Reviews from

in the past

Really good destructible environments and physics, lacking in almost every other aspect of the game.

90% of my time here was destroying shit cause its fun

divertido, o maior problema é a IA e o resto são probleminhas padrão de jogo mediano, no fim é legal pq da pra quebrar todo e qualquer barraco

The game that turns the act of demolition into a science. Turn the difficulty down to casual, and feel free to zone out during the scarce, shallow story bits; Guerrilla is all about blowing things up and knocking them down in fun and creative ways. One might even argue that the campaign, chock full of collectathon-type elements, is rendered irrelevant by the separate Wrecking Crew mode, which distills all of that GeoMod-powered goodness to its most pure form. Either way, it's a great game.


Es un juego más que correcto para echar un rato, dar unos tiros y derruir unos cuantos edificios. Y todo ello en Marte.

A parte de eso no tiene mucho que comentar: los personajes son planos totalmente, la historia es un hilo conductor (y muy flojito), las misiones varían bastante poco (salvo las finales de cada capítulo) y el control y los gráficos son claramente de generación pasada.
Pero vamos, que pague por el nuevo 7 euros nuevo y por ese precio no puede pedirse más.

Whoever decided to call this re-Mars-tered should be locked in prison for the rest of their life

I absolutely love destroying shit

It's a good thing the destruction is so fun, because basically everything else about this game stinks. A rare title where the side missions are the main draw, like they seriously could have sold this as a bunch of straightforward "destroy the building in X amount of time" or "level the base with a specific arsenal" missions without the open world framework or the bland story, and it would have been a better package.

Very mediocre and generic. The only thing that stands out is the destructibility of the environments. This franchise has no identity.

admiro bastante su motor de fisicas y lo divertido que llega a ser cuando funciona, pero odio su dificultad inicial que solo depende de una cantidad estupida de enemigos, sumado a eso que tiene controles bastantes torpes hace que la experiencia sea bastante frustrante. solo puedo recomendarlo para romper cosas una hora y se acabo.

A GTA clone of sorts that stands out for the sheer amount of destruction that the player is capable of carrying out. I wish they had done more with the story.

The destruction is certainly fun, but the combat is terribly considered, with no better summation of that than the fact that the button to take cover is also the same as the button that incidentally destroys your cover.

a game that does one thing pretty well and then adds a ton of extraneous and tedious open-world bloat around it

that one thing, the destruction mechanic, holds up fairly well, but the same can't be said for the clunky combat, dull missions, unenjoyable traversal mechanics, or barren open world with far too much space between objectives.

instead of what we got, this should have been a linear, level-based game focused squarely on what it does best (destroying buildings real good), or at least been set in a much smaller and denser open world

Probably would have enjoyed this more if I'd played the original back in the day but blowing shit up was fun. Not much else to say!

I never purchased it but it was on my mind since release because of its destruction features.
But i grabbed it for cheap on a steam sales.

It was nice to revisit this very mid game from years ago.
It never excells at anything, the story is meh, the characters follows strong stereotypes.
But i had fun wandering around Mars and destroying buildings.
It could have been a 3 stars or a 3 stars and a half. But there were many bugs. So many bugs that made me restart the same missions again and again and again.
I got frustrated to the point where i watched the final cutscene on youtube rather than restarting the last mission for the 10th time.
It leaves a very sour taste ...

Also it is quite short.

Cool destruction mechanics, but kinda bad or mediocre everything else, with some non-working bullshit thrown in for good measure.

A good game worth a playthrough if you've never played it before and are yearning for the classic open world games of the early 2010's. However, this game falls flat in many areas this day in age. The open world is not compelling, the vehicles are mediocre feeling to drive, and the combat is confusing while the guns don't feel "punchy" enough to be worth using. I just spammed hammer melee the whole game and came out successful 9/10 engagements.

A lot of these reviews I am writing might end up being short and not all encompassing but I am putting serious effort into my backlog and it makes me feel better to write up when I finish a game. It's like a little reward for not abandoning a game after 3 or so hours of playing it.

As bland as the graphics and story are, the destruction keeps this one from being something totally forgettable. There's nothing more cathartic than being a space asshole and slamming a car directly through a building, what can I say? I'm not much of an open world game kinda person to begin with, but I did enjoy my time with this one. Prime junk food gaming!

went into this blind and enjoyed being a terrorist

Great fun, I love destroying and blowing up shit.

no jugué al remake, jugué el original pero no lo encontré
físicas 10/10
historia 3/10
jugabilidad 6/10
mundo abierto 7/10
jugalo si quieres ver físicas bonitas
por el resto es bastante normalito

Играл очень давно на ПК. По воспоминаниям неплохая игра. На Switch еще не играл

Red Faction: Guerilla Re-Mars-tered: A very lousy gaming experience and while I'd bet the developers did try, they simply didn't know how to deliver an experience worth your time. Even its shotgun sucks. Cheeky remaster name, though.

I find this game really disappointing. I remember being excited for its original release, loving the Xbox 360 demo that showcased the heavy-hitting hammer and the destructibility of the environment. I got the game but never beat it back then and always kind of wondered why. I have the re-Mars-tered version on Steam, unsure of how I even got that, and figured I'd complete the story. What a chore that ended up being.

