Reviews from

in the past

worst one of these i played so far but it wasn't terrible! had fun but something here just didn't click

hate using save states in WarioWare games but goddamn wario de mambo almost killed me

I played this on my Android smartphone using the My Boy! Emulator because I couldn't get it to play on other handhelds I have.
This is a very nice sequel to WarioWare Inc. Mega Microgames with loads of fun microgames and it's more intense than ever, while I couldn't care enough to get all side stuff (souvenirs and that stuff) I really enjoyed it, probably won't share my smartphone to play this with friends as much I used the Switch docked to play the previous entry, but this one is a really solid one. (only complaint I have is due to the craziness of WarioWare I couldn't get my finger on the A button (touchscreen) and would (rarely) fail some inputs, but it's ok! Except that freaking Wario Mambo bs! That freaking sucked!!

Not sure if I prefer Mega Microgames over this one or not?!

game that is crazy hard to experience nowadays, but if you can emulate it on somethin like a mobile phone or a ps vita, it really gets the experience down and the game is actually really fun and uses the motion in a lot of fun ways

كل واحد تكلم عنها يقول انها افضل من الاولى بكثير و من ذا الكلام بس بصراحة ما اشوفها ذااك الفرق

Every time a new wario ware came out, they'd find a fun new inventive way to play the game. And this is certainly one of them! game's great!!!

i could go on a suuuuper long tangent about this game and my personal connection with it, how much it means to me, but i wont because i already have and i dont wanna type it all out again. i will say every time though, that this game is phenomenal. the best game in the warioware franchise by far

Finally got to play this with a real cartridge after emulating it without motion for years, it was worth the wait.

Suffers a bit from the inaccuracy of motion controls (vs. the original's pure digital precision), but a fun, and short, minigame collection nonetheless.

people love this game and i just want to preface that i have never played it on actual hardware. playing this game with a controller is lame and i have never really gotten it to work well with my phones motion. hope nintendo puts this on switch online like they did with kirby tilt and tumble. i think that would really do this game justice

Even more solid than the game that can before it!
Again, the little storylines and characters in this game and series I think are so charming and fun. This game introduced 18-Volt too! Very cool to see his first appearance in a WarioWare game.
This game's gimmick was surprisingly more fun than I'd thought it'd be. You have to move your GBA (Or 3DS, if you're me) to play the microgames, with some of them requiring you to press A at certain points. This was a ton of fun and it works really well! I also love all the bonus things, A.K.A the souvenirs. I didn't think only the second WarioWare game would have collectables like this, and I do hope to get them all sometime.
This game is definitely better than it's predecessor, and I hope I can play it more in the future sometime!

truly bizarre🤨 sick🥴 & twisted😵‍💫
i could probably write a whole philosophical essay or whatever on this games wacko energy but ill spare the pretentiousness of that for my own sake to not cringe myself to death 😂
but if i was a caveman id worship wario like a god

easily in my top 10 fav games.

favorite main menu ever.

its impressive how well this gimmick functions and is utilized so cleverly. very few minigames have troubles. its usually the boss levels that go on for a while like crygors and 9volts. i guess short interactions is the key to making gyro controls work best lol you have to give the thing a moment to reset itself for new movements

sadly not a game that works on roadtrips when the car is turning the game haha

i love getting a souvenir and just flinging the entire game sideways to the right with one hand to spin it instead of rotating it in place😂 theres such a flamboyant energy to the move like a hair flip or closing a flip phone lmao one time i accidentally flung my gameboy across the room doing that tho😬🙃

kat & ana levels are fun but too often i become aware when its just button mashing.

most of these minigames are super great but i hate the ones that dont let you experiment a bit first and you have to learn through failure. whatever

i sorta wish theyd pushed the gameplay another step further with more button + spin moves because after crygor the rest of the game just becomes harder levels with little gameplay change exactly? but its fine.

fuck wario de mambo. not a fan of rhythm games but im especially not a fan of badly designed ones. it lets you reset the gyro controls but its always so unclear the precise moment you need to start moving because it relys so heavily on the timing of the music when the easy of the 3 difficulties at least needed some meter or visual more than just the countdown. do i start twisting on 1 or after 1? its stupid and gives such little wiggle room for error. hate ittttttt
thank god for save states on an emulator

those elevator monkeys still terrify me. such nightmare fuel… lmao i hate monkeys but the game uses them for the freak factor so i respect it lmao

100%-ing this game feels more satisfying to me than any other game ever

thank god people know how to emulate this on mobile now because nintendo is stupid and evil for not putting it on the app stores or the switch which has a fukin gba emulator! why am i paying them for that thing?!?!😒

adding this to my list of media that gave me brain damage <3 <3 <3

It's more WarioWare but with gyro controls. They wring a lot of variety out of it, honestly.

i really like this one too! i wasn't too sure about gyro controls at first but they way the microgames are designed makes them alot more fun without getting stale! the goofy artstyle and comedic tone are still present here! would recommend

Increible como le sacan provecho al acelerometro que trae el juego.

