Reviews from

in the past

Se trata de um beat' em up relativamente genérico com uma temática que lembra filmes de aventura como 'Indiana Jones' e 'Tudo por uma esmeralda'. A quantidade de inimigos na tela pode assustar um pouco no começo, mas algumas armas como o lança foguetes e o chicote oferecem grandes vantagens.

Game bem curto. Finalizei a versão de Mega Drive, mas vou tentar a de Arcade também.

Underrated beat 'em up. Go get those poachers!

Played as a kid.

Sega really never stops providing the mid beat 'em ups.

"Murder the entire poaching industry over a grenade in our bar" is the best premise for a beatemup I've about ever heard. I wish more beatemups were just primally simple. I don't need dialog, I don't need worldbuilding, I need one bad day culminating in the desire to fistfight thousands of human beings. This is one of the things Double Dragon gets right about beatemups, and Growl takes it to the most buckwild extreme possible.

Man Punches a Kangaroo in the Face to Rescue His Dog (Original HD)

"Do you actually use whale meat, or just regular fast food meat? I just need to know how hard I should protest you."

This Taito beat-'em-up is all about nature and Indiana Jones bandwagoning, a forest ranger goes NARC on evil poachers after they are found to be driving the animals to extinction. Typical from arcade to Mega Drive ports, the multiplayer was removed, only allowing one player at a given time. The game features 6 enemy types and 8 diverse locations. We found the lack of grab attack disappointing, but a lot of other special moves are available such as a kick and a punch, as well as special attacks and many weapons such as the AK-47, the whip, and the sword. There is but one boss battle at the end of the game, however, the game throws quite a lot of enemies at you, with up to ten enemies on-screen at a time. The graphics are passable, reminiscent of the first Street of Rage in its sprite resolution and background. The player can rescue caged animals such as the elephant and eagle, who will help fight off the poacher once rescued. I may not be the best beat 'em up, but it definitely makes for an enjoyable playthrough.

jogo excelente marcou muito minha infância, joguei demais com meu falecido pai, zerei ele rapidinho junto de meu irmão em uma folga minha

You know how good we were eating in the compilation-heavy days of the late PS2? Back on the PS1, we'd be lucky if we got five pre-1986 arcade games in a collection. They were selling three variants of Street Fighter II on a disc and asking you to buy that instead of Rollcage or Vagrant Story or something. Jump a few years later, and we were getting 20, 30, 40 games at once. And with Taito Legends 2, it was stuff like G-Darius, Elevator Action Returns and Puzzle Bobble 2 - Games that had been released as standalone full-price titles on the PlayStation and Saturn. While the masses were trying to convince themselves they were enjoying cutting-edge releases like Perfect Dark Zero and Resistance: Fall of Man, I was going buck wild over Taito Legends 2.

Taito Legends 2 wasn't just great for the late-nineties stuff. It opened the door to a ton of scruffy, weird little games that I now hold very dear. Cameltry, Space Invaders '95: The Attack of Lunar Loonies, Football Champ, and most powerful of all - GROWL.

Can you imagine my delight as I first selected this title, completely ignorant of its contents?

Growl is a four-player beat 'em up (though notably, I haven't owned a version that allowed for more than two players until this week's Arcade Archives release) where righteous vigilantes fight against evil animal poachers. Before you even punch your first baddie, you're offered a fucking Resident Evil 1 rocket launcher.

Everything in Growl explodes. A big man. Chairs. The pub garden roof that inexplicably crushes all the on-screen enemies when you respawn. "SHBROOOM!"

There's an absurd brutality to Growl. Picking up enemies with one hand, as they struggle to regain their strength, and swinging their limp bodies into the ground, back and forth over your head until their skulls are mush. That's what you get for caging a majestic eagle, you villain!

It would be disingenuous to suggest that Growl is actually a good game. It's relentlessly repetitive, irritating, and its enemy spawns would put Heavenly Sword to shame. That's part of the fun for me. How dumb its design is. Minutes before the final boss, the game abandons the established structure and puts you in a spike-filled cave for one of the worst platforming sequences I've ever played. I think this is what some folk get out of Midway trash like NARC and Pit Fighter, but their tone of meat-headed, straight-to-rental VHS didn't resonate with me nearly as much.

Growl is camp 40s kids adventure serials through the lens of early 90s kusoge. A traintop fight against fat Moroccans and American prostitutes. A stampede of cheetah kittens attacking international criminals. A Phantom of the Opera with machine gun claws and a mind-controlling alien worm in his back. Hook it up to my veins.

Rotten game. A must-buy.

I had a good time with this. Really stupid but has a unique setting, and really works as an Indiana Jones simulator. The final boss though is a complete waste of time.

This game was clearly born from a desire to make an Indiana Jones beat 'em up, but at some point they decided to leave the character art in place and shift to an animal protection theme instead, and then at some point after THAT they decided to just do fuckin' whatever, and this bonkers shit is the result.

The beginning of the game is your squad of open-shirted superhuman jungle rangers having their day drinking interrupted when a woman in a blazer and a miniskirt pulls a potato masher grenade out of her top and blows up the bar they're in. The guys hit the deck and survive, but luckily the explosion reveals four M202 rocket launchers that were being stored in nearby barrels, which you can immediately use to begin your assault on the thousand or so poachers who decided to pick a fight with you.

What ensues is absolute madness, a cavalcade of one-frame machine-gun punches, random screen-clearing explosions, triple-digits of dropped weapons, fifteen enemies on the screen at once, and rescued animals exploding crowds of poachers into weirdly brown-blooded gibs.

That certainly sounds like a good time, but it actually ends up being a bit dull, because after the first level you've seen pretty much everything. Any isolated thirty seconds of gameplay is a load of chaotic fun, but there's no pacing or variation (save for one unfathomably bad platforming stage), so you quickly tire out. By the time you reach the boss of the poachers (an anime villain in a top hat and Vega claws that shoot bullets who repeatedly throws a tank at you), and then after beating him fight the alien presence who explodes out the back of his corpse as the level warps and the music drops out, ominously giving way to silence punctuated by a primitive loop of real animal noises, you're definitely ready for it to be over, and not just because that final boss really sucks.

Odd vibe on this one. Good music. But it feels like the people who made this were maybe sickos, a little bit. Fun sickos! But sickos.

É "low effort" que chama, né?

This is the stupidest fucking game ever made. Yknow NARC? This is basically the same thing except you're saving animals from poachers, in the process laying waste to everything around you with rocket launchers and whips and grenades. Sometimes people will just explode into (rocky??) chunks and legs. It's completely insane. You brought total ruin to basically the entire area, but hey, the animals are saved!

It's a pretty lame beat em up honestly, and it's only noteworthy for being really fucking funny. It's no fun to play honestly, mostly because it's way too reliant on pickup weapons and without them you're kind of useless. I didn't have one when I reached the final boss (who is an alien for some reason) and I felt like I was there for years despite not really struggling. The game is not even long at all, it definitely shouldn't feel as plodding as it does. Might be more worth it to skim through a video and get your laughs via that instead.