The planet of Mars is just visually revolting. The map's divided into zones and each has its own color scheme to add some visual flair, but I'd say they all conjure up images of a failing human body: lots of dark, deoxygenated blood-red, hangover diarrhea-brown, empty stomach bile-green and orange, even dementia fog-gray! These sickening colors may be your only way of learning the map because there are very few, if any, distinguishing markers about. You will see rocks, rusted rubble, EDF checkpoints, shantytowns, and more rocks. Alec Mason, the hero of Mars with zero personality, will struggle to climb these rocks throughout his journey and you'll practically need the thruster/jetpack to get anywhere that isn't paved. Nature just being there is more oppressive to Mason than the comically-evil regime he's supposed to be fighting against.

The driving in this game, which you'll be doing lots of, is probably the worst driving in gaming I can recall. It's worse than Death Stranding by a long shot, and it helps Death Stranding has Kojima's magic charm while this has nothing of the sort. I've found others online hating the driving, too, some saying it was made worse in the re-Mars-tered edition (while others said don't worry, it was always bad). You'll hit invisible rocks on the road that send your car flying and likely toss you over. Every surface is either insanely off-road or covered in black ice, it seems.
Sometimes your car will randomly accelerate far faster than it ever would normally, making the already impossible handling a true nightmare, and usually send you crashing. Apparently the lower gravity of Mars ONLY applies to the vehicles, as the slightest jump will have you flying like you just downed a Redbull; it's all too floaty. Every vehicle was designed by an especially inept child inspired by “Minority Report” and none will get you going over 35 miles per hour. You're always driving a tugboat.
Some Transporter side missions are barely passable on their normal par times, and the pro times? Impossible. One invisible rock gets ya and there goes that run. Not worth the effort.

Where's the fun? It's sparse, and arguably not really there at all, and many times I considered giving up on this garbage. You won't find any intrigue in the plot: I've never seen a speedier, clunkier transformation from the “I'm just a normal guy,” introduction to “I'm a mass-murdering, explosive terrorist.” It's about two minutes. It's not fun to fight the EDF, they're brain-dead bullet sponges who should have “EVIL!” written on their uniform like it's a NASCAR sponsor. They'll only manage to kill you when enough of them teleport in right beside you or you're caught next to something explosive.
I'd say what's most fun is probably the Demolition Master side missions which have you destroying a target with set items, like leveling a smokestack with hydrogen tanks in under a minute. Even those aren't perfect, some just suck and are a lot of luck, as buildings can be standing on impossibly thin supports. So, they can be fun, but they're definitely not worth the price of admission.

The AC-130-like missions were the only “different” ones and they felt dry due to how effortless they were. The last mission had a lot of explosions, a real blockbuster closer, but by that point there was no way I was getting interested. I was glad it was over. Seems only 9% of its players could tough it out to the finale based on the Steam achievement. I'm a survivor. We're a dying breed.

Again, just disappointing. Coming back to this game sort of destroyed the pleasant memory I had of it. I didn't get to play the multiplayer because it's deader than Elvis, which is no surprise. I remember playing multiplayer back on the 360 and liking it, but who knows, I was young and dumb(er). It's likely not very good. I don't know what exactly was re-Mars-tered here, but the game still needs a lot of work, top priority being the driving. I'm surprised they even bothered with a re-Mars-ter, considering what's here is pretty poor.

Yeah, skip this one.

Red Faction: Guerilla was a type of game that littered the PS3 generation and also into the PS4 generation. It takes place in a drab open world with a ho-hum story that involves Troy Baker with dull main missions and a slew of collectibles and meaningless side content. It does have a USP though, that being, the destruction. Almost everything is destructible and it sure is fun blowing it all up. You really can make your own fun messing with the destruction physics to make some of the missions a bit more interesting to play. I actually did like the timed destruction side missions as it introduces a puzzle solving element. There is also a bare bones DLC episode that I didn't really enjoy. I didn't play the original game so I don't know how different this re-Mars-ter (points for the dumb name) is but it seems to look and play fine despite a couple of crashes. Ultimately, I think the game is solid due to one factor and I suppose that can be enough.

more or less the same game with better performance and resolution, can't go wrong with it

Multiplayer is highly underrated.

Its just one of those days
Where you don't want to wake up
Everything is fucked
Everybody sucks
You don't really know why
But you want to justify
Rippin' someone's head off
No human contact
And if you interact
Your life is on contract
Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
It's just one of those days
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, let the shit slip
Or you'll be leaving with a fat lip
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, talking that shit
Its just one of those days
Feeling like a freight train
First one to complain
Leaves with a bloodstain
Damn right I'm a maniac
You better watch your back
Cause I'm fucking up your program
And then your stuck up
You just lucked up
Next in line to get fucked up
Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
It's just one of those days
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, let the shit slip
Or you'll be leaving with a fat lip
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, talking that shit
Punk, so come and get it
I feel like shit
My suggestion, is to keep your distance
Cause right now I'm dangerous
We've all felt like shit
And been treated like shit
All those motherfuckers
That want to step up
I hope you know, I pack a chainsaw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps going this way, I just might
Break something tonight
I pack a chainsaw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps going this way, I just might
Break something tonight
I pack a chainsaw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps going this way, I just might
Break your fucking face tonight
Give me something to break
Just give me something to break
How bout yer fucking face
I hope you know, I pack a chainsaw
A chainsaw
A motherfucking chainsaw
So come and get it
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, let the shit slip
Or you'll be leaving with a fat lip
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, talking that shit
Punk, so come and get it

The game heavily involves skirmishes against EDF soldiers instead of focusing purely on the funnest part (the demolition) and unfortunately, the combat / gunplay is lousy.