Reviews from

in the past

Tempest 1500. I was rooting for this game, but this game had to have double the rizz it does to work. You won't have a bad time playing this toob shooter but the underwhelming presentation was a let down. I can't remember any of the music, iS shouldn't have that problem.

Didn't feel this. You have 12 weapons, one for each Chinese zodiac sign, and I'm here to tell you that that is too many weapons.

I'm convinced that scrolling tube shooters like this just don't work as deep, replayable arcade experiences. They are often flashy and fun to look at and mess around with for half-an-hour (as this is!), but who's actually sitting down with one for many hours and mastering it? It's all too slippery, visibility of oncoming threats is (definitionally, on account of the tube perspective) shit, and they all use the same formula of psychedelic visuals and techno music because... what else are you gonna do? It's a tube.

I dunno, if anyone has any really hot tube game recommendations, send 'em my way. (Tempest, a static vector tube shooter, is cool and doesn't count)

non si capisce un cazzo premi spara design psicotropo quindi QUASI capolavoro mi spiace non essermi goduto ste robe da ragazzino ma che cazzo mi comprava a fare fifa 98 mio padre (scherzo fu un bel regalo su questo piatto non sputo)

don't care about your astrology sign what random japanese characters were eternally stuck at the bottom of your screen after you beat the newspaper boss I got 州モcい7型

Felt like i was being hypnotized at certain parts

+ great visuals and music
+ bosses attack patterns are mostly well designed
+ lots of visual and audio cues, nothing really feels like it comes out of nowhere
+ doesn't suffer from gradius syndrome (no heavy emphasis on not losing powerups, in fact there's none at all in this game)

. not sightread friendly. ur gonna get ur ass beat first run because there's a lot of things you need to just learn (which weapons to use, how to handle certain gimmicks and patterns). but thats kind of standard for this genre
. pretty easy for a shmup once you've figured it out, i 1cc'd my second run of the game because you get fucktons of extra lives for speedkilling bosses which is really easy with snake
. the game has an option to play music from a CD instead of using the game's OST. sounds cool but i didn't bother figuring out how to do that on an emulator

- stage 6-D is a huge difficulty spike, nothing else in the game comes as close to being hard
- theres 12 weapons but realistically you will only ever use like half of them, and 90% of the time it's either monkey or snake
- speaking of which navigating the weapons menu is a nightmare
- why does snake kill bosses 10x faster than any other weapon


It is what it is

need more existential shooters that make you fight newspapers and rubiks cubes

brief, compelling and gorgeous synesthetic tempest-style tunnel shooter. Totally a stylistic precursor to all time-fave Rez. Love how some of the level themes are pretty basic environmental riffs (BEACH, COSMOS, UNDERSEA) but there's also super weird conceptual levels that explore the imagery of JEWELS AND MATH

this shit is like rez in the future

É um jogo com uma base tão simples, porém tão criativo na roupagem e numas gimmicks de fases/chefes que a experiência foi muito divertida do início ao fim (boss da fase 7 é genial inclusive). Só não me vejo voltando para tentar 1cc ou pontuação alta porque eu fiquei meio tonto jogando kkkk.

Not usually a Shmup Person but being like Rez is about as hard of a sell as it gets, and while this doesn't have that game's transcendant, spiritual quality, it's still fucking unbeliveably cool to experience

They liked AFX so much they let him not only do the soundtrack, but the coding, UI and level design as well.

is this what polybius felt like

I think what I love the most about this game is how unapologetically "PS1" the game looks. in what era besides the late 90s do you pitch the game to square? "yeah you're a polygon and you shoot polygons in a tube. oh and have one of the bosses just be a newspaper."

this game is godtier