Reviews from

in the past

A charming and creative game that never reaches the highs of Woolly World. And such a disappointing OST.

There's something so comfy and pleasing about hunting down coins/flowers in this crafted world.

Pretty fun game, but not as good as wooly world. Not much more to say. 4 1/2/5

It’s truly a game.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with it, it just feels.. bland? To me, it feels like they tried recreating Woolly World without doing anything unique or interesting beyond its visual style. I feel like they could have done so much more with the craft aesthetic though. Oh well, if you ever just want to turn the brain off and play a game, this can be a good way to do just that.

This has got to be the most average Nintendo game I've played. It's just kind of a sterile, uninteresting follow up to Yoshi's Island, just like all the other failed follow ups to that game.

Yoshi's Island on SNES has a unique charm as a one off game. The art and music are some of the best of that generation. But at this point I'm confident that nobody knows what made it great, and that includes me. Crafted World is a competent game on all fronts, but that's it. It's boring and the levels all just blur together into a grey pulp. It's hard to write a review for a game that's just boring and not really fun, so I won't stretch it out longer. Don't spend 60 dollars on this, and your kid would probably like a Mario or Kirby game better than this.

I just love wholesome games like this but its really not that good.

sometime i forgot this is meant for children, so damn hard

Ach wie nett. Ach wie nett! ACH WIE NETT!!
so sprudelt es aus mir heraus, wenn ich dieses Spiel spiele. Immer wieder schaffen es die 40 Level, tolle kleine Ideen einfließen zu lassen die einfach nur verzückend ist.

Ein witzigstes Gameplay-Element, welches mich immer wieder zu überraschen vermag, sind die Shy Guys. Da gibt es beispielsweise dieses eine Level, in dem Yoshi einen Dinosaurierschädel finden kann. Wenn er diesen auf dem Kopf hat, kann er bestimmte Blöcke und Wände zerstören und ist gleichzeitig ziemlich unverwundbar. Jedoch passt er damit nicht überall durch, also gibt es Passagen, in denen man den Schädel zurücklassen muss. Und natürlich kommt der Moment, in dem man feststellt, dass es auch kleine Schädel gibt die auf die Köpfe der Shy Guys passen. Total logisch eigentlich, aber das entzückende Überraschungsmoment ist trotzdem da. Und solche Momente ziehen sich durch das gesamte Spiel.

Die Yoshi-Spiele sind ja immer so eine Mixed-Bag: Yoshis Island auf dem SNES zählt für mich zu den kreativsten und besten Spielen überhaupt, an das die meisten Nachfolger nicht annähernd herangekommen sind. Ohne Woolly World zu kennen, ist Crafted World aber schon mal sicher das Spiel, was am nächsten den Zauber des Erstlings kreativ einfangen kann. Ganz toll!

BELLISSIMO da vedere e rilassante come non pochi. Originale e simpaticissimo. Il problema ? OST non proprio all'altezza di ciò che si è proposto in passato , ritmo di gioco che rischia di far appisolare per colpa della moltitudine di livelli a scorrimento automatico. Un vero peccato perchè probabilmente è uno dei titoli più belli e ricchi di idee sul lato presentazione quando si parla di Switch.

It's fine, I guess. Nothing terrible, but it just feels like another Yoshi platformer to me. Doesn't seem to change much from Woolly World, and the new concepts it DOES introduce aren't really explored a ton.

A pretty underwhelming platformer. It's a fun idea playing the same level again from the "back" side, but it was weird and repetitive as heck and the mini Poochy seeking was way to annoying. Thank god that's mostly optional.
Playing in multiplayer is kinda fun - if you're not trying to achieve something in that game. Otherwise it can be so irritating, we left the game for weeks.
Woolly World had such top tier music and for this game it crashed down to that weird squeaky bs that gave me headache - how?? At least graphically it's on par with it's predecessor, and some levels do have creativity.

(impressions from demo)

This is some Nick Jr type shit what the fuck

I think this game gets too much hate ngl. Like, yeah I agree it’s not as good as its predecessor, but in no way do I think it’s bad like I see a lot of people say. The game is very easy, yeah, but there’s so much variety and so many cute gimmicks that I can’t help but enjoy! And the game’s visual style is also very nice! There’s a lot of creativity at play here. The only real things holding the game back for me are that it can get rather blurry visually at times, the difficulty is a bit on the easy side, and the music isn’t very good, but otherwise, I’m pleasantly surprised!

The game is beautiful and has a couple of great ideas and its fair number of pretty good levels, but ultimately it just feels like a less inspired sequel to the great Wooly World.

How do you follow up the masterpiece that is Woolly World with... This?

The visuals are the only part of this game that's decent. And they're far lesser than wool.

The level design sucks, the backwards levels, while conceptually cool, are extremely boring, and I've practically never seen a game with collectibles that feel this tedious to collect. This game is a completionist's nightmare, not because of difficulty, but just tedium. I believe 6 playthroughs of every single level is the minimum requirement, but it's been a while at this point.

And for every single run of every single level for the entire game... You have a single, awful song grating against your ears the entire time. Yes... A single song. It's adaptive, at least, changing to fit the theme of the level... But come on...

One of very few Switch titles I actively regret buying, and every time I look at it on my shelf, I can only think, "Why didn't they just port Woolly World?"

I'd give this 5 stars if the soundtrack wasn't so bland because I actually prefer this to Wooly World

As a game? Definitely for kids. VERY simple level design and challenges, but I played it with my girlfriend and had a great time with her so that's enough for me

I played a single world then lost interest. Idk why it just isn't my type of platformer, maybe it's too slow? Not sure.

Very underwhelming yoshi experience. Music is rather boring with bland stage design. Levels are empty and while the graphcis are nice, this is certainly the worst main series Yoshi platformer.

It's the worst Yoshi game I've played, but it's not bad. I think coming from Woolly World, it could have been a lot better in regards to creativity and charm, since Woolly World really twisted the Yoshi formulae quite a bit. I think if this game had just a little more going for it, it could be a lot better!
That said, it's by no means bad. I recommend if you're a big Yoshi fan (like me), just going through the game once if fine enough. I don't however, recommend 100%ing this game.
They did not optimise it, and during the first few hours I attempted completion, I found myself replaying levels up to 5 times just to complete them. It wore thin fast!

I played it in coop and it wasn't a good idea.
Its way better in single player. Cute visuals and fun level design with a lot of collectables.
Horrible music when lottery happens.
Fun for platformers and Yoshi fans alike.

La sombra de Yoshi's Island es alargada, pero sale muy bien del paso. Los escenarios son preciosos y aunque se centra más en la exploración que en el desafio, tiene sus momentos tensos. La peor parte para mi se la llevan las mecánicas del cooperativo

Like it's alright but.... not yoshi feel