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in the past

This shits funny. Makes me feel like a kid for an hour until its a rage inducing platformer

Bon que pour les succès pour faire son Xbox Rewards. Inmaniable

It's everything that's wrong with frustrating control games. There's some enjoyable streamability to the game, but I wouldn't recommend it to most. Casual gamers should steer clear unless this is a genre you enjoy.

Ridiculously hard for no reason, definitely not for kids.

Perdi a linha com um jogo de peixe.


the horrific nature which this fish chokes to death and no human tries to help u is how i feel about the controls tbh

Do I suck at this game? Yes. Do the controls of this game suck? Also yes.

Até gostei das primeiras fases com o peixe dourado, quando vamos pra outros peixes que os problemas começam. Exceto o baiacu, o baiacu é perfeito.

O peixe voador é terrível de controlar, a câmera fica em posições péssimas, o level design fica horrível, não há espaço para conseguirmos impulso suficiente, é desastroso.

A piranha consegue ser a pior de todos, os controles respondem muito mal, horrível.

this game looks nice and the last mission where u utilize every fishes ability is neat but it's also pretty boring throughout and if it wasn't so short i would have quit a lot sooner.

Controlling fishes is ok but moving in other things like fishbowl is just like torture


Fish friends get drugged by bread and escape their owner's for freedom.

é bem daora e tranquilo, não sei porque os bobos aqui do site tão reclamando do controle e da dificuldade

Contrôle "frustrant" et finalement un jeu peu intéressant pour un prix aussi élevé

From the creators of Surgeon Simulator and I Am Bread comes I Am Fish. It’s a platform game with the “frustrating control” style of gameplay, hiding its difficulty behind an incredibly adorable graphics style, which looks way too nice for a game about fish that want to escape to the ocean.

Four fish: a goldfish, pufferfish, piranha and flying fish, are fed magical bread while living in a pet store, gain intelligence and become friends. Three of them get purchased and taken to different homes, while the goldfish gets transferred into a small fish bowl and placed on a higher shelf. Although a bit of artistic license is taken and fish bowls in the game’s universe are perfectly spherical with a watertight lid.

While Surgeon Simulator, I Am Bread and other similar games are difficult due to purposefully bad (but still functional) controls, controlling the fish in I Am Fish is pretty simple and feels very responsive (although there is an option for a ridiculous control scheme). The dilemma is that you’re always controlling the fish itself, and the fish starts off in a ball. As it takes time for the fish to swim to the edge of the bowl, it means there’s a delay in moving, which you will have to calculate while maneuvering around.

If this was a game about moving containers around and you controlled the container, the controls would feel pretty sluggish and bad, but the idea of controlling the fish means that you understand why things feel delayed, and as a result the controls themselves don’t feel delayed. You’re playing as the fish, not the bowl.

Most of the time, there’s usually a path to follow, with some visual clues finding the way (and checkpoints that are clearly marked from a distance so you know you are heading the right way. The bowl smashes very easily, so to get down from high places, you’ll have to figure out the route down. You won’t be spending all of the time in a bowl, as you will swim through various bodies of water like ponds, lakes, puddles and swerers, and end up in other containers, the most common being mop buckets and jars.

The mop bucket is the easiest container to move, but the jar will cause the most frustration. In the jar, you can’t just move in the direction you want by swimming that way, you have to push forward at the left and right corners of the jar to turn it around, then in the middle to push it forward. It’s very difficult to get used to it, but quite rewarding when you get the hang of it.

One you finish the goldfish’s missions, you get to play as the other three fish, all with special powers. The pufferfish can puff himself into a ball, rolling along the ground for short periods and launching himself out of the water, the piranha can bite and destroy certain objects and the flying fish can, well, fly. Well more glides, soaring between different bodies of water.

There are 12 levels with the individual fish, all of which are great fun. They’ll all have some really tough moments, but there are lots of creative ideas that make them worthwhile, along with the satisfaction of having bested the game. You’ll swim through swers, shops, farms, markets, hospitals and more. There’s a surprising amount of variation for a game with a simple premise, and background details and story elements that you can overhear from humans talking.

After all the fish are in the ocean, you’ll get one final mission where you can swap between all four fish. I wish there were more levels played as a group as I really enjoyed the puzzles in this one, utilising the abilities of each fish to progress. There are puzzles in the individual levels as well, but they’re more straightforward as you only have a limited amount of tools.

I Am Fish is a surprisingly fun game, the difficult controls make a lot of sense and there’s an immense amount of charm in the game, with some really fun and unique ideas you’ll encounter in each level. It does have some issues, such as checkpoints occasionally being really far apart, and seagulls being annoying (like real life, I guess), but I think it’s definitely worth checking out.

"Pô, só um joguinho infantil para descontrair, provavelmente vou zerar em dois dias" É né, foi o que eu de 12 dias atrás pensou desse game. Vai pensando que só porque o jogo é fofinho numa primeira vista, ele é no todo "fácil". O que pega em "I Am Fish" ou em qualquer jogo dessa desenvolvedora "Bossa Games", é que ela não se importa se você pode ser uma criança jogando esse jogo pela primeira vez, já te mostra o que é a vida de verdade disfarçado de um simples game infantil com essa física e controle cruel, que com um simples desequilíbrio ou empurrão forte em um mini-aquário, por exemplo, já é necessário para bater em algo com tudo e assim quebrar e você morrer desidratado e desnutrido no meio da calçada ou na rua de uma estrada movimentada. Pelo menos, diferente do "I Am Bread", que foi o jogo anterior que joguei dessa desenvolvedora, esse é bem mais divertido e interessante, a sequência de fases são boas, e é ótimo acompanhar o caos que um simples cardume pode instaurar pela cidade desse game, que mesmo com um controle bem frustrante, na minha visão, teve propósito e não incomoda no todo, só agrega a estabelecer a algo mais único e desafiador.

