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in the past

Great pixel survival horror game with a fun little story

Completed on Steam Deck
This game stands out pretty well despite being an amalgamation of very common things. It's basically like if one of those RPG Maker horror games was instead made in game maker and features proper combat. I was instantly sold on it from its trailer which is incredibly rare for me while scrolling through steam.

The atmosphere and graphics are very well done, guns all feel good to shoot, tied together with classic Resident Evil game design and puzzles. Great soundtrack and some rad boss fights too. Really cool to see survival horror and RPGMaker horror get mixed. The story and characters are likely not gonna really resonate super hard with most people but they're serviceable. The auto-aim can be a bit finnicky so I usually just kept it off most of the time.

Fell off a tad near the end as the lack of map coupled with how many rooms are in pretty samey hallways got a bit tiring. A lot of I know exactly what I need to use this item on, I saw the object like 10 times already, but I'm about to check 15 other rooms somehow twice each before I find the one I'm looking for I almost wonder if a map was omitted as an intentional form of padding. A map with even vaguely helpful info would have easily cut at LEAST an hour off my 4 1/2 hour run if not more. Hard to say if your mileage may vary on that, I could just be especially bad at keeping a mental image of location layouts.

Otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed it. I kind of wish they leaned a bit more into creepy enemy designs. The atmosphere is really good and I think more enemies with unsettling sounds could have gone a long way. But a majority of the enemy roster is wierdly out of place and/or not even trying to be scary. Would have liked more creepy ghost girls with knives and less goofy treasure chests hopping around the room. Either way there's good enemy variety and all your weapons feel useful. Definitely feels worth it to thoroughly explore for more health and ammo too. Managed to get through my first playthrough without dying, glad I went through the effort to conserve ammo early on.

Dunno, nothing too crazy but I just think it feels really good to play, and despite the omission of a map it pulls off the RE formula really well.

Evil Tonight is fun, challenging, short and beautiful to look at. The characters, however, are wholly unlikable, incredibly cringe. MC is constantly referring to herself as some dazzling star studded gorgeous beauty, trying to portray this big sister archetype that falls on it's face. It's not endearing, it's just weird. Enemy balancing in this game feels all over the place as well, one of the earlier introduced enemies took over FOUR shotgun blasts to kill. That's ridiculous, and a good segue to enemy placement, which at the end of the game is very annoying. It was a good time for the time I spent with it, but there's really nothing there to make me want more.

im scared by a 2d game haha.

i didnt finish the game because of low HD and lack of ammos (poor resource management). Should have played in easy mode

With this, I've completed the full gameography of DYA Games, probably the only studio I can say that with confidence for and I really appreciated watching them grow. Evil Tonight especially feels like the culmination of a lot of ideas present in Bot Vice, Strikey Sisters and Vivette, combining the action and horror to make a fun piecemeal experience.

Indiewesterntrash del bueno, si sos fan de Resident Evil te va a gustar. La música está buena, en Game play puede mejorar, lo que no me gusta es la poca posibilidad de salir de una instancia. Si grabaste en un jefe no podés salir a farmear o a juntar munición. Por esto último le bajo un punto.

I pretty much echo most of the reviews on here. A map would have been nice, enemies can be damage spongey, and the auto aim is a little awkward. Other than that it feels like a good old survival horror game of yesteryear, besides the visuals. Using your weapons felt satisfying and the stamina meter was a neat addition. I was complete shit at this game so I walked into the final boss room with my health nearly at zero and only two healing items.

Would have given it a higher score with an in-game map function. Spent over an hour in total lost trying to backtrack.

Recommend making a map of your own as you go. You won't regret it.

good game, but the difficulty could be more balanced.

Kalem kağıtla oynasanız iyi olur çünkü harita yok.

A top-down horror game where you play an exorcist. I had a lot of fun with this, but there are definitely areas that it could be better. Would totally play a sequel.

Dude, you got Resident Evil all in my 2D SNES game!

As far as old school survival horror goes this game was not what I was expecting, but was pretty fun once you get the hang of the unique way of fighting enemies. As far as the horror goes, it was mainly in the environments and some of the enemy designs. On the other hand, with the beautiful cover art this game displays it really feels like you are playing through an episode of a 90s style anime of a girl that exorcises ghosts while exploring different places and solving cases every episode also including how she always is cracking jokes and talking about how much of a goddess she sees herself as. I made the crucial mistake of not expecting such a jump in difficulty close towards the end and if you do not conserve ammo and health items you will get screwed. I went from having 2 deaths to 30 by the end of the game and was fortunate to beat the game by examining every piece of furniture in every room where you can sometimes find some ammo and health by doing so. Still overall it is a pretty nice game to play and I feel we do not get many like this besides the rpgmaker horror game scene, but this truly felt like a SNES classic. The lack of a map kinda stinks, but you will be okay without one as the map is not gigantic or anything.

