Reviews from

in the past

For a fan-game Sonic themed Doom mod, this game is actually really fun. The visual style is from some alternate late-1990s where Sega actually put out a 3D Sonic during the N64 days. The levels are neat and clever, the music is top tier, and best of all it's free! The one downside is that they have a lot more faith in Sonic's platforming handling than I think they should, some of those jumps are p sketch to pull off.

Почему Сега не делает такие игры???

This is the apex of high speed 3D platforming featuring blue hedgehogs. I'm tired of acting like it's not

[Official Level Design Contest 2021: Round 1]

I didn't enjoy this pack as much as I did other ones. I had some issues in some of the levels with getting lost and some of the gimmicks were difficult to get to grips with. There are still some good levels here and other people may not have the same issues I have had so it is still worth checking out.

Oh, this is a fan game alright...BECAUSE IT BLOWS! I mean, it controls like it's on ice, and don't even get me started on the thok! Sonic just dashes forward like an impossible to control bullet...but the game still kind of works? I REALLY works..? How is that possible? This game's appeal is as mysterious as the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman that took hold of all of American culture in the mid 1990s. I don't think OJ did it, he doesn't strike me as a killer. I mean, he's a bit eccentric, but all great figures are. Isaac Newton, despite giving us the laws of classical physics that are still foundational and influential to the science of today, was also an unbelievably crude and unlikeable man. It doesn't mean we should disregard his contributions. SRB2 is a great game precisely BECAUSE it follows so closely to Newton's laws of motion, even with all of the baggage that comes along with them.

probably the best sonic fangame of all time!! however i will admit, i much prefer it with the modern sonic mod as the homing attack makes it so much more fun to control!

Best Sonic fangame hands down.

I really enjoyed this game when it was fresh to me, It was one of my favs at a time too.

So much love was put into this game, easily one of my favorite fangames in general <3

Dropped after completing Castle Eggman Zone as both Sonic and Tails. I’d like to start off by saying the art style and presentation kick ass and are very faithful to the source material. However I don’t feel the same can be said about the overall control and later level design. Say I have a skill issue all you want but I don’t feel the Speed Thok is a comfortable method of closing gaps/attacking enemies at all in the way the air dash or homing attack in the official 3D games are, combined with how slippery Sonic himself feels to control as is. I’m sorry but these physics do not feel meant for precision platforming period.

Boss fights are also incredibly awkward to get through with the aforementioned control issues along with the uncooperative camera while using the Thok as your only reliable means of attack, and bosses seem even worse trying to attack without it using someone like Tails, who can either only rely on a normal jump or hitting an enemy’s underside with his namesakes.

All in all, Sonic Robo Blast 2 makes me wish I was playing Sonic Adventure instead. Maybe there’s just something I’m not seeing considering how massive the community for this game is and the fact it got an awesome kart racer.

i give sonic team and sega a lot of shit, but i have to say, the tolerance towards fan games is amazing, because if every single one of my mascots 3d games got showed up by a buncha glorified doom modders, i wouldn't let that shit stay up for 20 minutes let alone 20 years

The controls are a little slippery but it's alright one you get used to it, very fun game.

this game is actually the peak of not only sonic but 3d platforming itself and nothing can ever top it

Maybe I'll finish this at a later point but Egg Rock Zone Act 1 is an absolutely terrible level. Yeah, just put precision platforming in a game that's specifically tailored to forgiving platforming, no one will be mad at that.

Even if I do hate that level in particular, this is a really good game, in fact this is actually the first positive experience I've had with a Sonic game. The movement of 2D Sonic always bothered me because Sonic would stop on a dime but would take a while to gain speed, which made platforming feel chaotic. Then you had the fact that you couldn't see too far ahead of you so any obstacles in your way would be hard to see, which created a very conflicted design philosophy of wanting the player to go fast but also not wanting the game to lack challenge, which means that going slower would be better for first time players, which sucks for me personally because I really don't like how Sonic feels when he's going slow.

These complaints aren't here though, the movement feels great (although I'll chalk that up to my extensive familiarity with Doom's movement) and the platforming is mostly forgiving, save the aforementioned level. Each zone is distinct with its own theming and mechanics and those first 5 or 6 zones were an absolute treat. Compile this alongside a variety of different shields (power-ups) that each have their own uses and you have a really solid platformer.

I have other things I want to talk about but seeing how I haven't fully finished the game, I don't think I'm in any position to say anything more. I'm not a Sonic fan, but even I enjoyed this game, so I recommend it.

Holy pancakes in a pencil sharpener THIS IS GREAT!

One of my favorite Sonic games period. And it's not even official. All the mods only make it better; I've been loving my time with the Surge one recently

I feel like such an outsider of Sonic as a series. A lot of the core game design that Sonic fans tend to love, I never quite seem to mesh with. A lot of it is trial and error, with a sense of speed that makes you lose a sense of precise platforming. It's purpose is to replay and to keep getting better at the game, even if your first experience wasn't a great one.

Roboblast 2 is an extreme love letter to Sonic, emblematic of the efforts that fans will go through for a series they love. Passion is poured into every fiber of this game's being. And yet... I just do not mesh well with its game design. And that's a shame, because I wish it did.

Still fucks me up that this game technically released before Sonic Adventure 1 and still somehow managed to be a more consistently entertaining experience.

I haven't played it in a long time. It's had many updates since my last fair go. But, man.... mastering the stage layout and rocketing through as Sonic without the game EVER taking control away from me is something I wish the official entries offered.

I had my issues with it, but I really can't blame the devteam if they had so few games to take as a reference point. It's lovely. That's all I really have to say, but on top of already being a solid base experience, the modding community is thriving- adding more to this game even to this day. It's so nice!

Fuck Egg Rock though.

This was incredible. Probably a bit hard to control on a keyboard+mouse combination. I guess i should check it again with a joystick at some other point.

Even if i only played a couple of levels, i definitely had a great time.

[Official Level Design Contest 2022: Round 1]

Overall a great pack of levels for SRB2 and well worth checking out. Featuring a mixture of traditional levels, challenge levels and treasure hunting stages, there is something for everyone in this pack.

I finally beat the game. It's good, perhaps. It's got a steep learning curve but once you get it, there's something of value here.

In my opinion this is the closest anyone has come to capturing what made classic 2D Sonic work in 3D, without falling into the trap of making the stages too big (and hard to navigate) or giving the characters too many abilities.

The sheer sense of flow in this game is not to be understated.

This game is insane fun, especially with custom characters.

if you told me this was a mainline sonic game Id believe you!

I used to say Mario 64 was my favorite 3D platformer, but not after this game. I practically play it every day just to tinker with mods from the incredible community this game has. I've put an embarassing amount of hours into it and by the time 3.0 comes around I think everyone will see what I've been seeing since 2.2 but for now I'm greatly anticipating 2.3.

I appreciate them adding Fang, Amy, and Metal to the lineup. Metal and Cream have always been my favorites.

With mods this game becomes a 3.5 no doubt. Custom characters give you more options and make it a little easier, cause this game isn't easy, which I enjoy. Once you get the layout of the level progressing gets easier just like 2D sonic. In fact, it's easier to remember parts of the level in this.

There can be some irritating moments here and there, it's not perfect, but I think this is the most fun I've had with a sonic game. Custom stages are pretty interesting too.

Maybe the most impressive fangame I've ever played. A genuinely excellent 3D platformer with a steep learning curve. This game has been in development since 1998 and it's incredible to see how much it's improved over time. Also my first online multiplayer experience back in 2007.

Uno de los mejores fan games de Sonic,y bastante currado,muchos mods y una música bastante guay