Reviews from

in the past

awful awful on every aspect except for the music they destroyed what they build in part 1 and 2
i will play 4 and 5 though as i only heard good stuff about
if trine 3 was the first gme i play of trine i wouldnt have toched this franchise again but lucky for them i know better


Very beautiful visual part
Soundtrack that perfectly complements the picture
Still a good platformer
Well-known charismatic characters


Moving away from 2D and, as a result, incorrect depth of field
Casuality and general simplifications
The game is short
The story ends mid-sentence

banjo and kazooie and gandalf and the games bad

It's unfortunate how poorly this series translated into the third dimension. There's certainly a good game buried here, but it's underneath a plethora of technical issues and poor design. The game is riddled with bugs--I experienced everything from the game refusing to accept any sort of control (keyboard & mouse or controller), physics wackiness that would launch me across the stage, and crashes. On top of this, the game does a poor job at communicating depth with its stage design so I would often misinterpret object placement causing a number of missed jumps. Trine 3 also abruptly finishes in what appears to be the first third of the game--the characters literally say they've gotten the first of three fragments and then the credits immediately roll. I hear that Trine 4 and 5 are much better, so I'm still excited to play those, but this was just a flat out disappointment coming from a decent fan of the first two games.

Aiii... Going 3D was definitely not the right move. The game is even clunkier than the previous entries, and puzzles can oftentimes be solved in unintended ways without really wanting to.

Closest I've been to death

It's so ridiculously bad and broken that it's hilarious. I don't think me and my friend ever laughed that hard together.

Classic Trine gameplay works well enough in 3D. It's been a while but I recall the level design being a bit better in the prior games, it was fine in this one but trailed off towards the end where they clearly ran out of development time. It's still Trine in 3D though so it's got that going for it.

Props to the developers for attempting something new with 3D exploration in lieu of the classic side-scrolling gameplay from previous games. Unfortunately, the new formula did not suit the game in the best way making this version inferior to the previous games.

It still manages to show the popping colorful fantasy themes from the series in a new light but the gameplay just doesn't cut the mustard. Additionally, the game can be glitchy but overall it's still worth playing it if you are a fan of the series to experience something different and considering it's a relatively short game.

props for trying something different

man trine 3 is so fun i wish i had friends

The game is comically broken in the sense that you can fly through each level. Me - a genius - did that, until I was met with a locked level that requires a specific amount of points or smth. So instead of replaying the levels, I quit the game.

Just play any other trine y'all.

İlk iki oyunun aksine, bu sefer şansını 3. boyutta deneyen ama pek başarılı bulamadığım 3. oyun. Düşününce, bunun platforming kısımları açısından daha çeşitli şeyler sunabilmesi gerekiyor ama açıkçası, kendimi 2D halindeki platformer'ları daha çok özlerken buldum sadece.

Büyülü görsellik ve hoş tınılar hala bizimle kalmış, neyse ki. En azından o kısımda, oynarken yabancılık vermiyor.

Trine 3, unlike the other 2 games in the series, has a semi-3D structure. And I'm not going to lie, it doesn't suit the series very well. After getting used to the simple 2D action-platform mechanics of the series, playing with this semi-3D perspective caused me to fall off the platforms many times and miss many triangle points due to the perspective. Even though the characters have different mechanics, they are very dull in terms of features. Additionally, the skill tree that you can unlock for characters has been completely removed. This is a big minus for game diversity. For the first time in the series, there are mini side sections that you can complete apart from the main missions, which is a nice factor that extends the gameplay time of the game (the main game is quite short, not counting the side missions). As in the other 2 games, the distribution of tasks between the 3 characters is unbalanced in some parts (There is an imbalance in the distribution of tasks, especially in the last boss; the magician Amadeus, who was ineffective in the final bosses of the other 2 games, plays a major role in the final boss of the 3rd game). In terms of story, it has a beautiful fairy tale-like story, but unfortunately it is incomplete. Why do the developers leave the story unfinished when it's at the end of the story? In conclusion, even though Trine 3 aims to bring a new breath to the series with its semi-3D perspective, it is a very incomplete game. There is no skill tree (especially Zoya and Amadeus are very inadequate in terms of skills), the distribution of tasks between the characters, checkpoint and physics errors, unfinished story and more, it is undoubtedly the worst game of the series. However, I can say that the good parts are some level designs and lighting, and the enemy variety has increased somewhat, but even these are overshadowed by the minuses I have mentioned.

Muita coisa faltando
:( muitas mudanças
muito curto
Amedeus so invoca uma caixa por vez, parece que perdeu todos aqueles poderes
o jogo é muito bonito graficamente, mas quem jogou os anteriores deixa de ser divertido, baita mudança que não deu certo para a saga
ele ficou totalmente em 3d é meio estranho para a temática dele! o jogo fica confuso e os quebra cabeças ficaram muito chatos simples de fazer!
fico feliz que o 4 voltou a suas origens e está maravilhoso

move to 3d broke the game

The worst Trine to have existed. Not only is the gameplay worse than other ones, the story just feels unfinished. And it doesn't continue even in the 4th game.