Fácil o melhor jogo da franquia até agora
Muita criatividade, e utiliza o giroscópio de formas muito inteligentes. Além disso tem o carisma e a identidade da franquia que permeou nos jogos seguintes. Muito bom!

Un juego asquerosamente divertido y frustrante.
Es muy complicado definir lo que son los WarioWare. La forma mas obvia seria decir que es un juego de mini juegos, pero esto va mas allá de eso. Lo principal de los WarioWare son las diferentes temáticas que abordan los mini juegos, o en este caso el progreso de aprendizaje. Empezas tranquilo con los escenarios de Mona y Jimmy que te pedirán cosas básicas como girar un poco el giroscopio, pero cuanto mas progresas te agregan otras mecanicas, como apretar botones en ciertos momentos o girar completamente el dispositivo en el que jugas.
En general no es un problema porque todo eso se distribuye en el 80% del juego, habrá escenarios en los que se base enteramente en girar y otros en los que solo apretas la A, y el giroscopio, que se supone debe ser el protagonista, no te lo piden.
Pero lo que me parece excelente son las ultimas dos fases, una que tiene mini juegos dedicados solamente a juegos antiguos de Nintendo y la ultima que es un frenezi de todo lo que aprendiste en el juego.
El otro punto que destaca es el humor que manejan en todos los aspectos. ¿Las historias de cada personaje? Son absurdas y manejan un humor extraño, esa comedia también se usa en los diferentes mini juegos.
Si tenes la chance de jugarlo como corresponde (osea, teniendo algo con un giroscopio) entonces estas obligado a probar este juego al menos una vez.

I enjoyed this a lot more than the first one, it was so fun looking and feeling ridiculous playing it, overall just a fun overpriced goofy experience that I hope comes to NSO soon

I’ve ALWAYS wanted this game, but since it requires the motion sensor in the cartridge, you have to play it with an authentic cart. I am now $90 in debt and really excited.

Honestly, I expected the motion sensor to be a lot worse. It’s really accurate, especially for a GBA game in 2004. Playing this on an Analogue Pocket (not to brag) is such a fun experience. I’ve played every WarioWare game at this point, and I kinda feel like this is the one I’ll return to the most. I still love mega microgames for its simple pick up and play minigames, I’ll still love smooth moves for being super creative and maybe the peak of the franchise, and I’ll still hate mega party games for gypping me into thinking it’s different than the gba one. BUT this one just offers so much more new stuff. The vibrating is also fun too idk it’s like the HD rumble in the joycons. Also there’s not the paper plane minigame (or any other of the extras) in it so that’s sad :(

I’m not sure if the $90 I spent on this loose cartridge is necessary worth it, but it’s such a cool addition to my collection.

the gyro sensor likes to act kinda quirky sometimes but when it works (which is most of the time) it's reaaallly awesome

This game, along with warioware 1 and warioware touched are among the top nintendo handheld games of all time. As a kid i was enthralled with the presentation, the pure challenging fun, the quirky eclectic art styles and bitcrushed sound design along with its pace setting music, the fading bastion of y2k design mixed with its other aesthetics, the... lore?

I dont know why but i was so invested in these characters as a kid but i just found the snippets of stories it was telling in these small vignettes to frame the microgame collections very compelling. Maybe because it hit a wacky tone but felt somewhat more realistic or relatable than the average mario story?

the phased design of unlockables still feels amazing. Unlocking one minigame, then seeing the score to beat, and then unlocking the next. Very straightforward but a 1:1 dopamine rush especially in the trickier modes

Twisted feels like a clairvoyant look into the advent of smartphones as well. The gyro control provided a variety of little interactive toys that were just expertly and concisely designed, mirrored by things like the apps that would mimic a lighter, a glass of beer, etc. But none had the whimsy and aesthetic sensibility of Warioware, probably because most novelty app developers were not game designers.

I picture an alternate universe in which i was a little older at warioware's release and had to genuinely utilize the various timers, twisting my GBA around to cook ramen in my dorm room or something.

Even though nostalgia is definitely clouding my vision with this, i tried to be extremely objective in my approach. Things move quick and you do conquer it all fairly quickly, but it was a genuine delight start to finish. With mobile device emulation, ive replaced other unsatisfactory mobile games with this primarily.

Played on Vita via Retroarch. Works way better than expected and is really fun. The final boss microgame is garbage tho.

this is the best damn warioware game. so much damn content, high replayability, fun minigames, PYORO R BABYYY!! it just controls so much fun!! i played it on real cartridge. i heavily recommend getting one (japanese cartridges are cheap, i got mine for 14€)

This is where WarioWare defined its identity as this kind of whacky and over the top bunch of tech demos joined together in a bizarre, yet incredibly fun compilation, and I'm all for it.