Reviews from

in the past

Interesting experiment of a game visually, but not much gameplay-wise. It also has some interesting character moments but they don't develop into anything meaningful.

Thankfully it's the perfect length at about 3 hours. I think I mostly appreciated the intention of making something gross and very maximalist in its visuals.

All the interesting stuff to it, the nihilism, documentary/shaky-cam replication and deliberately rough and unfun gameplay, isn't enough to distract from it being a bog-standard terrible third-person cover shooter. I can appreciate it's existence as being sorta an "arthouse" action game, but it doesn't make it enjoyable or engaging. It's basically the 2006 Miami Vice movie in video game form, and i didn't like that movie either.

Actual trash, and no amount of presentation or "intentional ugliness" can save it.

Just competent and short enough to get through with a friend, but thoroughly (intentionally) unpleasant in every possible way that really sets it apart from the glut of post-Gears cover shooters, an unforgettable co-op experience. Also, killer dark ambient score by Mona Mur!

abicim yapacağınız siper mekaniğini sikeyim bir, ikincisi niye heriflere 50 kere vuruyorum öldürmek için tepki de vermiyor amınakoduklarım bak bu iki, üç... üç direkt çok gereksiz fazla adam öldürüyoruz gibi yani mekanikler de yarrak gibi olunca öldüresim gelmiyor. onun dışında sanat yönetimi konusunda oynadığım en kendine özgü oyunlardan biri

I won't write anything in-depth on this as of now, this is too much to process. I'll do a few more playthroughs and come back with something more interesting, but boy, was I expecting something just a bit longer. It's a good game tho.

Fun as hell with friends, the gameplay is utter dogshit but the characters and presentation are highlights of this bizarre trip to Shanghai. It would be higher if it didn’t crash every fucking time.

After about a year, me and my friend Jack have finally finished Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days on Extreme difficulty. On it's own this doesn't seem like an impossible task, but combined with our awful connection that caused us to disconnect and have to restart the levels from the beginning every twenty minutes, it felt like we were playing on a whole extra layer of difficulty. This series is super underrated and it sucks we didn't get a third Kane & Lynch game. I wish there were more developers experimenting with a genre as bland as cover shooters, but I'm glad this one has a cult following.

Isso é tipo a historia do pintinho que não tinha cu.

honestly not as jank as i expected. as someone who is a huge fan of miserable art, i really enjoyed both the story and the presentation. stylistically speaking, this is one of the most striking games i've ever played. the environments you traverse, especially ones dotted with bright signage and flashing lights, are beautifully distorted by the "lens" of the camera. i know the camera shake when running is controversial, but i really do like it. honestly, i really like the ending, too. there is no real closure and we don't get to know what happens to kane or lynch. it just ends. the soundtrack and voice acting are also phenomenal.

The camera shake gives me a head rush.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dogs Days is an exemplary title in the mainstream which represents the refutation of transgression in play and graphics by the majority of players. Its digital camcorder aesthetics, intentionally ruining clarity for the sake of its protagonists' disorientation in Shanghai, provokes the player into knee-jerk responses with disruptive gameplay and outlandishly cruel torture (figurative and literal). Much disdain for the game exists to compare it to other third person shooters or controversial releases without questioning if its narrative disjunction or mechanically simple shooting are entirely the point. The game is no masterpiece nor does it want to be, for coming from a terrible prequel no expectations of success should exist; yet, with such radical design inconsistent with normative functions in this genre, Dog Days persists with a select few because it defines itself in a mode of disorder, provocation, and hyperbolic violence to encapsulate a mood and experience few manage—none of which exist in the mainstream.

Another boring example. I liked the unique "found footage" feeling, and how the characters interact with the camera, but overall gameplay was boring, shooting and aiming was idiotic, and the story was very bland. This is late night B-grade action movie type of narrative.

Mesmo não tendo uma das melhores gameplays do mundo kane and lynch se destaca pela sua estética e história sobre pessoas ruins sendo ruins,você não é um herói apenas alguém tentando fugir de problemas que são seus(._.)

Played through both games with a friend and remember nothing about either of them. Maybe for the best?

