Reviews from

in the past

Well it is dead. Oh ya this game was meh.

Merci de me l'avoir offert mais on y a pas jouer beaucoup

Pena que fecharam os servidores, eu curtia demais o game, mas terem lançado ele de forma paga matou o bichin

Fun game but it did nothing to mix it up. It sucked to play competitive while your Brazilian teammate quit the game.

Ah, Knockout City, a multiplayer game with a unique concept that unfortunately didn't stick around for long. The idea of converting dodgeball into 3v3 matches is a neat one, and it was fun playing some matches online and trying out the new game modes, but after that, there just wasn't enough to keep me engaged for much longer. Sucks to see it go, and the first trailer they've shown off didn't do the game much justice, which is a shame, because it's a decent game. Even though the servers have shut down, I look forward to seeing what Velan Studios has in the future.

It had an interesting concept but got bored of it really fast

Fue diver testearlo, lástima que se pegó una hostia gigante poco después de salir. Merecía má.

   No dia 6 de junho de 2023, será ou "foi", dependendo do espaço-tempo que você esteja lendo essa análise, o triste encerramento de todos os servidores desse game, só havendo possibilidade de jogá-lo após isso em partidas privadas com amigos, e desde o dia 27 de maio até o dia de hoje (01/06/2023), eu decidi jogá-lo para poder ter a chance de experimentá-lo pela primeira e assim pela última vez e tentar entender o porquê dele ser encerrado assim de forma tão breve para um jogo que teve uma ideia interessante e autêntica que, a meu ver, não tinha sido explorada antes de simular uma simples partida que conhecemos do esporte de "queimada" de forma online e seguindo a estrutura de um PvP dinâmico casual.

   Knockout City, teve praticamente quase tudo que precisava para atrair os demais jogadores, partidas dinâmicas que não demoram muito com uma jogabilidade boa e intuitiva e dois modos diferentes para variar um pouco a gameplay, mas que convenhamos todo mundo gostava mais do modo principal que é o 3v3, além de um conceito frenético com efeitos e mecânicas que fogem do estilo de uma partida real de queimada como a de usar empurrões para atordoar os inimigos, jogar uma habilidade aonde seu inimigo vira uma bola, ou você mesmo poder virar a qualquer momento uma das bolas para se entregar na mão de algum colega de equipe e assim nocautear rápido o seu oponente e etc, tudo isso em um curto espaço de tempo sempre apostando mais na agilidade e habilidade de cada jogador, possuindo também todo o conceito de customização de personagem que estamos familiarizados nesses jogos multiplayers, com os "presets" de rostos desbloqueáveis e roupas que tanto podem ser desbloqueadas quanto compradas na loja do game, que não posso falar se era assim antes, mas pelo que joguei nesses últimos dias, tudo era extremamente acessível e fácil de desbloquear/comprar com obviamente o dinheiro do jogo, o que é algo bem positivo sem uma necessidade alta de fazer você só conseguir uma roupinha pagando com dinheiro real, ah e detalhe, infelizmente o mais triste para mim foi que não encontrei nenhum bigode para colocar no meu personagem na loja ou nos demais "presets" de rosto do jogo, pois gosto de me recriar em jogos como esses e que longe de mim alegar nada, mas talvez isso tenha uma certa parcela no que fez o jogo ter sido encerrado né, mas é só uma suposição mesmo.  ¯\(ツ)

