Reviews from

in the past

A vos Hidetaka Miyazaki, que sé que me estas leyendo, sos un sorete, dejaste tirado la mejor saga de mechas por dark souls, espero aunque sea un remake. Puto.

After the jam-packed send off to the 2nd gen that was AC2AA, AC3 came in to kick off the 3rd gen with all new stuff. A new timeline, new corporations warring, new parts and mechanics, and so on and so forth. Arena and normal mission structure has also returned, absent from the last game. My favorite new feature this time is definitely the advent of left-handed guns. Though in its infancy now, with only a few guns to choose from, it really sowed the seeds for it to become a fully fledged feature in later games. Other than that, I don't have much to say. Missions are great, customization is even greater, and the soundtrack is wonderful. I like the more orchestral, grand approach they took to the songs this time around.

And In My Heart is a fucking banger.

they massacred some of my favorite weapons and strategies from the 2nd gen but no hard feelings because this game fuckin SLAMS and you have the most enjoyable customization options and weapons and abilities to date (they also made Human PLUS available without being bad at the game on purpose or by accident which i think is very cool because i never got to use it before)

And so my journey to become the Armored Core Freddie begins! I decided to start with this one on a recommendation and I'd say it was a fairly good idea.
I'd want to believe you get just about everything you can hope from in the series from Armored Core 3. Several different mech builds to design to your liking, lots of arena fights, and missions that test your ability to control your mech in different combat environments. I'll admit, I fought with the controls for most of the game and even got very frustrated near the end with a few missions in particular. But I'm still coming away from this game more positive than negative.
Not many games I've played give me this many options to customize a mech to have spider legs and a chain gun on my shoulder. And I think those aspects will always outshine a less than favorable control scheme. I'm willing to admit with time that I could definitely get used to how this game feels to pilot your mech. But I also hope they make it a bit easier going forward.
Would recommend!

Holy shit. How is this game not massively influential to this day.

God. What a game.

ngl I do not get it. Will wait like, a month, then try again. I can feel all the pieces of quality game there, but I can't seem to put them together...? But I know that it's possible...? Because others do it, but it seems to just awkwardly slip through my fingers.

It compels me though...

Armored Core 3 is a great time. It's not a game you should start the series with but a great universe reset. It's visually okay but the soundtrack is amazing and very atmospheric. Gen 3 is when armored core started to get bland and grey with their aesthetics compared to that of AC2. A great game though.

Og gen 3 global cortex raven with balanced dynamic speed

Uma evolução natural da serie, eu diria que a gameplay e as mecânicas iniciadas lá no AC1 estão no seu máximo nesse jogo, historia muito mais madura e contada de um jeito magnifico, super recomendo pra todos! AC caminhando pra ser tornar uma das minhas franquias favoritas

So viel zur Pause, oh well

AC3 ist der bisher beste Teil der Reihe. Es nimmt alles was die Vorgänger machten, macht es etwas besser, erschafft ein neues Setting und nun sind wir hier.

Der Anfang ist wieder etwas träger als nötig und Munition kostet in diesem Teil WIRKLICH viel, aber es macht auch mehr Spaß. Missionen sind häufig actionreicher, Grafik ist ein bisschen besser, wir haben den ersten 60hz Modus in den PAL-Versionen und sogar das Setting ist fast so cool wie im aller ersten AC.
Bei ein paar der Vorgängern hab ich immer mal in einen Longplay geblickt um zu sehen wie lang das Spiel noch ist weil gerade Teil 2 ein gutes Stück länger ist als nötig. Und hier war ich überrascht schon so fix fertig zu sein.
Nur die Instant Game Overs später könnte man jetzt echt mal sein lassen.

Leider fällt hier zum ersten mal auf wie viel Budget fehlt um zu zeigen was passiert. Hier kämpfen Firmen gegeneinander die von einer dritten Macht zerstört werden, es gibt Aufstände, Terror, die Stadt in der es spielt ist am untergehen... und all das erfährst du nur durch E-Mails.

Aber hey, auch wenn AC es bisher noch nicht hingekriegt hat so richtig amazing zu werden und man die Twin-Stick Steuerung vermissen kann, ist dies hier das bisher solideste Spiel der Reihe und ein sehr guter Einstieg falls einem der PS1-Jank zu viel ist.

Die Frage ist nur... spiel ich nun Silent Line, oder skippe ich direkt zu Last Raven?

