Reviews from

in the past

elle pas belle la bagnole ?

Flawed, but fun.

One of my favourites open world games, with a world actually worth exploring. The biggest flaw of this game is the mechanic of threat level in areas. Upgrading yourself and your car with unlocks that come with lowering said threat levels, but that makes the game way easier as the enemies lessen with the level of the area. Even though it has that and a really cliché story, the combat, driving and its mechanics are stellar, one of the most hype and adrenaline inducing chases and fights. Things feel heavy, from the car rams to the punches, to the shotgun and the throwables.

The open world is justified: everything that you can see, you can explore. Every little place was made so that you can find something there, a card from the past, some bullets, a camping site, an old car, you name it. That's what an open world must feel like, not filled with buildings that you can't access and are just there to compose a landscape.

Worth the time I've spent into, loved every second of it.

eu não esperava um jogo tão legal e divertido como esse,uma das melhores compras desse ano com toda certeza. Jogue.

Mad Max is the best comfort food open-world game in the sense that the template is nothing special, but uses that familiarity to make the moment-to-moment gameplay so addictive due to satisfying combat on foot or using your vehicle that makes taking down camps or convoys so gratifying and chipping these down gets you scraps or tokens to upgrade either Max, tools, or vehicle.

The core gameplay loop of Mad Max from start to finish always motivates me to clean up stuff not only because of the rewards but also fun to do so. I haven’t had that dopamine feeling since Far Cry 4 or Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag

Unfortunately, it is bogged down by some side missions not being all that fun. Initially, taking down scarecrows or snipers is fun, but it quickly becomes monotonous. It doesn't help that the game loves plastering these more than the camps or convoys. However, these pale in comparison to the mind-numbingly minefield missions. They epitomize the concept of "Stop having fun" and bring down the game more than the forgettable story that I honestly forgot about (although Chumbucket & Griffa are cool).

Nonetheless, the core gameplay loop still holds well together enough that these few stumbles don’t sour the entire package for me. I still mostly had a great time playing this game and can confidently recommend if you aren’t sick of open worlds at this point.

My name is Max. My world is fire and blood.
Once, I was a cop, a road warrior searching for a righteous casue.
As the world fell, each of us, in our own way, was broken.
It was hard to know who was more crazy... me or everyone else.

Loved this game, just such a blast! Shooting, car crashes, what more could you want?

Fired this back up after the Furiosa trailer got me back in the Mad Max Mood™.

It remains a very cool but less-than-the-sum-of-its-parts open world game. The look and overall vibe of the Mad Max world is awesome, and will scratch that itch. The hand to hand combat is meaty, and satisfying - with the vehicles combat also delivering.

But this is the most 2015 open world ass open world game ever, and the repetition and boredom starts to set in basically instantly once you're let loose on the map. You're instantly grinding and clearing things off a list to make any progress and it just takes the fun out of the very solid mechanics.

But still; it's cool. And I wish we had more ambitious licenced games like this.

Do značné míry jde o open world titul ze staré školy. Kašle totiž na postavy i dějovou linku nad rámec obezličky „jdi/jeď a vytuň si co nejvíce káru, tvého nejvíc nejlepšího přítele v tomto šíleném světě bez pravidel a morálky“. Zábavu i „příběh“ jste tedy nuceni si vytvářet sami skrze to „jak a co“ v tom světě děláte. Jde spíše o sandbox, který vám dá sto a jednu možnost, jak se vyblbnout a je pouze na vás zde toho využijete či ne. A to skrze hru, ve které není byť jen náznak originálního prvku či myšlenky. Není zde naprosto nic, co byste neviděli a nedělali v desítkách jiných titulů shodného ražení. Je to do postapo hávu přeskinovaný Shadow of Mordor; akorát bez děje a systému Nemesis (a ten by sem zrovna sednul jak prdel na hrnec).

To proč navzdory výše zmíněnému tento souhrn "copy and paste přístupu" ve výsledku tak dobře funguje je, že vše co si v Avalanche Studios vypůjčili, tak z(a)pracovali do své hry funkčně a až na výjimky i zábavně. Ano, „batmanovské“ bitky jsou poněkud jednotvárné a na druhé koleji, ale nenudí a kupříkladu epické automobilové souboje a naháněčky s konvoji se neomrzí snad nikdy. Právě v tomto je největší síla přenádherné a atmosférické postapokalyptické pustiny, kde jsou nekonečná kvanta prostoru kam až oko dohlédne. Něco takového by nešlo nabídnout v titulu, kde je na každém kroku „co dělat a na co koukat“.

Nevadí-li vám pro jednou béčkový AAA titul "druhé kategorie", který sází na prázdný svět (záměrně, v tom je jeho síla a kouzlo), neoriginalitu herních prvků, linearitu v dobývání jednotlivých základen, nulový děj a syndrom snad všech open world titulů v podobě sbírání/dobývání/boření kde čeho a všeho, abyste si to mohli odškrtnout ze seznamu, tak má Mad Max sakra co nabídnout jednoduše proto, jaká zábava je ho hrát. Pokud vám však byť jen jedna jediná z těchto výtek není po chuti, tak lépe se mu vyhnout, protože proč ztrácet čas u „pouhopouhé“ generické žánrové tuctovky, že?

