Reviews from

in the past

Certainement un de mes jeux préférés de tout les temps
C'est tout simplement une lettre d'amour à l'art, et l'art du jeu vidéo

J'ai toujours été fan du genre "RPGM Games" et 2kki représente tout ce qu'il y a de bon ET de mauvais dans le genre à LUI SEUL, c'est une oeuvre communautaire bien plus qu'un jeu, ou j'espère, grâce à mes efforts un jour, peut être même participer !

Tout simplement ce qu'il y'a de meilleurs.

Si je devais résumer en quelques lignes le jeu, je me contenterai de dire qu'il s'agit tout simplement d'un musée, gigantesque, ou l'on peut s'immerger et profiter des oeuvres des différents artistes qui ont participé à la création de ce tout.

Bien plus qu'un jeu, c'est un mouvement de foule d'une communauté entière qui vise à montrer leur amour du genre ! Se contenter de voir Yume 2kki comme une suite de Yume Nikki serait une grave erreur ! Car c'est en réalité la preuve de l'impact que Yume Nikki a pu avoir sur les gens, et sur le monde du jeu vidéo indépendant en général !

Que dire de plus que, c'est un 20/20 autant vis à vis du jeu, que de l'expérience communautaire qu'il représente

Et j'espère sincèrement pouvoir plus tard figurer parmis les noms des NOMBREUX participants !

i dont really know how to express my love for this game through a review, i've tried writing one at least six times now and i've never felt that i've been able to do it justice in any sort of way really

i think yume 2kki is best described as an experience, not a game. it's not really something you go into because you want to play something, since there aren't really any gameplay elements to speak of.. but regardless, yume 2kki is an experience that has touched me deeply throughout my time with it. for reference, i've played it through the yno browser port; sometimes with friends, sometimes alone.

my first experience with 2kki was venturing to the tomb of velleities, one of the deepest dreams in the game, alongside a buddy late at night. neither of us really had any idea what we were doing or where we were going, but after a few hours of getting lost in the bizarre and beautiful locations on the way we finally made it. it was around six or seven in the morning and we were both exhausted, but at the end of it all we found what we were looking for, just as the sun began to peek through my curtains and illuminate my room. this experience has stuck with me ever since, and i think it encapsulates how i feel about yume 2kki as a whole.

2kki is by no means a flawless experience. while the community-driven nature of the game has created many beautiful sights and dreams that couldn't be in any other medium, there's also countless dreams that can range from monotonous to migraine-inducing, though i wouldnt exactly call this a bad thing either ... though they dont personally compel me, these sorts of dreams still contribute a lot to the experience in my eyes. the size of the game also makes it difficult to play at times without a guide, which kinda defeats the purpose of something like this in my eyes.

i'm not sure if i can really "recommend" yume 2kki, at least in a certain sense of the word. like with most art, you're only gonna get as much out of it as you're willing to put in, so i doubt itll be very enjoyable if you dont really actually want to play it, so i don't think you should force it if its not something that immediately interests you. but i did! so thats cool i think. i like yume 2kki

one of the best strand-type of games out there

Cool collaborative project but theres just too much goin on

You get to be a cute girl and vibe and its the best shit ever
The sheer amount of creativity on display here is nothing short of astonishing
Collecting the wallpapers activates my autism

daqui a 5 anos eu conto como foi a experiencia de zerar

Used to be really cool in the past which I would write a whole thing about, but finding out it's actually shifted to being Discord server-tier submissions over recent times is kind of ehhhhhh especially when that will probably bloat it and make it lose any little aim it had anyway. I haven't played it recently to give an impression other than "awesome" of what I remember in the past nor anything to say in its current state. I was sort of waiting for it to ever reach a proper v1.

Imagine the 2kki devs NOT sperging out whenever I play their free game in an online server instead of having rough unprotected threesome anal sex with japanese Locale and RPGMaker RTP in order to enjoy their stupid walking simulator.

Anyway, yeah, what's left to be said: It's thematically inconsistent and lacks cohesion, the equivalent to a cadavre exquis in videogame format. I still absolutely love it and it is arguably the most technically impressive RPG Maker game ever made.