   Mas enfim, brincadeiras a parte, a única possível explicação que posso encontrar para o desinteresse dos demais jogadores que acarretou nesse encerramento tão prematuro para um game que entrega o que promete é talvez a forma ao qual ele foi comercializado por um tempo, que foi no valor de 100 reais que depois da perda de jogadores frequentes, se tornou gratuito do dia para o outro sem pelo que a galera que jogava na época, qualquer tipo de recompensa para aqueles que pagaram pelo jogo, o que já traz uma certa perda de interesse nesses tais jogadores fiéis que pagaram pelo game, além de que na minha visão, o jogo por si só já devia ter sido disponibilizado como um game "Free to Play" desde o seu início, já que ele tinha toda a estrutura de um game desse gênero, e assim só foi perdendo cada vez mais o alcance pela falta de equilíbrio na sua época de lançamento que é normalmente a época de "pico" do jogo e o que possivelmente iria criar toda a direção da vida útil dele em diante, porém o provável mesmo é que toda a questão do desinteresse tenha ocorrido da mesma forma que ocorreu com o game "Multiversus", que no caso do "Multiversus" ainda existe uma certa fagulha para a sua volta e esse aqui ao que se dá a entender é que infelizmente é de fato o seu fim, tudo pela falta de novos modos ou eventos para sustentar sempre os demais jogadores a ficarem presos e imersos dentro do game, que só o velho estilo de temporadas com apenas roupas e etc, convenhamos não segura quase ninguém para ficar de verdade voltando e voltando ao jogo. 

   E por fim, sendo franco, não da para ter certeza do porquê um jogo tão divertido com apenas um ano de lançamento será ou "foi" encerrado assim de forma tão breve, que quando se trata de um jogo online que necessita de um número grande de jogadores é muito complicado achar um meio de sucesso para manter tantos jogadores engajados por um bom tempo, além de conseguir achar uma fórmula que faça com que além deles jogarem, eles queiram investir sempre na loja, a não ser para algo que já tenha sido um verdadeiro fenômeno como tantos e tantos casos que já conhecemos, mas nesse aqui, por mais que fez sua história por ter trazido uma ideia nova de queimada online e que sim é divertido e atraente para momentos em que você só quer descontrair, será infelizmente deixado para trás, permanecendo apenas na memória dos jogadores que lhe deram uma chance nesse tempo tão curto de sua existência.

Great core gameplay with bright visuals to match, shame the game got killed off way too early. outside of the maps being a bit unsatisfying to play in and team skill mattering way more than the game lets on, it way a pretty good game to pick up and play.

RIP. Was actually pretty fun and unique

Amei jogar, pena que acabou

Some of the most fun multiplayer I had in 2021. Getting together with friends and wrecking house in online dodgeball is incredibly fun. It's a shame this game didn't have a better launch and wasn't more popular.

A beautiful concept, fluid gameplay, fun environments and perfectly balanced rules!
One of the best online multiplayer games I’ve ever played in terms of raw fun, it’s such a BIG shame that it has been discontinued

Honestly pretty fun if it had more people playing and it wasn't shutting down already lol. Had a lot of potential.

Game died, sad. No recollection of when I played it.

I'm still waiting for the actual game, the one that's supposed to be a Drawn Together sort of adventure starring Princess Charm and her friends.
Whoever is working on that had better not fuck it up.

Um jogo que, infelizmente, não atingiu a fama que merecia. Sendo extremamente divertido e caricato, Knockout City é um jogo de qualidade considerável, principalmente pros padrões dos jogos publicados pela EA Sports. Porém, infelizmente, ele teve o seu fim de forma precoce, com os seus servidores sendo fechados em Junho de 2023.

It had a lot of potential, but now servers are dying and will be shut down and it barely left a dent in the gaming market. Sad, since it was fairly fun at the moment, but not much was done with the game

I was heavy into this game when it first went free to play. But since it's fallen off.

As of yesterday morning, this game has now shut down and is no longer playable.

This game was really special to me, so to say that I'm sad to see it go would be a strong contender for understatement of the century. In an age where multiplayer games are dominated by practically indistinguishable gritty war shooters and dime-a-dozen annual sports games, this chaotic, over-the-top take on 3v3 dodgeball was a refreshing standout.