Insert clunky controls meme, its fun though and the learning curve of these games is not like what I was expecting for its type but once you get over how potentially overwhelming it seems at first it becomes addicting and the customization is rad. Having L3 to actually move the Armored Core in this one unlike AC2's dpad PS1 control scheme makes it easier to recommend. However its still hard to suggest to get into here with even its older elements so maybe jump to a later one or really try your hand at this.

Coming into this from playing armored core 1 and I was surprised how similar the games are even after two generations of AC games. The major difference from 1 is the arena which lets you bolster your income early on and takes off a lot of the pressure to perform. I kind of miss that in a weird masochistic way.

My first AC game with an arena mode, this was like video game popcorn, especially compared to the missions which are stressful and sometimes frankly unfair. Getting to balance between the two really takes away from the grind these games can be at times.

AC6 is right around the corner, I'd like to try to get into for answer before that comes out but I doubt I'll have the time.

A great introduction to a new generation of Armored Core and the reduced difficulty makes this one of the best introductions to the series in general, though for anyone who beat the previous games this will prove to be one of the easiest in the franchise which takes away some of the shock value when an AC suddenly appears in a mission, drastically reducing your chances of survival (or slightly in AC3's case).
Story is the most cohesive it's been yet, though perhaps one of the most predictable and straightforward too. Again, great for new players, less so for series vets.
The increased production values let these mechs feel as great as ever, easily one of the best things this game has over AC2, even if I slightly prefer that game's grittier aesthetic. Here every part feels a lot more unique thanks to the extra effects and animations at play.
I also massively appreciate the less irritating mission and enemy design over AC2/AA - no more 'your mech can't jump this cliff fuck you lol' moments, for once I didn't feel the need to save after every mission.
One of the best main themes ever composed, at least boot it up for that (but I'd stick around for the sick mecha action too).

Sadly I just think I'm never gonna be an Armored Core kinda bitch. I did enjoy starting this game off and finding myself once again utterly swamped with options and mechanics to understand, but once I got a decent build going, idk, it lost some of the magic for me? Hoshino's OST bangs undeniably but the actual missions I feel are largely pretty repetitive, largely being big grey rectangles for you to circle strafe around in. This is totally fine if you have fun with the gearhead side of the game, but I just don't have that kind of buildcrafting mindset, it's the same thing that usually makes me tap out of Diablo like games. Game is fucking oozing depth if you have that grindset tho, when I got the new types of arms and legs I lost my mind

Quien iba a decir que lo único que necesitaban estos juegos para funcionar era buen diseño de misiones. Como shooter mantiene los mismos problemas que arrastra la saga: el resultado de los combates depende más del equipo y armamento previo que de la pura habilidad, se puede romper el juego de la misma forma que puede ser frustrante y el strafin contínuo sigue siendo la ley. Aun con eso, tienes quizás la mejor acción de mechas que puedes encontrar en 3D.

Es además el primer AC con una historia centrada e intrigante más allá del contexto capitalista típico de la saga. Cuando lo único en lo que crees, ese Dios que guía las vidas de todos, comienza a actuar erráticamente y dar muestras de mal funcionamiento, qué te queda. Es divertido ver las distintas reacciones y cómo evolucionan a lo largo del juego. Los que se niegan a aceptar la realidad, los que desesperan, los que se resignan y los que toman la iniciativa y actúan para cambiar las cosas. Y para terminar, el final más luminoso y esperanzador de cualquier juego de From Software.

Great game. The story surrounding the controller and how it affects its inhabitants was engrossing, and the mech combat only gets better from here!

Great start for the series, the weird controls took some getting used to but playing games with a similar control scheme such as Megaman Legends helped.

First Armored Core game I’ve beaten. I’ve played 2 a few years ago, but never could’ve beaten it since I just didn’t understand some of the full mechanics and found it way harder compared to this title. I found this game to be balanced all around and was a blast from my climb to Rank 1 in arenas as the story unfolded.

Gen 3 series is the best, first entry of gen 3 but already amazing.

Takes everything good about the first game and makes it better. Don't really have much to say besides it's good!

Just like Team Fortress 2 taught me: shooting bullets costs a lot of money.

I really tried but these controls are just far too hard to adjust to. It looked cool and when I did manage to play well it felt good, but it was just too weird to get used to the controls. Maybe I have to try a later entry in the series.

Um dos melhores Armored core, tanto para novatos e veteranos,porque oferece tudo de bom que a franquia tem a oferecer e é acessível para iniciantes.
Se você nunca jogou Armored core comece por esse,é uma ótima entrada para a série