Esse jogo é o que videogames conseguem fazer com as pessoas quando bem feitos, Yume Nikki foi tão importante que gerou um dos maiores RPG makers que ja foram criados.
O jogo nao tem uma linha de raciocínio ou uma historia pra tentar desvendar sober a Urotsuki, pois se trata de um projeto colaborativo, todos podem submeter mapas e passar por uma avaliação para ele ser inserido no jogo.
Obrigatório pra todos que jogaram o Yume Nikki original.

literally a walking simulator, but I really love this game

this, .flow and the original make a really good trilogy

Still need to go back to this.

music makes this worthwhile, the game itself is insanely thematically dissonant. will make you appreciate yume nikki more though

one of my favorite fanworks ever made for a game. 2kki surpasses the original in many ways, but it wouldn't be as great as it is without the solid foundation set by the first and its many fangames. it's truly worthy of being crowned a sequel to yume nikki

I looooovoveee this game the <3 gameee everr rgaeme gmaengamndjfahjejhdmnscx,cklas.,x :3333

Revisited this after playing a lot of Yume Nikki Online. Far from perfect, but the built in map system and multiplayer kind of transforms this from a game about wandering and maybe seeing something into a game about trying to find cool stuff with ur friends. Very fun.

Yume 2kki is a very hard game to describe. It's one that's captivated my time for far longer than I care to admit despite its lack of any real narrative. My only real complaints about this game go down to having to use the wiki to get to any of the interesting parts, and the hunt for wallpapers that takes up much of the gameplay after collecting every Effect sometimes getting annoying. I also feel that it's rather bloated with content, mostly because of the collaborative nature of the project. Regardless, it's a very atmospheric, oddly beautiful game. I suggest checking it out, especially because it's free.

If you don't want to mess with changing the system locale to Japanese and downloading a bunch of files, I suggest playing it online on

Overbloated with way too many worlds (which is fine, to an extent) and effects (this is annoying). I understand this game is a collaborative effort, which is great, but I think that's what leads to this game's downfall-- it lacks a cohesive theme. It just has way too much going on compared to Yume Nikki.

I shelved it after getting 19 of the 36 (yes, that many) effects. Maybe I'll return to it someday, and hopefully, my feelings will change, but for now, I just didn't really enjoy this all that much.

The scale of this game is unmatched by any other RPG Maker project; the 15 years of work from the 2kki team really shows. Some areas feel disconnected, but for the most part it's a really impressive fan project that's still growing to this day

Not as strong as the original, or .flow, but pretty close. I quite like that it's more expansive, but at times it feels TOO big. Some effects were really tedious to get as well, with basically no chance of being figured out without guides.

Regardless of qualms, I love this to death just like the other two. While a bit excessive, the greater size adds a lot in terms of replayability, as do the wallpapers. Fuck I love the wallpapers. Sometimes I found myself more engrossed in getting more of those than the actual effects. There's other things too, like menu types, minigames, a sound room, etc etc. Lots of unlockables to keep you coming back, which I greatly appreciate. I also think the areas are generally more interesting in this one than the original and .flow . I would recommend all of them, really. LSD Dream Emulator as well, if you end up liking these. Maybe soon I could look into more YN fangames, or just more RPG Maker stuff as a whole. I know my friends are into a few that I've never heard of, so maybe it won't hurt to see.

i love the exploration and the OST and the fact that this game is a massive collab. best yume nikki fangame.

This game biggest selling point is also it's greatest weakness, the fact a lot of different people contribute to this is cool as it makes for a really big game with a lot of different ideas, however because of this it's environments can a lot of times feel like filler and out of place.

original is better solely for the walking sound effect

Yume nikki but better, seriously.

The community effort has made this game massive alongside quality of life changes that the original should have had. The game being continously updated means there's always something new to explore and look forward to.

Unfortunately the massive scale of the project is also to its detriment. since it's a slew of other people's work, it lacks a sort of cohesion and atmosphere yume nikki has. It's a mish mash of everything that's a joy to play and uncover, but poor in theory crafting and interpretation, which is what made yume nikki so well revered.

By all means, yume 2kki is a better game than yume nikki and still deserves 5 stars, but I think the original will always have the leg up.


yume 2kki fans will be sissified with estrogen