Reviews from

in the past

this is the second time i am saying this on this website: if you are my friend please bring link cables and game boys to my house so we can play this game i am begging you


I am incredibly biased towards this game. The manga for this and Minish Cap got me into Zelda. I ADORE the manga more than I can describe. I absolutely fucking love it, i read it twice a year no joke. It’s frankly just fantastic. The game however, I feel is just good. I feel like I’d adore it if I played with friends but I don’t really have 500 dollars or friends with 3 link cables and 3 GBAS so that’ll have to wait. This game is still very fun on your own and the puzzles are REALLY complex especially for the type of game it is. It’s also in that era of Nintendo I love aka 2000-2006 where they were just always so experimental and dropped bangers and this is no exception. Sprite art is a rarity on the GameCube but it’s beautiful here though it looks like it always has the “blended pixel” type of filter on. The designs are also so fresh and unique, especially Zelda she’s got like a braid in this one and is really strong it’s kinda sick. Pretty remixes of old Zelda songs as well. I like this game a lot. Shadow Link is my baby.

A really fun game to play with friends and surprisingly good for a multiplayer, 2D Zelda.

One of the coolest gaming experiences that was severely difficult to experience.

I love a good co-op game. There's nothing quite like working together with a friend, family member, or significant other to complete a game in tandem. Four-player co-op is even better, but it becomes more difficult to get four consistent players for a campaign. If you manage make that happen though, it's gonna be a great time.

Four Swords Adventures is no exception. The few times I've played it with three other people, it's become one of the coolest games I've ever played. But you don't just have to get three other people, you also have to acquire four GBA-to-GC Link Cables and four GBA systems. When this game came out, that was $440 of extra hardware. Now maybe your friends all had GBAs they could bring over, but that's completely up to chance.

The game played solo is fine. It's a decent top-down Zelda experience, but the way it's segmented into levels feels odd. It's difficult to score the game overall. As a single-player campaign, it's probably a 3/5, but when you've got four Zelda fans with GBAs in hand, I'd say it's a perfect 5.

If you have the chance to experience that, don't pass it up. If you come across cheap GBAs, it might be worth picking them up just so you're prepared for the next time you've got teammates available.

If a Nintendo game ever needed to be rereleased with online co-op, it's this one.

Now THIS is more like it. It's a blend of quick action with creative puzzles. The overpriced multiplayer is still the focus, but they also had the decency to let you play alone in this game, and it's still a lot of fun with just one player. Each level feels kind of like its own dungeon, and they generally feel unique from one another. The mix of A Link to the Past's and the GBA games' artstyles shouldn't work, but they do, likely because they added some extra visual flair using the extra power of the GameCube. All in all, a fun time. If we could get a port of this game to the Switch that didn't require you to buy multiple systems for multiplayer, that would be great.

This game made me wish I had friends.

it's a zelda course clear game.
much like mixing chocolate and pizza.

PLAY THIS GAME IF YOU CAN, it's really fun to play only in multiplayer but the multiplayer alone makes this an amazing game.

Incredibly fun even by yourself. The mix of pixel art and non-pixelized effects should be anathema to me, but it never bothered me. Chasing after force gems in every level can be a bit of a chore, but there are some interesting ideas that the series has only tackled in this game as a result of having up to four players. I love the formation system.

I had so fun playing this, even in single player. A really good 2d zelda.

god i wish i had irl friends growing up: the video game

Fun game in the franchise, that had some unique features while also keeping the classic Zelda feel.

Okay... I remember briefly playing this one as a kid. Renting it from Blockbuster one night, and trying to get into it. I haven't really played it since, but I'm sure it's a great game.

Played it on Parsec with some friends. Game has some obvious flaws but it was a blast to play regardless.

Blockbuster cucked. Wish I owned this one

Almost 20 years after its release, playing Four Swords Adventures has only recently become a plausible endeavor. In The Ancient Days, in order to play this game in "the real way" that the developers intended, one would need access to the following:

-A TV in a location suitable for four prospective players
-A Nintendo Gamecube
-A copy of The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
-Three other local human beings of comparable skill, compatible schedules, a consistent and persistent interest in playing a 15 hour long Zelda game to completion, and a modicum of amicable chemistry amongst themselves and with you (So we had might as well give up right now)
-FOUR(!!!) working Gameboy Advances
-Enough batteries (or charging solutions) to sustain those four GBAs for 15 hours of play
-FOUR(!!!) rare and expensive GBA to GCN cables, of which I personally saw exactly ONE in the entire decade between 2000 and 2010.

Now we have Parsec, Dolphin, and Discord, and we can play this very fun and very cool co-op game.

Oh did you want like, actual criticism? Uh... the more puzzly levels can be huge pace breakers in a way that isn't really great for an otherwise fast-paced thing like this. It would also benefit from some system that could warp a lagging teammate to the screen boundary that all three other players are pushing against, trying to move on and patiently waiting. Generally though, this rules. Great fun.

This was a pretty unique experience. The level design was fun and the gameplay was good. I didn't really like the music personally, but it was mostly just the sound font. I was getting a bit tired of the game by the end, but it was still a fun game.

A neat package which takes the Four Swords mode from the LttP GBA port and blows it up into a full game, with mixed results. I mostly played it single player, which as not ideal. While it's fun to move as a massive group of Links like a massive shield wall, playing alone just doesn’t work well. You can only carry one item, adding a lot of backtracking. Even without that, every level outstays it’s welcome. Would’ve been better if levels had been tighter, and less focused on collecting gems.

Man, what a journey I've had with this game. All my life since I got into Zelda I've basically seen this game as a bigger version of Four Swords. I didn't know much of the story besides what I read in Hyrule Historia, and it's not that I didn't have an interest in playing it, but pretty much since I knew what the game was, I knew that I'd never be able to touch it because it was on the fabled Game Cube, a system which I have never owned.

Anyway, I had finally downloaded the game, but I knew I wanted to finish Four Swords first, so I could play it in the supposed order. In order to prep myself for the "Four Swords Trilogy," I played The Minish Cap first, then Four Swords, and finally.... this game.

I ended up playing it using one of my brother's X-Box controllers, which held really nicely. I very much enjoyed playing this game, and even though I did all of in singleplayer, it still posed a challenge. This game might actually be one of the easiest Zelda games there is, maybe not as easy as its predecessor, but the puzzles took pretty quick to figure out, and the majority of it was just fighting a ton of enemies.

I will say, I loved the art style, and the mesh between the ALttP style and Wind Waker was really neat.

Overall, I loved the final experience in my Zelda journey, and I'm so happy (and relieved) that I finally did it. The story played out well, the SFX were neat, and the game was overall really fun. Now I actually have to wait for the next Zelda game I play to come out... The series I've loved for so long is finally complete in my book :)

fun if you have friends. kinda boring otherwise

A great game that is fun with friends

A fun 4 player Zelda remix of Link to the Past but it was a pain in the butt since all your friends needed a GBA link cable.

I played this solo and I still had a blast!

There exists a timeline where I got to have a great time playing this game with a full party of 4 with link cables and Gameboy advances galore. This is not that timeline.