A tragic story revolving the ghost that haunts an art academy turned out to be really sweet and cute in its own way. Although that little kid Pepe that called people weirdos for eating mint chocolate chip ice cream was a bit uncalled for..

the aesthetic was really well done, the pixel art looked great and the music and ambience fit the game well. a lot of the individual rooms had indelible interiors with unique layouts, but the mansion itself felt very monotonous, which makes it tedious when youre asked to constantly backtrack 😒 it felt like i spent most of my playtime trying to find areas ive already been to before. and the lack of a map really exasperates this

A true hidden gem. Great 2d resident evil like with an interesting story.
DYA games deserves much recognition

It's a relatively lighthearted survival horror game that's intentionally very reminiscent of the classic Resident Evil titles. Pretty fun, but it never reaches the highs of the games it's inspired by.

I really wanted to love this game, but its issues really stick in my craw. Combat's alright, with a cool dodge mechanic and satisfying weapons, but it's also kinda wonky, with an auto aim that often hinders you more than it helps. The only indication you've switched to manual aim only appears when you actually do it; an icon at the bottom of the screen when you draw your weapon really would have helped.

Enemies are spongey as a motherfucker, they tend to hide behind scenery which leads to a lot of cheap hits, and some are really questionably designed (near-invisible ghosts that have like 4 million HP, ladies that vomit bats with almost no limit). There's also the fact that I'm pretty certain this is the only survival horror game I've ever played that doesn't have a map, which is just baffling. I suppose the academy the game takes place in isn't that big, but there are still enough rooms to make things confusing at times, and a map would have eased that.

The story's okay, though the protagonist is utterly unlikable. The general presentation is pretty nice, I don't really have any complaints there, and the level design and puzzles are well done. It's a decent game overall, but its flaws are prevalent enough to where I'd only mildly recommend it to survival horror/JRPG fans.

Resident Evil but with incredible pixel art and very good music. A must play indie game

It's been a long time since I last played an RPG Maker horror game, so this was super nostalgic. Honestly I felt kinda... comforted playing Evil Tonight, as bizarre as that sounds. But after the novelty wore off I did feel a sense of dread while walking through the halls of San Paolo De Rosa.

A lot of the enemies are tough as shit, even moreso if you were playing day 1. Thankfully they did ease up and made enemies a bit easier to kill in a later patch, so if you're worried about difficulty, it's not tough as nails like it used to be, even in casual mode.

The main combat of the game is a little strange at first. You hold ZR to switch into "combat mode" and let go to enter exploration mode. Instead of getting the ability to manually aim, you always face towards the nearest enemy when pressing the button, but only in the four cardinal directions. That makes aiming pretty weird, but thankfully you have a knife always tied to B, so if an enemy comes at you from an unfavorable angle, you can swipe at 'em and reposition yourself. I didn't have an issue with the combat most of the time, but there were a few instances where it didn't work the way I wanted it to and I got screwed over. This wasn't a common thing, but definitely something worth mentioning.

There's a few challenges the hardcore fans can do to really extend the time spent playing, and boy lemme tell you, I am NOT doing those. "Beat the adventure without saving." NO. THANKS. Anyone who can do this though, hats off to you, shit sounds ludicrously difficult.

Exploring in Evil Tonight is kinda slow. You don't run particularly fast, and your walk speed is atrociously slow, so there's almost no reason to always hold the run button unless you get paranoid (like I did) and walk around with ZR held the whole time until you were absolutely sure there weren't any enemies to surprise you. Usually for completing a room, you find some sort of special object, like a key or an orb that lets you progress, but it doesn't tell you where you're supposed to use it, you just gotta remember or figure it out. I thankfully only got really stuck once, but was able to find out what I needed to do by combing through everywhere I had been before. Turns out I just needed to push a bookshelf in a room I had been in before. Oh yeah, there's also no map, which sounds really bad, but since the academy is relatively small and all the areas are visually distinct, I didn't have a huge issue remembering where all the rooms were off the top of my head, which I think is just good level design.

Speaking of the visuals, Evil Tonight feels like a particularly impressive GBA game to me. The pixel art is fantastic and all the areas are filled to the brim with life and detail... okay maybe not actual life, everything's pretty dead, but it certainly is active! Also the OST kicks ass, I was not expecting it to be this good, but it really is. ESPECIALLY the boss themes, my head was boppin' every time I entered a new fight.

The bosses you fight are all important to the story, which I was surprisingly invested in. It's certainly nothing groundbreaking, but I quite enjoyed it. I don't wanna get into spoilers, but the ending was very sweet. A complaint I can probably see people bring in up is the main character, Silvia. She starts the game pretty standoffish, self-centered, and is really only doing this for the money and the fame. However, she does learn her lesson (a little late by that point if you ask me) and becomes a better person for it. She's still full of herself by the end, but in kind of an endearing way. Also she likes mint chocolate ice cream, so she's cool in my book. The main draw isn't really Silvia though, I was way more intrigued by the mystery surrounding this academy, obviously I can't go into much detail without spoiling, but I think it pays off nicely.

Overall, Evil Tonight is a fun survival horror game that keeps you at the edge of your seat with every enemy you encounter... and every enemy you don't encounter.