Reviews from

in the past

Ok so this is pretty much the first REAL Touhou game, and it's honestly insane how much of an improvement it is over the first one.
Didn't like that you had limited continues, but other then that it was a fun time.

If you don't manage to beat the game in one continue it literally tells you to go off yourself and that you're a failure. What else can I really say about it. It's peak.

This second game in the Touhou franchise definitely feels a lot more rewarding and challenging. And not because there's a ball flying all around the screen that you can't even control properly. Yeah, there's less levels now but at least you have 3 all new gameplay styles.
This is the game that when most people would look at, they'll immediately understand it's a Touhou game. It has a silly story, good music, interesting character designs and above all nice and fluid gameplay.

I'm definitely happy that the franchise went into this direction and this game for sure makes me want to play even more of Touhou for someone who's not even a fan (but who knows).

This game is overall pretty solid! Much closer to the typical Touhou experience you might expect, with some key differences. [no focus mode, pc-98s difficulty ranking system] but I would just consider these variations rather than drawbacks.

Overall I find that this game tends to be a lot easier than other Touhou games comparatively, but again, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

The ost is good, and the gameplay is perfectly serviceable. Not a particular outlier in good gameplay when it comes to Touhou as a whole, but certainly worth playing at somepoint!

This is a fine enough shmup. Little simple for my liking truthfully, but I like the cast here a lot, and the music goes insanely hard. I'm very excited to see how this evolves as the series progresses!

Compared to Highly Responsive to Prayers, this game is great. It's clearly a game developed by one guy in his free time, but it feels a lot more finished and fun to play, and I honestly feel like ZUN should've just skipped over HRtP and called this Touhou 1. All the basic series conventions are here besides focusing, which I wish was present, but there aren't really any times it's necessary, it would just make some stuff a bit easier.

"Thank You For Playing"
Tunder Crack
Doomsday Zone Theme
"Your Skill: Just die. No Seriously. I mean that with a 100% with a 1000%"

decent shmup but pretty basic, dialogue was alright
touhou 1 was at least a little more unique

First SHMUP entry from ZUN. You can tell how young and inexperienced he was when he made this game, but a lot of love and passion went on it and it shows.


Charmoso. É a palavra que eu usaria para definir Touhou 2, além de possuir uma trilha sonora fenomenal, possuí uma estética que até que envelheceu bem além de ser o jogo que definiu o que os próximos jogos do ZUN iriam ser.
Agora vou explicar o porquê eu acho Touhou 2 um jogo ruim:
Visibilidade. Não me leve a mal, os stages são muito bonitos mas a escolha de paleta de cores é terrível, que atrapalha muito na concentração (crucial para qualquer bullet hell) e no meu caso deu dor de cabeça.
Além disso, os padrões não são tão interessantes sendo boa parte deles sendo apenas balas espalhadas.
Em resumo, Touhou 2 é um jogo importante mas não recomendaria para ninguém.

>open program that spams the Z key for you
>start game

On the whole this game definitely feels like it generally functions smoother than Highly Responsive to Prayers, not to mention falling more in line with the identity of the Touhou series moving forward, and also having a gameplay loop that feels far more natural. With all that said, I think that I like this about equally to Highly Responsive to Prayers due to how much character that game had despite the fact that it at times felt like it was haphazardly glued together at best, carrying not only a strong sense of slightly uncanny surrealism due to the constant mishmash of visual styles thrown on the screen, but also just being a really strange concept that didn't always work. The fact it did something rather strange and different worked a lot to its advantage however, with its variety of weird flaws feeling more understandable due to going and doing something crazy.

That idea right there is why I feel like Story of Eastern Wonderland appeals to me slightly less, despite being a solid game, because it's just a regular bullet hell at the end of the day, and one that continues to reveal little frustrations the more you play. The biggest of these is how much visual noise there is at basically all times, with white bullets often blending in with the backgrounds and clashing against the similar looking particle effects that fly out when you kill enemies. This often leads to situations where you get hit just because you genuinely weren't entirely sure which way to dodge thanks to it being hard to immediately tell what was safe and what would kill you, which becomes increasingly frustrating as time goes on and those occasional slip ups begin to add up. The way certain attacks come out just about instantly and kill you without much time to react is also pretty annoying, with almost anything using lasers feeling a bit unreasonable the first few times especially. Other than the boss fights it can feel a bit lackluster as well, with only a couple of the stages providing much of interest beyond feeling like another opportunity for the player to slip up, not really providing much in the way of interesting ideas that lead to anything beyond just killing a bit of time.