I remember how I was convinced to give the game a go; my mom was watching EA Play that year and saw this game get featured (since it was still an EA Originals game at the time), recommending it to me because she thought I'd like it. Her observation was more than a little bit astute - in case the post-mortem essay you're reading right now wasn't a dead giveaway. I ended up giving the free trial a shot and I was instantly hooked. The gameplay was challenging, competitive and a ton of fun. It was the first time in ages that a multiplayer game resonated with me in such a way. I kept playing whenever I could for quite a while, and while I did end up taking a few breaks, I always ended up coming back around to it sooner or later thanks to the abundance of fresh new content that was getting added on a regular basis.

This game was something special. A truly unique game, and one that I will always look back on very fondly. From helping my team claim victory, to getting stomped by the enemy team thanks to their ability to actually - perish the thought - catch the ball, to laughing a bit harder than I'd like to admit at the announcement of the Among Us collab, this game brought great times all around to me and many others.

It wasn't meant to last, unfortunately. According to the developers, the game's death knell was its inability to retain a consistent playerbase. I always thought this game was underrated as hell, so knowing that said underratedness ended up doing it in feels like a bad kick to the gut. So here we stand; Knockout City is no more. This game I spent so much time on and loved enough to write this many words about is just... gone. Of course, there is a private server version on PC, which is cool since there is technically a playable version still, but it's not exactly ideal for someone like me who can barely play PC games at all. I'm very glad it exists, but as far as someone like me is concerned, there is no such thing as Knockout City anymore.

I've been through this kind of thing before - Dragalia Lost was a pretty recent one that I still miss a lot, and Sonic Runners' shutdown will always remain a very sad day of my gaming career (although Revival thankfully has taken up the original's mantle and also rules), but very few shutdowns like this have hit quite as hard as this one. This silly little dodgeball game was genuinely one of my favorites from recent years, and I will miss it very, very much.

I'm going to miss the refreshingly colorful, Saturday-morning cartoon esque vibes of the game and its visuals. I'm gonna miss the competitive, easy-to-learn-yet-hard-to-master gameplay. I'm gonna miss the feeling of logging in that day to see some new content or events. I am really going to miss Knockout City. Wether I was slinging dodgeballs around the court, teaming up with my allies to crush the competition, or getting smoked so hard that one of the guys from the enemy team sent me "LMFAO, get rekt, GG EZ" on PSN, I had an absolute blast with this game from the time I first picked up that dodgeball all the way until I threw my final one.

According to my Exophase statistics, I played Knockout City for 136.6 hours. It was my go-to multiplayer game for a long time. It ranked #2 for playtime on my 2021 PlayStation Wrap-Up just behind Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, and was my most played game of the year in my 2022 PS Wrap-Up. And every single one of those 136 hours was filled with fun, competition, and smiles. I'm very sad to see it go, yet I'm very grateful that I got the chance to experience this.

If you told me in 2021 that my longest Backloggd review would end up being for the silly little dodgeball game, I would have laughed my ass off. Because it's just that; a silly little dodgeball game. But it was my favorite silly little dodgeball game. So much so that I'm here writing more words about, as my sister called it once, "Volleyball Town", than some people have wrote for their favorite games of all time. Guess having a game you absolutely love vanish into the sunset will do that to you.

Goodbye, Knockout City. Gone far, far too soon, but gave me lasting, happy memories all the same. It may not have managed to find its place in the overall gaming community, but it sure meant a lot to one guy in particular.

Insane potential but dropped the ball (lol)

Super fun and original game - had lots of fun playing this with friends.

its actually kinda neat, just played a few matches with my gf and I could not see why folks didn't like it
a shame that the servers are going down
cant expect much from ppl who play fortnite lol and genshin amirite bros? we live in a society

A pretty fun game with friends, but doesn't hold my attention for more than a day really. It had potential, it's just a shame its lifespan was cut so short before it could've properly used it.

Really gutted it'll be shutting down in June '23. One of the most fun MP games out there with game mechanics and controls that were easy to pickup, but still had lots of wiggle room to try and better and improve on.

Love the customisation elements/outfits, shame lots of the content required the brawlpass but what game isn't doing something like that nowadays?

Very fun with friends. Very different from other games.