Reviews from

in the past

O primeiro jogo que joguei em toda a minha vida e até hoje segue sendo memorável e nostálgico: a beleza pixelizada dos carros, das pistas, das luzes e do horizonte sempre me encantaram e me faziam passar horas e mais horas jogando. E a trilha sonora grudou em meus ouvidos.

Complicated and complex for its time. I always used to forget I had to save the fuel xD

Trilha sonora que marcou minha vida.

Way more nostalgic than good. I still like it, tho.

Top Gear is a mediocre racing game on the Super Nintendo that never really does anything that wasn't done on the NES. It was just a racing game if you really needed one near the launch of the system.

Terminei esse que era um dos meus jogos favoritos na infância. O jogo é muito bom mas é bem repetitivo, mudar de país altera apenas a imagem do fundo que mal da pra ver. Terminei no amateur.

vi meu pai se divertir como nunca tinha visto, só por isso, pra mim já valeu tudo.

The Top Gear series, but especially this first title, was and is incredibly popular in South America. I found out about this pretty quickly when researching the game. What this game's unique selling propositions are would be three-fold.

First, Top Gear has a fast pace. Not F-Zero fast, but pretty fast. Especially if you're going up and down hills, it can get pretty hectic. Second, it comes with dozens of courses spanning the whole world, from Germany to Brazil, from LA to Tokyo. Is there enough variety to support these 32 total courses? Not quite. Most actually feel very similar, and are distinguished by pretty small additions (obstacles on the course) and length.

The third and final USP is pretty cool. The game adds strategy to races. There is your typical nitro system that is limited to 3 uses per race. There is the selection of one of four cars, which differ in speed, handling and fuel consumption. Finally, fuel consumption itself is a big deal, as you have limited fuel that will get depleted before you finish the race on certain courses that are up to 7 laps long I believe. This means you need to use pit stops and time your visits well, as you will lose ground while you're waiting for your fuel to charge.

Overall, I appreciated these elements. Adding this feature does mean however that some tracks can take up to 6 minutes though. That's something you might feel one way or the other about in arcade racers, but I enjoyed the shorter levels more, even without pit stops becoming a factor.

One negative I want to mention is that half of the screen is constantly blocked by a split-screen setup that shows a computer racing below you. This is no issue in 2-Player of course, but could have been removed for single player.

In terms of content, the game offers you the four aforementioned cars, the 32 maps and puts these two things together for one single mode, which is a campaign through all maps in the game. You start in the USA and have to finish in a certain spot on the ranking to qualify for the next set of maps. I finished 2nd once and still qualified, so up to half of the game, there was no need to finish 1st yet. Finishing 4th didn't do the job though.

Finally, the soundtrack is worth a mention. There are some great tracks here, but out of the 4 used for the 32 tracks, I felt indifferent about two, so I felt there wasn't enough variety here and it wasn't an F-Zero situation where I was bopping my head to pretty much all tracks and even listened to some of them outside of the game from time to time. In general, the soundtrack is seen as one of the highlights of this game, so your enjoyment of it may differ. I just found 4 tracks to be too few either way.

Overall, Top Gear is a fun racing game. It doesn't surpass F-Zero as my favorite racing game for the SNES (so far), but it is similarly addictive and I have no hard time figuring out why it's still popular at some parts of the Earth.

(I played this as part of my challenge to go through notable video games in chronological order starting in 1990.)

Eu só tinha uma tarde pra virar o jogo porque o videogame era emprestado do meu primo, consegui :D

Gameplay - 9
Trilha Sonora - 10
Gráficos - 7
História/Campanha - 7

Nota - 8.25

A game made correctly. Super fun racing game with great gameplay and a killer soundtrack. Very diverse stages and the fuel system add to some challange to the races. Could have more cars to select, but is a great game anyways.

Não bote uma única música deste jogo enquanto eu estou dirigindo, as consequências podem ser desastrosas

Não zerei. Porem a nostalgia que tenho por esse jogo é gigante, lembro do meu pai jogar, eu e os meus primos jogarem, lembro de até mesmo em lugares que visitei tocarem a musica da primeira corrida, pode até ser só um jogo de corrida com uma OST pedrada demais, mas que me marcou e marcou muitos, isso já não posso negar.

um clássico, com uma OST foda demais

As música são real boa mano

Dps de zerar o Horizon Chase resolvi rejogar Top Gear, já tive a fita de SNES e joguei bastante aos 7/8 anos, a música desse game é extremamente nostálgica.
Acabei subestimando o jogo achando q seria fácil mas realmente foi bem desafiador, principalmente em ter q poupar combustível e acertar as trocas de marcha.

