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in the past

Uno de los FPS de terror / acción más divertidos que se pueden jugar. Sin mencionar que para la epoca los gráficos estaban a otro nivel, la IA de los enemigos fue revolucionaria y el gameplay con las armas se siente espectacular.

Un título que llego de la nada gracias a los GOATS de Monolith, y marcó toda una epoca de shooters.

My favorite FPS ever. The combat is just so good and I love the mixture of sci-fi and horror. The graphics have aged pretty well. The story isn't mind-blowing but it works to move you along.

This one is good, don't bother playing FEAR 2 or 3.

Ótimo jogo que provavelmente era melhor em sua época. F.E.A.R. acerta em vários aspectos e ainda que tenha envelhecido mal em alguns outros, é bem divertido quase 20 anos após ter sido lançado.

A IA do jogo é definitivamente seu ponto mais comentado e prestigiado, esse jogo é de 2005 e os inimigos podem: Dar comandos um pro outro baseado no que você esta fazendo, criar coberturas usando objetos do cenário (empurrando mesas e armários) atirar granadas atrás de você te obrigando a sair do seu cover, detectar sua lanterna, usar fogo de supressão pra trocar de cover e se esconder nas sombras pra se tornarem mais difíceis de se enxergar, fora isso os malditos estão sempre trocando de cover pra nunca te deixar confortável com seu posicionamento e pra te flanquear, eu diria que meu único e maior problema com os inimigos é a capacidade surreal de só ficarem cientes da sua presença sem nenhum motivo aparente (que tira o fator de estratégia) a mira impecável (combinado com o dano absurdo deles) e o tanto de vida que eles tem, se esse jogo tivesse um Remake, ele devia beber das fontes de Tactical Shooters, por que combinaria demais com ele.

Agora sobre os inimigos mesmo, é um saco enfrentar todos fora os soldados básicos, os blindados são OK até, mas os Drones e os Soldados-Aranhas-Camuflados são um completo cu de se enfrentar, não tem tática alguma contra eles, é só rezar que você tenha mais poder de fogo e vida sobrando pra matar eles antes que eles te matem, os malditos "ED-209" até são justos, mas demoram muito pra morrer se você não tiver uma arma realmente boa, além de atirarem foguetes. Apesar dos inimigos não serem muito divertidos de se combater, o combate é até que maneiro, sendo sua mecânica principal o "Slow-Mo" que é bem brega, mas bem divertido de se usar e ajuda muito contra inimigos que simplesmente não erram bala por nada, você também pode virar a mira pra esquerda e direita quando quiser atirar mas sem sair do cover (como em Rainbow Six e outros Tactical Shooters) os recursos são até que bem posicionados, tendo upgrades de vida e Slow Mo permanentes escondidos pelo mapa, mas as vezes o jogo te enche de vida e munição, e outras vezes não te da nada.

Os gráficos e as animações são toscas, mas eu meio que vejo o charme do jogo nisso, a trilha sonora é bem meh/ruim e não ajuda muito os momentos de terror ou sequer de ação, os personagens são ok em sua maior parte e o VA é bem feito (principalmente dos inimigos.)

Mas o brilho mesmo é a história do jogo que é realmente muito boa e interessante, sempre sendo o ponto que me chama a atenção em F.E.A.R, é bem legal e divertido ir hackeando os Laptops e ouvindo mensagens pre-gravadas em telefones pra ir descobrindo mais da história e personagens, a vilã do jogo é muito bem feita e com certeza a Capcom se inspirou nela pra fazer a Eveline do RE7 (ainda que a desse jogo provavelmente tenha sido inspirada na Samara/Sadako)

Em conclusão, F.E.A.R. envelheceu meio mal e não foi perfeito em ser um jogo de terror e nem de tiro, mas sua IA e história são interessantes até hoje e carregam os pontos negativos do jogo, ele não é tão longo e nem tão curto, mas pode ser cansativo já que o núcleo de gameplay não é tão inovado com o tempo.

I couldn't get into this at first because of the janky looking animations but powering through it gave me some of the best fps encounters i've had with a side dish of j-horror like presentation. it's so good

Honestly, this is one of the best FPS games I've played in a long while. Responsive, intense, immersive, I can't praise the combat enough aided as well by the largely praised AI. Even today, the enemy AI for this game should still be praised, they have environmental interactions, ally interactions, and will respond to what the player is doing. Truly impressive for the time.