PS: Největší zábavu ovšem skýtá na možnosti bohatý foto mód (stejný jako u Shadow of Mordor), jelikož zdejší nekonečné dálavy jsou prostě přenádherné (a nepotřebujete k tomu ani nijak zvlášť výkonný stroj) a vyloženě vybízí k pořizování si screenů na každém druhém kroku. Speciálně pak když to v pasážích s auty začne bouchat a lítat na vše strany.

Va falloir se calmer un jour Max.

gods gift to podcast gaming, played on steam deck while listening to hollywood handbook and had the greatest time. gorgeous collectathon with some nice room for creativity on your car design and how you carve through the world. my gold standard for an hour in bed a night, only dragged down by some boring objectives and the combat getting dry once you’re max level (hahahahahaha). want to find more like it for my ‘deck.

Surprisingly class. Heavy combat, heavy vehicles, met a lad called Erectus. Good stuff

A great addition to the Mad Max universe and a really fun game to boot. Loved both the car combat sequences as well as the on foot parts. Need more games like this in the collection.

A beautiful wasteland in this game houses dull gameplay and generic direction that has nothing in common with the inspired and kinetic world of great George Miller.

Talvez seja divertido um mundo pós-apocalíptico

Eu gosto bastante de Mad Max Fury Road, todo aquele punk, aquela podridão e brutalidade sempre me encantaram muito, e nesse jogo tudo aquilo que me encanta veio direto pra esse jogo, nesse lugar traiçoeiro com habitantes duvidosos.
O combate mano a mano é bem aos moldes de Arkham, com a diferença que aqui você é muito mais brutal, já toda a gameplay que envolve o carro é maravilhosa, realmente me sinto a 200 milhas por hora enquanto enfrento maniacos num fusca punk, o mapa é gigante, embora maioria das missões sem ser da historia principal sejam bem repetitivas.
Em geral é um ótimo jogo.

Surprisingly solid open world game, just wish the story had been a bit less bland and the characters a bit more weird.

GTA in a desert wasteland? Sign me up!

Mad Max does a ton of things right. Driving feels great, especially once you have a few upgrades installed. Cornering feels weighty but responsive, and the boost meter fills up fast enough so that your thumb never gets too bored before it has another chance to hit A. Combat is also fun, playing similarly to Rocksteady's Batman games. It's not particularly deep and there are only a handful of enemy types, but it was plenty to keep me engaged and coming back for more.

While the fundamentals are strong, the other bits are hit or miss. One big sticking point is the in-game economy. Upgrades are purchased with scrap, which you find littered around the wasteland. You can pick up a handful of scrap from certain defeated enemies, and also travel to marked locations on your map to salvage it. The problem is that these marked locations often only yield scrap in single-digit quantities. When you need 2000 scrap to upgrade your engine, driving around the map and collecting 2 or 3 or 11 pieces of scrap at each location just feels weird. Ultimately, most of my scrap came from my strongholds, which when upgraded can collect scrap from wrecked enemy vehicles automatically and also make occasional scrap deliveries. Why drive all over the map gathering scrap when your base will deliver 500 pieces every 10 or 20 minutes? Thanks to these deliveries gathering scrap never felt like a grind, but it nonetheless felt poorly balanced.

There are plenty of other issues, too. While the desert is beautiful, character models -- especially the roadside NPCs -- look like they were ripped straight from the PS3/360 era. The story is neither here nor there -- it's not great but it also moves at a brisk pace with mercifully short cutscenes. Finally, the game is also notable for its lack of verticality, which is particularly strange given that this is the team that developed the Just Cause games. Then again, the driving and combat are so entertaining that I never felt like I needed to go mountain climbing.

I must also say that I love how my car always lands on its wheels. Realistic? No. But flipped cars are no fun.

Is Mad Max a great game? No, but it's still a good spot of fun. Check it out if you're looking for a mindless open-world game that mostly respects your time.

a Austrália d fato é um lugar perigoso

Demorei muito para real ter coragem de começar esse jogo, pois já pelos trailers e vídeos dele eu já não ia muito com a cara.

O jogo só é completamente chato, o mundo dele não da vontade de explorar, os comandos são horrendos, a história é confusa e ruim, esse combate a lá estilo Arkham é todo torto, quase nada se salva.

Demorei 3 semanas para terminar, pois eu sequer tinha vontade de abrir. Uma pena, pois gosto dos filmes.

This was clearly made for people that are diehard fans. This was my first approach to the franchise and don't get me wrong, everything looked decent, its simply not made for me.

Сюжет - кал. Гринд поднадоедает к концу игры. А так топ в плане поездок на машине

Não pensei que fosse me divertir tanto com esse jogo. Gostosinho demais, apesar de ter ficado meio assim com o final.

Muito daora!

Tinha como ser melhor. Muito Ubisoft game

I liked that they managed to introduce the wastlands as another silent protagonist. It is really cool, however there is not much else to this game. Repetition after repetition

infelizmente envelheceu mal
quando joguei pela primeira vez eu realmente fiquei entretido, porém tiraram da gamepass quando eu tava na metade do jogo, quando eu joguei novamente não senti o mesmo feeling