This is an intentionally ugly game from an era where games were already unintentionally horrible to look at. For what it's worth, this is quite unique with its storytelling and portrayal. I enjoyed it because it's only a few hours long. Any longer and the camera gimmick would've worn too frustratingly thin.

Most of Kane & Lynch 2 reviews start talking about how it's ugly, janky and nauseating amongst other stuff, and all of this is factually true. But unlike what these claims might make you think, I actually love the game the way it is. The gruesome opening sets the tone for the rest of the game: it's not going to be a fun time. Frauds like Neil Druckmann will tell you that their games are not meant to be fun, but then, intentionally or accidentally, end up making the most satisfying combat system, making all the brutality lose all its meaning. But Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is actually not a fun game.

The covers in other games like Uncharted, Gears of War and so on, turn you invincible in subtle ways hard to notice so you can stay as long in the cover as you want. Here covers rarely protect the player and it can get shot even behind the safest-looking cover, so you need to be looking at every angle enemies might show up, considering every position they can be in and choosing the correct covers to go to on the fly while being fast enough to not get killed in the way, all of this with the minimal time possible to think. There's no breathing time during the whole game, every moment in the game is a constant gunfight. Whether it be with gangsters, the police, Chinese SWAT forces or even the military. The game never explicitly tells who you are fighting and goes from one faction to another seamlessly, so on a first playthrough it might be hard to tell who you're shooting at. This culminates in the on-rails chopper gunner level where the constant shooting, the blood splatters on the camera, the visual and sonorous noise and the loud shots and screams make it hard to even know what's going on. It's non-stop chaos and confusion. In fact, I've read that the devs were inspired by movies like Heat, and the whole game feels like that one shootout scene from Heat during its three to four hours runtime. There's barely any soundtrack, and it's so integrated in the ambience that one might think there isn't any at all, so everything there is to hear are gunshots, bullet ricochets, car alarms beeping, explosions, glass shattering, shouting and anything in-between.

The most notable element, which is also the most criticized element, is the camera. It bumbles constantly and is really nauseating for a lot of people. While it can be really uncomfortable, it gives the game a unique aesthetic and is more in line with being a not fun game. Everything in the game gives the idea that it is being recorded, details like image corruption and pixel blurs for close range headshot make the game start feeling less like an standard third person shooter and more like a playable version of LiveLeak. Kane & Lynch 2 not only is unpleasant to play, but also has an equally unpleasant and anticlimactic story. These two guys go from bad to worse to even worse during the whole game and all the levels on the second half always end in the most unsatisfactory way possible, highlighting the infamous ending, which ends really fast and abruptly. But it doesn't feel like it ends early, it just ends when there's nothing left to tell, at the correct moment.

The fact that there are unarmed civilians at every corner is especially unsettling when you notice that the game doesn't draw any attention to this. You can just shoot someone in the head and nobody will give a crap. On the second level you get ambushed in the middle of the highway and all the cars on the street have civilians inside and even they can die. But does this actually mean anything or it's just cheap edgy shock value? This game has a plot and characters so archetypical yet everything is extremely unappealing, from the gameplay to the cutscenes, that this feels like a really elaborate dark satire on third person shooters at the time. It features all the clichés of its genre, but it weaponises everything against the player. It even has an on-rails chopper gunner sequence and a helicopter bossfight! This is just any other third person cover shooter, but this one has the guts to be a more brave and authentic experience than most of its contemporaries. Or maybe not, maybe I'm confusing incompetence for bravery, maybe the unforgiving cover system and dogshit aiming are the signs of a rushed development, but I want to believe this was a genuine creative effort from a team with a clear vision of what they wanted to make. But if this isn't the case, I liked the experience anyways, and if someone asked me for a good "bad" game, this would be my answer.

Developers had a vision, a vision that would never be fully realized. But that vision is clear, and if you pay attention; Choosing to seize from your constant whining about feeling nauseous about the camera movement and janky gameplay, you'll see that vision. I understand the frustrations of many; I stand by every notion that states the issues this game has. But to call it a terrible game is short-sighted. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was Kane & Lynch 2. With more time to properly be cooked in the oven, we could've had a phenomenal game on our hands. K&L2 depicts life of crime in a really grim and depressing way. It's not glorious or romantic. It's dirty, it's insane and it's vile. We are playing as two irredeemable psychopaths and the game tries to make no excuses for them. The story is way too short to warrant the full price the game was sold for, but the online content is definitely worth looking into. Too bad in the current day, no one is playing. Because arguably the heist mode of Kane & Lynch 2, known as Fragile Alliance, is a far more interesting game of heist than Payday games ever managed to be.

