Reviews from

in the past

Sucked up so much of my time as a kid.

Cool idea, but all of these characters are way too slow compared to Mario and Luigi.

This is a cute twist on the original Super Mario Bros, but Mushroom Kingdom Fusion stomps it onto the curb so violently that it's kind of hard to watch.

Once the novelty wears off you realize how slow and just plain boring it is to play SMB levels as any character that isn't a Mario brother. Can't wait for Super Retro Squad!

You're a real one if you played this.

Super mario bros if it was awesome

Another computer lab hood classic. This game actually does a really good job emphasizing the importance of balanced level design around your characters moveset, as the mario levels definitely work for some characters and don't for others. I remember they even updated this later on to have a ton of cool skins and alternate characters which I really enjoyed. Banger game

Haven't played in a hot minute, but I think it's just SMB but better? Incredibly based.

This game is the reason I have friends


real fun game, great idea. a shame how the studio turned out

A pretty solid Flash fangame with a surprising breadth of inclusions. It delivers on its promised premise about as well as you could want. If you've got a Flashpoint setup or something similar nowadays, I recommend giving it a go.

Man they could've kept adding to this and making it better and better but Exploding Rabbit just gave up, Still fun however.


i think the best way that i can describe this game - it's the dream's super mario montage became a real game to playing it

there is a lot of effort put on it later on. the version 3.1 it's polished as hell, and even has much different skins, powers, and everything

Absolute classic (pls don't so retro me)

Super Mario crossover é um jogo feito em flash em meados de 2010, feito por Exploding Rabbit e inicialmente lançado no Newgrounds e está recebendo atualizações até hoje , sendo a versão 4.0 em desenvolvimento agora
SMC possui uma premissa simples, colocar personagens de jogos clássicos de NES No Jogo Super Mario Bros, Variando desde personagens mais famosos da época como Megaman e Samus , Até Ryu de Ninja gaiden e até mesmo Jason de Blaster master, e isso não vem só de uma troca de sprites , Mas sim pegando o gameplay dos jogos originais e adaptando , Como por exemplo; Se você escolher Bill R. de contra , os Power ups se transformam em armas novas , como Metralhadoras e Lasers.
Super Mario Crossover funciona bem até demais para uma premissa tão maluca, Todos os personagens foram adaptados bem para o ambiente,com personagens se adaptando melhor do que outros, Como Bill de Contra que só destrói tudo e todos a sua frente acabando com qualquer dificuldade que o jogo tinha a oferecer, E Jason de blaster master que transforma a fórmula comum de Super mario em um jogo completamente diferente , tendo que usar todos os power ups disponíveis no jogo para atravessar as fases
No geral Super Mario Crossover é um jogo Legal , A Versão 1.0 é passável, somente a partir da versão 2.0 o jogo começou a ser mais consistente , com um balanceamento melhor e com a possibilidade de mudar as Skins de personagens e do jogo, A versão 3.0 por outro lado adicionou SUper Mario Bros 2 ;The lost levels , transformando um Projeto experimental para um jogo consistente e com um Valor de replay Forte. E pessoalmente estou muito ansioso para a Versão 4.0 que está em desenvolvimento (em 2023)

5.7/8 —------------------------ Um Clássico dos jogos de Flash

Mario bros but with other essential Nes character, yes please. This game defined a generation for flash games and what could be done. Only if the guy making the game could have finished his original game.

Take Super Mario, and add the following characters with their specific game styles respective to their games:

- Link (Legend of Zelda)
- Samus (Metroid)
- Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
- Megaman (Megaman)
- Bass (Megaman)
- Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
- Sophia III (Blaster Master)
- Bill Rizer (Contra)
- Luigi (Mario)

And you have Super Mario Crossover, a fun crossover game that uses Mario Bros as the basis and while you are still able to play as Mario in his standard journey and gameplay, crossover allows you to do the journey as the other characters listed, in their specific gameplay styles, it's a great game I recommend you all to play,

super mario if it was fun
also very nostalgic, now when I hear the mario land 2 theme I think about this game

The amount of classes I ignored in favor of playing this.

fuck your smash main whos your main in this?
mine was Megaman
edit: hell yeah link was sick

Esse jogo é absurdamente bom

it is difficult to win with contra man :(