The transition to 3D was rocky and didn't allow for much depth, though exploration was fun. (Rope physics were also a bit more... adventurous? Which was neat - there were times where you had to wrap rope around something.) Then, boss fight! Wow, it's actually good, too! And... the game abruptly ends. Like, I cannot overstate how abruptly this game ends. If you've got 3 friends who happen to already own it, it's not a bad way to spend an afternoon, but I can't quite recommend spending money on it.

Divertido com os amigos, história ninguém liga. Visualmente muito legal, mas a parada ta na gameplay em conjunto. O melhor foi o primeiro mesmo, esse é legalzinho.

Trine 2 was a frustrating experience when played with a partner who just wants to have fun. Trine 3 fixes the annoyances that I had with 2 but it creates new problems of its own. The main 2 being the platforming and the game’s length/story. Unlike the previous games, here you can move freely in 3D, including solving the puzzles. I normally like this addition but it’s very hard to judge where you’re jumping in this game. And while I don’t mind games being short, it felt like things were starting to get interesting and then it suddenly ends. The story is also left unfinished. I did enjoy the story more in this. Hopefully Trine 4 continues where 3 left. The game is also quite buggy but nothing game breaking. I’m not sure if the previous Trine games were this buggy. You can think of weird sound effects and physics. There was also one time where player 2 kept running in the world map and it wasn’t possible to turn the controller off. We had to restart the PS4 slim. I love that your progress is saved through the checkpoints you encounter. This means that you don’t even have to finish a level even when you play it for the first time. When you reach a checkpoint, you can exit the level and continue from that point. You can even select any checkpoint you want within a level. The menu also shows you all the collectibles you’re missing. You can easily select a checkpoint with a missing collectible, get it and exit right away. You don’t have to finish the level or reach a different checkpoint to save your progress with the collectibles. The challenge is also considerably less punishing. You can now select any of the 3 playable characters even when player 2 already has the same character. This is a big deal because some characters are better for certain sections/puzzles. I also liked the bite sized challenges between the big levels. Overall, I enjoyed my time with Trine 3. More than the previous games despite the issues it has. I’m hopeful that Trine 4 will be the best of all the previous games.

Fun but too short (literally ends mid-plot) and not nearly as good as Trine 2. I'd give a higher score if it were longer or had a conclusion.

Divertido, mas muito curto (literalmente termina no meio da história) e nem de perto tão bom quanto Trine 2. Eu daria uma nota mais alta se fosse mais longo ou tivesse uma conclusão.

This game. What a tragedy, but in the most hilarious way which is why it still got stars. Had our full team for this glitch fest. This one switched to top down, 3d, something or other. We had to break the game a few times to move forward. It was just so bad, we laughed throughout the whole thing.

Considerado por la mayoría como la oveja negra de la saga, y no me extraña... ¿Es el peor Trine? Sí. Aun así, tiene, o más bien intenta, cositas interesantes, siendo algunas el paso natural de la saga, el problema es la ejecución de estas.

Visualmente está al nivel de su predecesor, o incluso un poco por encima gracias a la leve mejora gráfica. Además, cuenta con la fase que posiblemente más me haya molado a nivel artístico (una en la que se meten dentro de un libro:

El gran salto viene al pasar del 2D al 3D, una "evolución" que a priori es buena idea, ya que aporta muchísima novedad a una propuesta que prácticamente toca techo en su segunda entrega. El problema es cómo Trine 3 da este salto. Ya que no sabe trasladar todas sus mecánicas al 3D.

Las animaciones y controles de los personajes se vuelven bastante toscas y más imprecisas. La dificultad del juego cae en picada, así como su variedad en sus puzles y enemigos (variedad en enemigos no ha tenido nunca, pero aquí aun menos).

Uno de los mayores puntos de Trine era cómo las mecánicas se adaptaban a los diferentes puzles, dejándonos varias formas de resolverlos según nuestras habilidades, y que incluso podamos encontrar una forma que no pensaron los propios desarrolladores. Aquí eso se pierde totalmente. Los puzles son bastante más fáciles y poco variados (casi que te puedes pasar el mapa entero planeando con el guerrero). Pero tiene un fallo aun mayor que este, y es que el juego está incompleto, más o menos termina en la mitad de la historia (no tiene ni coop online en PS4).

Los desarrolladores agotaron presupuesto durante su desarrollo y tuvieron que cortar el juego por la sano. Jode más de la cuenta porque la historia, sin ser nada del otro mundo (es Trine al fin y al cabo), sí que era la más interesante de todas, y te quedas sin saber su desenlace (Trine 4 tiene una historia totalmente diferente).

En fin, no es una mierda de juego, si no lo rompes con cierta habilidad es entretenido de jugar, y se pueden echar unos buenos ratos en cooperativo. El juego consiguió además quitarle las ganas de seguir con el 3D a @Frozenbyte, Trine 4 vuelve a los orígenes.