Reviews from

in the past

I love the gameplay so much, it hides all the problems.

A short but fun experience which I will return to every year or so. This game gives me strong nostalgia for summer evenings in my friend's bedroom when we'd sit and watch Leafy videos in the dark, thinking about how cool the game looked.

I bought the game shortly after the fact and got to experience the intuitive gameplay firsthand, loving every minute of it. The voice acting is a little clunky, but it has a real homemade charm, and it's clear that a lot of love went into both the acting, and the story in general.

Although it's not a marvel in any regard, A Story About My Uncle will always hold a special place in my heart for being one of the games I enjoyed during my formative years.

Very fun short platformer with good replayability.

Muito gostosinho de jogar, e tem uma história simples porém bem legalzinha

The game is okay. The movement mechanics it introduces are kinda neat. Level design was confusing at some points, but the art design of the world was cool, detailed, atmospheric.

What really made me abandon this game is the punishing and horrifying deaths. It just doesn't feel right. The long fall before your death, just because the frckn grappling wasn't working appropriate. Or just slipping away on some weird stones after trying and trying, over and over again.

I like challenging games, but they need to give me a reason to continue and continue to try. This one doesn't.

Esse jogo tem um gameplay interessante e único. Mas isso é a única coisa boa mesmo dele(o level design é bom também). É um bom jogo para jogar fazendo ou escutando algo. Ou só para relaxar mesmo.

makes you feel like you're spiderman

A short first person platformer with a suit that gains the powers to jump high, attach to objects, and make use of rocket boots. A man tells his daughter a story of him looking for his uncle in a strange world, finding things left behind by his uncle causes him to tell other stories to his daughter. Finding the additional stories is nice, gives entertaining dialogue during the gameplay and conversations between him and his daughter are sweet. Final levels starts to drag on and where you are supposed to hook on to starts to get difficult to spot, it's good that it is on the short side as it tends to become fairly repetitive. Collectibles don't seem to do anything or add to story. Hook seems to have trouble working sometimes.

Got it for free, and played about halfway through it while the internet was out. I liked what I played.

Never going to guess what this game is about.

A história é bem genérica e pouco aprofunda porém a gameplay é muito fluida, divertida e com a dificuldade bem dosada

First-person platforming is always interesting to me, even when not done incredibly. This kind of falls off in the last third, but overall I liked my time with it.

Short and sweet. It has some really interesting mechanics and navigation is really fun, although I'd say the signposting in some levels is pretty bad and the objective is not very clear.

I would still say it's a very worthwile experience, even if the story is a tad forgettable.

A Story About My Uncle is a game that sets up some particularly interesting gameplay and a premise for a simple albeit engaging story, and then fails to deliver on those marks due to its short playtime. You're presented with an interesting, imaginative world hidden within massive, sprawling caverns, and some sort of sci-fi electric grappling hook to explore it. Levels take the form of a (relatively linear) set of floating platforms and checkpoints, and you can use the grappling hook to traverse across them. It ends up allotting you with this very enjoyable set of tools to traverse the level, and the gameplay is particularly solid for a first-person platformer. The disappointing outcome is that the gameplay never gets the opportunity to evolve much. You see minor changes between each level which gives a feeling of progress and growth, but you get shunted as the game concludes only two hours in. It's incredibly disappointing as the gameplay never approaches a level of challenge or gives you the opportunity to string together creative forms of platforming. There are a few small sequences that require you to get more creative and skillful with the grappling, but they're few and far between. The story is an additional fatal flaw, as the curious and fantastic subterranean world of the game falls apart and fails to deliver on any worldbuilding that could make the levels more unique. It's certainly an enjoyable game but there's just...not enough of it. It's disappointing how little I have to say about this from a critical perspective.

zoomin around is fun as hell

Neat movement mechanics with an almost "children book" story sprinkled on top. Artstyle is pretty ok and the level design can become a bit confusing at time, but other than that it was an enjoyable experience.


...Apparently the game is about the Stages of Grief and Loss (like there are words sprinkled throughout the game world like DENIAL) and honestly.... I did not see that at all. Guess my peanut brain didn't pay too much close attention to it.

it's a cool game for a dollar. not really amazing in any way

Worst possible ending to a game. Passable 3D platformer, don't play it for its story.

I hate the dialogue. The game is excessively ugly and the gameplay, while fun for a bit, quickly gets repetitive and boring. I wish there was more to it but it's too easy and any deaths simply come from the physics being weird.

Eh... Really fun gameplay, but with that narration throughout the game i thought it would have some meaning or metaphor for it all, but it doesn't really, i would like it more if it was just the "spider-man with crystals" game, but it's fun nonehteless.

Don't worry, it's not about rape

A story based First-Person platformer that feels like it's trying really hard to make you feel something, but it's short by a bit. If you can want to play it, I recommend it. But I absolutely couldn't stand it

diversão garantida
jogabilidade daora
historia ok

joga quando tem nd pra fazer q é sucesso

Eu queria ser uma pessoa menos cética em relação a tudo a minha volta, mas talvez esse seja um caminho sem volta. Eu não consigo ouvir músicas populares e me deixar sentir alguma coisa por elas sem imaginar que elas são menos uma expressão artística e mais um produto. Não sai da minha cabeça a imagem de uma mesa rodeada de homens de terno apontando quais palavras devem ser usadas e qual é o melhor momento para mudar o tom e tocar pessoas emocionalmente.

Talvez seja pelo fato de ter crescido e começado a vivenciar bastidores do desenvolvimento de produtos. Percebi que a emoção humana é algo que pode ser estudado, previsto e estimulado apertando as teclas certas. Pelo mesmo motivo, não consigo mais ver reportagens televisivas depois de passar por uma faculdade de jornalismo.

De modo algum eu quero dizer com isso que eu sou muito mais “real” que as pessoas, que eu sou especial e consigo ver através as intenções além do que pessoas comuns conseguem ver. Muito pelo contrário. Continuo sem saber se estou me sentindo assim por minha causa ou por que as pessoas desvendaram os pontos certos para me fazer sentir. A diferença é que desconfiando de tudo, eu aproveito muito menos tudo com que eu entro em contato.

Jogar A Story About My Uncle foi muito difícil por isso. A todo momento, quando o jogo tentava me puxar para a imersão, meu ceticismo me puxava para a desconfiança. Por mais sincero que o jogo possa ser em querer contar uma história, parte de aproveitar é de sua responsabilidade como jogador, é se deixar aproveitar, se deixar guiar e se deixar enganar.

Dizem que, por exemplo, hipnose é algo que só funciona se você está disposto a acreditar que ela existe e que você pode ser hipnotizado. Mas como fazer isso? Como voltar para um momento em que você não tinha aquela desconfiança?

Tenho muito medo de não estar aproveitando coisas boas da minha vida por causa dessa desconfiança de tudo. De não estar aproveitando uma festa da firma, um almoço em família, uma mensagem motivacional por ser cético em relação ao que essas coisas representam de fato.

Eu queria poder jogar A Story About My Uncle sem toda essa armadura e me deixar levar por uma história simples de uma aventura fantástica, sobre seres de outra dimensão e tecnologias incríveis. Essa armadura, no entanto, talvez já faça parte de mim, talvez já seja uma carapaça e eu continue tornando experiências piores para mim sem nunca saber se existia um motivo para tanta desconfiança.

this game is cursed and will spontaneously turn your entire friend group against each other. DO NOT PLAY.