Thankfully, the boss fights are pretty solid all around here, with some pretty clever and unique ideas that make each encounter strongly stand out. I'm especially fond of the one that has attacks that represent sword swings, really the start of the more stylish nature of the bullet patterns that ZUN loves using so much. All in all not a bad game, even if it's also not one I'd especially recommend for a lot of people thanks to it being a pretty typical shoot 'em up without a lot of the tighter design or quality of life features, even if it's aided to some extent by its clear charm. Looking forward to see where things go next.

ماريسا يابنت الكلب

Unfortunately the first "real" touhou game is a step down from the arkanoid-type game the first one was. All the ingredients of a standard touhou are here, good music, bad art, multiple gamemodes, stuff like that. The problem is ZUN clearly hadn't got their training wheels off when it came to shmup design. It's really simple stuff, enemies being hard to differentiate from the background. Sometimes enemies will spawn on the bottom side of the screen and just kill you instantly and you have to memorize where they spawn. Criticizing it is redundant because obviously it was learned from, and there's fun to be had here, but it's still not a good game with all those issues. Also the ending is completely incomprehensible.

Wow, that was lame
I thought the fact that the first boss was a literal military tank would mean the rest of the game would be fun, but no not really. None of Reimu's shottypes feel too good, and having no focus or hitbox indicator really fucks with my muscle memory. I've had many embarrassing deaths because of it...

Bosses aren't fun. For most of them, you are not getting it on your first go, they cheapshot you so much you'd think Hideki Kamiya directed it. And to add insult to injury the end of every stage before reaching the boss just has random bullets come from nowhere to follow you and keep you on your toes just when you think it's over. I'll just keep laughing at people wanting Mima to come back

(Unrelated but shoutouts to Neko Project for having some of the worst navigation on an emulator in order to set it up properly. There's so many categories that could've all been in one section)

This game taught me that I'm a "failure of a person," but it's also the first Touhou game to actually play like one. Even though I still enjoyed the first game, it still felt somewhat awkward, especially going in with foresight on what the series would become. Despite its relative simplicity, Touhou 2 actually feels like a cohesive product, and one which really showcases the potential of the series formula. I'm still a relative newbie when it comes to bullet-hell/danmaku games, I'm still a complete newbie, and some frustrate me to no end, but I was pleasantly surprised by this one, and its relative simplicity probably proved to be a plus for someone like me who's still trying to get into the genre. If this is considered a mediocre Touhou game, then I'm in for a real treat with this franchise.

Reimu controls a bit weirdly and i don't think i'm gonna be able to 1cc this because of that, but also it looks like she's riding a little motorbike even tho it's her turtle so it rules

Zun said I'm a failure of a person

This game is fucking boring DAWG. Getting through this is a chore its so slow. No focus also really bums me out it makes shit so much harder. (maybe its just the muscle memory)

This is the first game where it feels like Touhou as itself truly comes into fruition. Reimu is witty enough, there's personality, and that off-kilter, mystical, dream-like, feeling that's so genuinely intrinsic to what Touhou is can be found here. That's what makes this game truly feel special, I think. Even if it's not what Gensokyo will become, its what Gensokyo was, and that can still be felt.

i get through the whole damn game on my first go and then the results screen proceeds to call me, and i quote, "a failure of a person." bitch who are you talking to. you christmas-colored motherfucker get back here

EDIT: according to this my english patch might not be the most accurate but the game telling you to kill yourself is so much worse??

Easy enough to beat for your truly to get all the endings and the girls have cute dialogue and repetition is a sweet succor to the tired brain

play it to own your gf (literally)

I don't understand the Mima joke.

A pretty basic start for what will be known as the Touhou franchise if we ignore the first entry, this game is a basic shmup and it's just ok. My biggest issue with the game is how long the boss battle are they take so much damage it's such a waste of time! It's also not visually impressive and the soundtrack is nothing to write home about.

Should you play it? Only if you care about the history of Touhou otherwise you have plenty more shmups to choose from.

eu conheço a mima há exatos 37 minutos mas se algo acontecesse com ela eu mataria todo mundo nessa sala e eu mesma em seguida.

o primeiro touhou no formato danmaku e você consegue perceber bem isso. mas eu até gosto da dinâmica da reimu com a tartaruga que ela monta, e eu gosto da introdução da marisa. no final que eu peguei ela vai atrás da reimu pra ajudar ela a treinar mais, o que é muito fofo???? mesmo que ela tenha tipo. arremessado ela ao céu. ela funciona de maneiras misteriosas. eu adorei isso

Okay, aqui Touhou começou á consolidar a sua forma.
O jogo se tornou Bullet Hell, tem os diálogos antes das batalhas, o gráfico é simples, porém eu particularmente amo a estética do jogo e no geral, este jogo foi a base pros games futuros da franquia.
No geral, o jogo envelheceu meio mal, porém tem um certo charme e serviu pra consolidar Touhou como um clássico Bullet Hell.

marisa crucified reimu and then zun called me a failure of a person