The horror elements were an excellent choice to provide drive and reason to what the player is doing, though admittedly none of it was truly scary... more disturbing and uneasy. The sound design and framing for these elements however were spot on. 99% of the time the game ensures you see something it wants you to see naturally via lighting, narrow viewpoints, etc. all without ripping control away from the player. Even the gunfire was sublime and satisfying as you hear the casings drop to the ground.

Easy and definite recommend, and usually on deep discount at your favorite store.

So many levels, so many fun, so catching story, so scare.

I couldn't get past the first 30 minutes because I was too scared

This game is fun, but it is nothing exceptional. The biggest praise for this game is the intelligent AI. The AI is smart, but that rarely matters when you're as tanky as you are. The story is good, but not mindblowing.

The scare factor might be there for someone who doesn't play many video games, but most fps fans picking up a 20 year old game will not get scared. Good themes though.

Boring map design with a good sandbox.

I playthrough this game probably once every year and love it every time. If you're a horror or FPS fan just pick it up for a couple of bucks next time its on sale.

this was awesome! i loved the second half where things got weird, the flashing of bloody pngs & 'jumpscare' attempts didn't scare me but the end started to get pretty freaky. i really enjoyed the story but i feel like i didn't get as many details as i was supposed to. i had some issues with audio where i couldn't hear the voicemails very well, but it's an old game so i'll forgive it.

i loved the crawling around in vents & finding my way, it felt like half life 2. it was actually very linear to get through places that were 'secret' or hard to find. i only got stuck once because the floor wasn't exploding in chapter 11, so that's more of a bug issue. i also loved the details of the enemies talking to each other, felt like the metal gear solid.

i was joking that it felt like silent hill 3 & metal gear had a baby, it came out as a fps & it was this. i really liked it, but i'm nervous to play the others as i've heard this is the best one. i really hope i get more lore!

I'll add "little girls" to my fears list then

its like a movie game without cutscenes

One of the best shooters ever made. The only problems i can think of are that it kinda overstays its welcome a little and the horror is just not consistently strong.

F.E.A.R. holds up surprisingly well. It's nestled in a comfortable era for FPS games, predating grey angsty Xbox 360 slop, and old enough to avoid the stiff controls of the original Half Life.

The story is simple but serviceable. It's constantly flowing in the background, and mostly serves to give you reasons to go places and shoot people. It never grabbed me, but it didn't need to. F.E.A.R. isn't that kind of game.

Combat is punchy and fast. Enemies take chunks out of your life with every shot, but you can kill most enemies with a few well placed shots in return. The slow-mo and leaning mechanics make you feel really powerful at time, and I genuinely liked the gunfights in this game.

As for the horror was rough. It wasn't really scary, and while I like Alma as a villain, none of her segments really did anything for me. In fact, it was more funny than anything. You'd have soldiers get zapped by her mind powers, and they'd collapse like G-Mod skeleton ragdolls.

Overall, I'd say give it a go. It's pretty cheap and easy to come by, and I was able to beat it in just about ten hours. It's nothing spectacular, but it was a fun way to spend a few afternoons.

If you are a fan of videogames, you probably played at least one game by Monolith Productions, and that is for a reason. This studio made some of the best games for PC, including Blood, No One Lives Forever, SHOGO and Claw. In 2005, they managed to do the impossible: Create a game that is so unique, and fun, that it is still a reference to this day.

The mid 2000's were an era where videogames came out left and right, and some of them were mostly lost to time, as very few of them were memorable enough. Fortunetly, time was kind enough to these games, as loyal fans shared their experiences online, so these games could live on forever. In this era, comes F.E.A.R. , a game that was a somewhat cinematic, first person shooter with horror elements that features incredible lighting, particle and gore effects with a slow motion mechanic and gorgeous visuals. An instant classic, that also has similar feats to Half-Life and it even has 2 expansions featuring new perspectives.

