Reviews from

in the past

Just finished Disc 2 and the twist that everyone hypes up as "ruining the game" is something that, while kinda corny, is such a nonissue that all it does is prove that everyone who hates this game is simply too weak
Go back to using a bad fan theory to cope with your inability to recognize a good game, losers

My favorite memory related to this game is when I was playing it for the first time, my brother would occasionally stop by to watch when he had nothing better to do. There was this one time when I was playing one of the Laguna sections, a battle started and The Man With the Machine Gun played, after a few seconds my brother said "Wow, this battle theme is so much better than that lame-ass one that played all the time before." referring to Don't Be Afraid in the Squall part.

While I don't agree that Don't Be Afraid sucks, I absolutely cannot argue against Man With the Machine Gun being vastly superior, that's like a 6/10 track compared to a 9/10 track.

O jogo é bacana, já fechei algumas vezes, a história é até que cativante, mas o grind de "drawing" e os problemas de balenceamento por causa da mecânica de junctioning torna a gameplay abaixo da média pra franquia.

I hate that stupid fucking pussy ass song that all the shippers squeal over. Why couldn’t they get real music like Metallica?

The GF and Junction systems are simultaneously the best and worst thing I've ever endured in a JRPG. If you are able to get past that the story is worth experiencing.

if you have trouble with the junction its a skill issue

i was obsessed with the ending cg when i was 12 so its cool to come back and finally see it with the full context

for sure the weirdest entry and i can see why its the black sheep, but its very evocative and it works. also for how jank and busted junctioning its still very fun

Takes the term "gun dog" to an entirely different level

The 2000 Toyota Echo of Video Games

A decent game with nice story.

This game is let down by some very boring sections and some very dumb plot twists, but it has some of the best action setpieces and music of the entire franchise.

When the entire roster is more interesting to me than the main character, you know the game is going to be ROUGH.

Still liked it though.


One of the finest in the series and a quality evolution. Squall is such a dick but you can't help relating. Maybe it was the FMVs, that unforgettable opening cinematic. Maybe it was the way it took the best FF ideas from previous games and improved on them in every way (howls of protest ensue but I don't care.) Whatever it was it worked. Wonderfully.

It's PS1-era FF so it's always going to be serviceable but this is by far the weakest. Dislike the junction system, dislike the magic system, dislike the level-matching system.

A broken magic system, nonsensical story, extremely unlikable main character and bland cast. But Triple Triad is a flawless masterpiece. Still an enjoyable romp, but lives forever in the shadow of the towering masterpieces on either side of it.

2 out of the 3 PS1 era Final Fantasy's, 8 was an interesting change of pace. While the junction system rendered magic effectively useless in combat and the story was a bit of an unfinished mess, the game is saved by it's gorgeous cutscenes and unforgettable cast.

This is pure art in a game and everything about this game is perfect in every way. Our shining star Squall, Rinoa, Quistis, Zell, Selphie and Irvine are my pookies and Nobuo Uematsu's magnum opus is this game's OST btw

I am so attached to this game. It's not perfect but i love this game and its characters.

After playing this through a second time I can say I enjoyed it more this time around. I am really not a fan of the Junction system at all and I don’t enjoy Triple Triad. Focusing less on grinding and card rules allowed me to enjoy the main story more. The characters resonated with me a lot more the second time, which I liked a lot. I still lost the plot a bit towards the end and I wish the ending had a bit more resolution. But, there’s a great deal of depth to the world and a lot of good ideas even if the systems and plot are convoluted.

It's alright. It's so overrated in Italy because it was the first main FF ever translate and I hate how it makes the "fandom" blind over the sea of awesomeness the series offers.
This one? Eh, it has still a very interesting exploration, an interesting battle mechanism (Junction), beautiful soundtrack.
The characters (beside freaking Laguna) and the story post-CD1? Yeah, no.

Triple Triad. Eyes On Me. Limit Break. Time travel. Space travel. Romance. Junction System. Need I say more?

It does have its issues—and so does every other Final Fantasy game—but overall the game delivered well on how it intends to be.

po, eu queria muito curtir esse, a estética dele é muito bonita, os personagens, e inclusive essa capa pqp muito linda, mas o jogo é muito chato cara... FFVIII inventou uma MECÂNICA ÚNICA JAMAIS VISTA (não estou zoando) de draw/function anti grinding que te incentiva à farmar por 100 de determinadas skills pra aumentar seus stats, 100, para cada stat (caso você queira maximiza-los, claro), para cada membro da party. Exemplificando, para pegar 100 Curagas, ótimo para seus stats defensivos, como vida e defesa, você precisa refinar 500 Curas, que, se você não jogar o Card Game, onde tu pode ganhar novas cartas e assim refinar elas em skills, a forma ideal de farmar diria, você precisaria de 2500 Cures (repito, não estou zoando). Paioso. E o Squall alem de edgy é ignorante pra caralho, não cheguei longe pra saber os motivos dele de ser assim btw posso estar falando merda.

Junction é um sistema difícil de entender no começo, só não dou 5 estrelas pq nao sou muito fã do finalzinho do jogo

I wish you were more fun to play, I genuinely do.

Couldn't really get through this game. Junction did not feel like a good system at all.

However, it has a banger card game. I think I spent most of my time playing that than the actual game.