Michael and Trevor if they were well written

É um jogo que pouco liga pra qualquer conceito de "personagens" ou uma narrativa propriamente dita, personagens aparecem, só pra logo serem brutalmente mortos, e nenhum tipo de empatia aparece, são apenas corpos, como os inimigos mortos nas ruas, sendo retratados pela câmera que é uma própria entidade própria, ela retrata seus crimes com luzes fortes do dia e dos neons, se sujando de sangue, e acompanhando como um observador. Talvez o próprio jogador? os únicos personagens que não existem apenas para serem mortos com total apatia são kane & lynch, que existem como forças imortais (o lynch literalmente sai do lixo após ser brutalmente cortado, com a outra personagem que sofreu os mesmos estando morta), são apenas a encarnação da doença do player, eles não tem nenhum objetivo real, e tudo e toda conexão mínima serve apenas para ser morta da forma mais gráfica possível, não existe amor em shangai, não existe conexão ou amizade em shangai, apenas 3 homens, kane & lynch, e o player que se saboreia com a brutalidade gratuita de tudo e todos, que não seja dele mesmo, a câmera ao mesmo tempo te emerge no jogo e nos crimes, ao mesmo tempo causa a distância, você ainda não é aqueles homens, você ainda está em sua casa, você não sente a dor e o sofrimento que você causa, apenas contempla com algum tipo de inventividade. O sonho mais americano, o puro assassinato em um lugar que eles apenas pensam como uma parque de diversões da morte.

Play it with a friend and it's definitely a worthwhile experience. But not a wholly, uh, good one

Kane & Lynch 2 is close to art. Really REALLY close to fucked up art. From the first second onward the game establishes, that the whole world of Kane & Lynch is just fucked. The places are dirty, unrecognizable, smeary and full with blood and bodies in the back-alleys. The ending of the first game showed our scumbags on a really low level... but the downward spiral just continues in this cover-shooter. Absolutely disgusting, but man does this game stick with me after all this time.

Narrative: 3 - Gameplay: 3.5 - Visuals: 3.5 - Soundtrack: 3 - Time: 3
Stars: 3

It's awful and I kinda dug it.

La historia nos sitúa unos cuantos años después de lo ocurrido en la primera entrega, nuestros protagonistas siguen siendo lo mismos malnacidos de siempre y de alguna manera se las arreglan para seguir viviendo. Lynch viajó a Shanghái y se consiguió una novia chinita y Kane sigue tratando de resarcir sus errores y conseguir el perdón de su hija la Jenny. El destino los vuelve a juntar ya que Kane necesita plata para retirarse de una buena vez y Lynch tiene un negocio de tráfico de armas entre manos, así que se ponen en contacto. El encuentro se da sin contratiempos, pero si hay algo que caracteriza a este par de escorias humanas es su mala suerte y por error terminan asesinando a la hija del mafioso más grande de todo Shanghái, aquí es donde comienza todo el desmadre.
Si algo por lo que se le recordara a Kane and Lynch 2 Días de Perros es por su estética visual y artística, con esa cámara en movimiento como si se tratase de un found footage o película snuff, las luces de neón y como se retratan las calles y la vida de las personas en el bajo mundo de Shanghái, todo esto mezclado da al jugador un impacto visual muy sobresaliente.
La acción, sangre, vísceras y muchas partes censurables están a la orden del día, así que si eres un jugador muy sensible no te recomiendo jugarlo.
Lo malo viene un poco por la jugabilidad, se enfatizó en una mecánica de coberturas pero con el error de no haber pulido del todo el gunplay, un punto negativo que viene arrastrando de la primera entrega, por otro lado se siente como un juego corto con un final que te deja preguntándote ¿eso es todo?, probablemente hubiera venido bien un par de capítulos en forma de DLC con una conclusión o un cliffhanger para tentar una tercera entrega o tal vez una película, pero sabemos que esto nunca pasó y nunca pasará.