F.E.A.R. is a phenomenal game, that needs to be played by at least once by everyone who is interested in videogames. F.E.A.R. combines elements from horror and action cinema, and it has a really, and I mean really good atmosphere. Most of the time you are walking in an office or some tight area where nothing can be heared but buzzes, lights flickering, phones ringing and your own footsteps, only to be found by some hostile forces patroling the area, and the sounds of gunfire can fill the emptiness of these spaces. Do not let the tight spaces fool you though, because F.E.A.R. offer some upgrades for those who venture deep into the darker corridors, and you can pick up some boosters that increase your health and reflex. Exploration while being rewarded, can be limited, because these boosters shine bright in different colors, and you can spot them very easily, you only need to find the way to them.

Sadly, F.E.A.R. is not without it's flaws, and some of them can be major to some, minor to others. First of all, despite the great atmosphere, the game itself is not that scary. It is more eerie, than scary actually, and some of the jumpscares are very cheap and annoying. The game even slows down at times, so you can catch a glimpse at the thing that should scare you, but I do not know how many times I watched someone else play this game and not noticing what the devs want you to see. Hell, even I fall into this group, because even after finishing this game multiple times over the years, I still miss some of these scares, even though the game even plays a notificiation sound before some of them. Second, the game does not try to mix action and horror at the same time. Spooky things happen, and after that, there will be always an enemy encounter, and repeat. This loop can be a bit tedious, because the horror wears down relatively quickly, only to become somewhat annoying at times.

Even the combat has it's own flaws, mainly that some weapons are way better than the rest, and the fact that almost every enemy dies from a shot to the head when you fire the first round, but after that first headshot, the hitbox changes, and they need several shots to the head to go down. It is a weird system, because gives you the false sense that you are in charge of a situation, but after that, it takes away that feeling from you, and the game wants you to use the slow motion mechanic in order to fully control the combat encounters

Despite these, F.E.A.R. is a phenomenal game, and a great experience, where the supernatural can be scary at times, but true fear comes from the encounters and the fact that you need to be on your toes all the time, because when you least expect it, an enemy squad will surely surprise you.

Monolith Productions changed after F.E.A.R. and it might not surprise you but the company not changed for the better. After some big studios noticed their talents, they became a shell of their former glory, and they made some big mistakes. However, this does not mean that they stopped creating good games, and I even want to talk about their other works as well.

Manyak aksiyon sekanslarına sahip manyak bir oyun

I counted four accounts of grenade suicide by the incredible republic clone trooper AI but only one instance of them yelling out SNIPER!!! as I shoOtgun someone next to one of them (both right infront of me naturally) this time. Keeps on impressing me and more importantly making me laugh very hard to this day, but obviously not as much as when the very Gabe Newell circa 2003 proportioned man is stuck trying to crawl into the vent while a silly tune plays, which I Of Course screenshot out of delight on every replay (Dont Believ Me my fellow insincere ironists...?). that bit along with him trying to hide behind a potted cactus in vain is objectivly funnier than evrything in No One Lives Forever 1&2, I'll Have U Know... thanX for reading my latest tumblr post, full spectrum gamers!

I can't believe they only made just one fear game, and none after the expansions

Yapay zekası AKP seçmeninden zeki.
Oyunun finalinde neyden kaynaklandığını bilmediğim bir hata aldığımdan dolayı oyunu asla "bitiremicek" olsam da gayet kaliteli bir oyun.

Me lo recomendó un profesor y no me arrepiento de haberlo jugado

dis shit was fye

the bloody png flashes were kinda ass as jumpscares but everything else was really cool n beautifully well done n its aged especially well

genuinely some of the best gameplay in a game ive ever played

I decided to take a gamble with this Steam Spring Sale and I picked up the F.E.A.R trilogy. I have heard a lot of great things about this series (mainly the first one) so I thought it would be fun to play through. This game is a great FPS game with a little challenge, and a very interesting story. I found the gameplay being very good and smooth for this game being almost 20 years old. And I also really love the factor that its kind of but not really like a horror game, it is a "spooky game". If you want to play a FPS with that takes a reasonable amount of time, fun game play, and an interesting story then F.E.A.R. is the game for you.

Gran juego que a día de hoy se sigue disfrutando gracias a su muy lograda ambientación, divertida jugabilidad y una interesante historia. Sin olvidar su apartado técnico que, casi 20 años después, se sigue viendo muy bien.

The fuckin wall goes crazy when you shoot at it (the enemies too, of course).