   Falando da campanha, jogo está totalmente legendado em PT-BR, e são 13 fases ao todo de muitos momentos inesperados nessa sequência de missões que uma coisa que eu não esperava de jeito algum foi eles terem realmente criado um "universo compartilhado" de cada um dos jogos dessa desenvolvedora (que até o momento são apenas os dois: "I Am Bread", e esse "I Am Fish"), quase um "Bossaverso" de agora animais que entram num estado de anarquismo puro ao comerem o tal pão endemoniado do primeiro jogo, deixando ainda um "cliffhanger" de um próximo jogo da empresa de como e de qual animal seria, não tenho nem palavras para falar sobre isso. Mas enfim, muito legal a variedade dos cenários e da abordagem de como a história se conduzia até chegarem no mar, onde qualquer coisinha podia ser um obstáculo para o peixinho conseguir chegar até a sua liberdade, e um detalhe interessante foi terem colocado, numa fase nos esgotos, copos ou qualquer tralha de lixo que só de tocar no peixe poderia causar o "game over" na tela, para criticar o como isso pode de fato prejudicar a vida dos animais no meio do mar por ficarem presos nesses objetos, algo legal e sútil.

No todo, é um jogo legal, favorito do cantor "Fagner" ("Quem me dera ser um peixe... 🐟 🐡 🐠"), que por mais que apresente uma jogabilidade bem dura como dito antes, além de algumas fases com um Level Design extremamente confuso de fato, dá conta do recado de te entreter, e é um desafio legal de superar, que intriga e não sei porque satisfaz de certa forma o espectador a ver essa desordem causada por um simples cardume como dito acima, basicamente uma revolta da própria natureza iniciada por um simples pedaço de pão, que quem diria que chegaria ao que chegou no final do jogo.

En sois un jeu avec un bon concept et de bonnes idées, mais dommage que les contrôles sois si frustrant.

Basicamente os peixe sao amigo no aquario, ai chega os humano malvado e separa eles :(, ai pa os peixe pega e fala po vamo todo mundo fugi e se encontra no mar, se encontraram e fim quem chorou curte

One of the wildest games I've played in some time. Shame the controls make me want to cry because there's some fun to be had here.

Kinda fun for the very short time I tried it. Just not my thing.

Wacky zany physics for you to stream.

I Am Fish is by Bossa Studios, just to give you a list, they made I Am Bread, Surgeon Simulator, as well as the VR version, and the sequel. These are games that were made popular by Youtubers reacting to them, and I am Fish is definitely in that same vein. Players have just enough control so that things will go wrong, and it’s usually due to trying to master the strange control.

I Am Fish does give players a simplified control as well as a full Bossa Tier control scheme, just titled Bossa Mode. Most of the time I Am Fish works well, though some parts are extremely frustrating, namely a specific jar that the fish get trapped in. There are four different fish each with special abilities, and there’s an interesting level design. At the end of the day though this is a game designed to be observed by others rather than playing alone.

Pick this game up if you like any of the previous Bossa titles, Goat Simulator, or similar games. I’m never been sure if the goal of these titles is to be enjoyed by streamers, or played by end-users, but I think the type of players who will enjoy I am Fish already knows that they will, though I will say this is probably my favorite title from Bossa.

This game honestly kind of came at the perfect time for me a lot like Mario 3D World. I was in a pretty dark place and i just played this game for a solid week. The gameplay is so simple but so fun. you just roll around as different fish in little fish bowls with each fish having different abilities letting you traverse the various beautifully designed levels and solve fun puzzles.

This game has a very special place in my heart for helping me get through one of my darkest hours. Highly recommend :)

A challenge game from the creators of the surgeon simulator where you have to get from point A to point B.
There is no special story, people separated the fish friends, the fishes want to see each other again at sea . There are not so many different locations as it might seem at first glance, very often you will come across large deserted plain areas.
After hour of playing, you come across a small flask, and the dynamics of game falls, you can get stuck in one location for half an hour, including due to fairly rare checkpoints.
I would also like to note the moment when a second fish enters your aquarium, according to the authors’ idea, it should pull the aquarium to the other side, but personally I didn’t feel it at all and calmly also reached the point, maybe the gameplay was underpolished, or maybe I just got lucky.

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I know that awkward controls are kind of the point but even with that in mind it's a bit of a trial to get through. The different fish having their own abilities is fun (I'm a particular fan of the inflating blowfish) but every section in a sphere feels slow and awkward thanks to being a victim of momentum, while being stuck in the cylinder makes things incredibly unpredictable.

Cute idea, but feels bad, man. Also, what the fuck is in the bread?

Why is being a fish better than I thought it’d be? Shame there’s no banging BGM

why would you make it feel like that