

But that’s also a problem. The opening has been modified from the original release, and it can be a little inconsistent at times, like the party feeling bad about one person who dies in a cutscene and ignoring the next character who dies in a battle. The initial release had a cutscene of their reactions, which was probably cut for pacing but it’s so jarring and calous. This is a game that took 7 years to fully realize and there’s varying quality over that time, but that’s to be expected.

Pick this up if you want a JRPG, especially if you want to see one from a smaller studio. When the writing grabs you this has an interesting premise, but you also will hear odd lines at times. Combat is going to be the star here, and the world feels like a place I want to explore.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Solamente jugué la historia principal, no le di mucha importancia a lo demás. No me gusto.

I try not to be so hard on low budget games, but this really just doesn't have anything in it to make it worth playing all the way through. It's a real slog, and could have used a LOT more time in the oven to polish it up. I look forward to seeing what games they make next, I just don't think this was a very good release.

Gave it 8 hours. It's... not good. The worldbuilding is a mess. The characters are a mess. The combat is interesting, combining a hex grid with ATB. But without abilities that push, pull, or otherwise manipulate positions and having only 2 characters for the first 8 hours with no new character in sight all the potential is wasted.

Technically amateurish RPG that offers few reasons to get invested early on.
+ comprehensive options menu
+ unusual story premise about two siblings setting out to save their mother
- interesting but poorly executed turn-based grid combat (at least in the beginning)
- generic-looking and inefficient UI
- large open maps without a sense of identity
- inconsistent visual style with overwhelmingly hideous assets

Game started good but then it got bad because its combat design for a team of 4 but you spend like 75% of the game with MC and his sister. The last two chapters totally carry once you got 4 players and the game becomes amazing. In short 70% of the game boring and annoying. Other 30% is goty contender lol

This thing was very, very cringe. Most assets felt like placeholder, and I don't want to kick down at a smaller studio, but I just can't believe that they were willing to put this out. It feels so amateurish and juvenile. This is the kind of game that normal people think of when you mention JRPGs.

I could give this game a shot if I could stand those horrible animations and performance issues.

JRPG Fans können es sich gerne mal angucken, anderen würde ich es eher nicht empfehlen.
Streckt sich zum Ende hin leider sehr.

Battles are too boring and repetitive. Progression system is very mediocre at best. Story maybe interesting for some, but not for me. But given that the developers aren't that experienced, some of the flaws could be overlooked.

Loved the story characters and especially the world.
However i dont think the combat was a good match for this game. I ended up just opening the console and doing the "killthem" command to just skip all the battles and enjoy the story and running around the beautiful world. Im blown away by the fact that the world was made by essentially one environment artist its insane and really inspirational.
Although the game ended fairly abruptly it did set up a bunch of stuff for a potential sequel.
If another game is in the works i truly hope the team changes the combat for the next one and potentially expands their team .

This game has a bunch of problems and their presence at the front and center of the experience will be difficult for a lot of people to look past.

Long loading times, constant graphical glitches, annoying crashes that are difficult to move past and a very, very undercooked story.

But this game really enchanted me. I might be biased because I also loved Infinite Undiscovery, a game with a similar score on Backloggd.

The game is janky, so so so janky, but somewhere in there is soul, at least I think so. The world design is so beautiful and interesting in nearly every outside (and most inside) areas.

It wasn't a huge surprise to find out the soundtrack is composed by Yasunori Mitsuda of Chrono Trigger fame, as I had been humming the battle tune whilst not playing the game for days.

The combat "feels" sort of nice, a hex grid with ATB system. But you don't get a full party until quite deep into the game and the battles end up taking way way way too long. (I would recommend turning the difficulty ALL the way down and just skipping as many fights as possible)

The game isn't written well, but it also is at the same time, the characters.. feel very well thought out? They are very JRPG-ish but as I said, it's undercooked - like the most beautiful spaghetti sauce you ever had, but the spaghetti is far from al dente.

Pretty good characters, world, music, I enjoyed the vibe. It's indescribable to me, but if you can look past jank, or even better; enjoy it - then this might be the JRPG for you.

Massive props to Midgar Studio for punching way above their weight with this one, with such a small team it is crazy what they managed to pull off

Ysoris was my fave and every line of his had me smiling.

4 stars because I absolutely love janky JRPGs with a lot of love between the cracks

Edge of Eternity is very much one of those games where the ambition clearly outstrips the budget and skills that the developers have. Its clearly a big ol JRPG love letter and its Xbox360-era style, its battle system and its entire lore-building is proof of that. It is a very likable game, dont get me wrong.

The problem is just its trying to do far too much on top of the basic JRPG mechanics which it should have focused on. Theres a crystal system thats supposed to help with customisation of skills and stats but its too underdeveloped and feels grindy. Theres a crafting mechanic but the core materials are just absolutely everywhere and the crafting benches are so few and far between that it becomes a chore to deal with.

Theres random puzzles littered around where you use the turn based mechanics to open/shut doors... But its all so slow and ploddy that it comes off as a waste of time. Theres a monster hunting mechanic but the quests here come off as either MMO style 'Kill 15 basics' or 'Kill random hard to find enemy and no we wont tell you where to look'. Its again, a chore.

This lack of detail unfortunately hits the main game too. The battle system is workable enough and has hits moments but theres too many moments where the game either plays dead and doesnt give any challenge, or moments where the game pulls the rug out from under you because you didnt quite have the right setup of crystals to give you good abilities.

The locations you'll run around are all massive, expansive and empty. Theres so much nothing that it feels like... again... a chore to run from place to place. Having barely any transport options and a lore-breaking teleport/save system doesnt help. Also while the story is... fine... having it mostly be fronted by the same two characters isnt helpful. You do eventually get more and when that happens, things feel more fun... but until then... its... guess what? A chore.

It all just leads to a game that has so many different things thrown at it but none of them are worked enough to the point where any feel fun to play and thats the biggest problem. If the game had focused on its core battle mechanics, on its locations and its characters, we'd have a much better game. Instead we have a game that wants to be too much all at once and therefore doesnt come close to accomplishing any of it.

Mehdge of Eternity, clunky gameplay, mechanics, story, a below par in every scenario.