>> Prós
• SOUNDTRACK : O maior ponto positivo do jogo com ctz é a trilha sonora, principalmente pela música tema nostálgica.
• JOGABILIDADE : No começo achei os controles bem complicados mas no decorrer do jogo acabei me acostumando ( joguei com a opção D pq n curti a A ).
• DESAFIO : Não só pelo combustível mas tbm pq algumas pistas era chatinho acertar o pit stop ( Nice ) e desviar de certos obstáculos ( San Francisco e Nice ).

>> Contras
• POUCOS CARROS : Podia ter mais carros ( o Sidewinder é a melhor opção dos 4 ).

>> Carro Favorito = Sidewinder ( Carro Branco ).

>> Mapas
• USA = 3/5 ( 80 pts / 1st )
• AMÉRICA DO SUL = 3/5 ( 58 pts / 2nd )
• JAPÃO = 2.5/5 ( 65 pts / 1st )
• ALEMANHA = 3/5 ( 72 pts / 1st )
• ESCANDINÁVIA = 3.5/5 ( 80 pts / 1st )
• FRANÇA = 2.5/5 ( 70 pts / 1st )
• ITÁLIA = 3/5 ( 80 pts / 1st )
• REINO UNIDO = 3.5/5 ( 80 pts / 1 st )

Um ótimo jogo de corrida pra sua época

O melhor game de corrida de todos os tempos. rsrsrs...

fui só mostrar o retroarch pra um amigo que nao conhece muito, coloquei top gear pq ele gosta e terminei jogando a noite inteira…esse eu tinha uma certa memoria visual mas confesso que nunca tinha pego pra jogar real.
é um jogo beeeem divertido mas ao mesmo tempo limitadissimo. porém fica claro o pq desse jogo ter sido um sucesso no brasil.

recomendadíssimo pra vc que quer visitar os primordios dos jogos de corrida e se divertir com os amigos durante umas horas!

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 9: Piko Interactive Collection 1

Colour me surprised again, i've found a retro racing game that I actually quite enjoyed playing. Top Gear (or as its known in this collection, Top Racer) is a rather fun and frantic little racing title thats well worth playing.

On the plus side is the game's real sense of speed as you fly round turns, over bumps and around other cars and obstacles. Its a rather exhilarating little thrillride all backed up by the game providing plenty of clutch moments that'll have you really pressed at times thanks to a mix of agressive but fair AI players and some nifty fuel/nitro management as you tackle the longer races.

On the downside, oh boy some of those later races are really long and tough and it can sometimes feel like you're battling for much longer than necessary. In addition I also have to call out the weird decision to always have split-screen going on in every game mode, something that actually harms this version even moreso than usual thanks to the Evercade EXP's handheld small screen.

Still, I had a rather fun time with this one and its actually now making me look forward to playing with the sequel when I tackle the Piko 2 pack later.

Excelente, viciante e queridinho dos brasileiros.

não me deixavam jogar muito o SNES mas esse aqui era especial pra mim

This game is almost brazilian since it was everywhere here in my country when I was a kid. It is actually a port of those Lotus Challenge games for the Amiga computer, and even the songs that people love were made first for the original games, not for the SNES game, which was a version published by Kemco, removing the Lotus license, but keeping the gameplay mechanics.

É o jogo mais brasileiro produzido fora do brasil.

from my SNES days. lots of good memories.

a OST é fantástica e os visuais são legais entretanto é muito limitado, pouca variedade e as mecânicas são bem rasas. o jogo é bom, mas foi mais um dos que envelheceu meio medíocre (o que é compreensível).

Didn't finish but I had fun with what I played. The speeds you can reach if you maintain a smooth ride are kinda fucked up. Main problem for me is that it already runs choppy as-is on SNES, and that brand of scaler racing is really difficult to stomach on HD monitors, a problem I haven't had with any of my other equally-choppy racing excursions on composite. I'll have to revisit this later.

Clásico de los juegos de carreras y la mejor banda sonora en 16 bits.