Reviews from

in the past

All of these games should've been original stories like this one instead of just recapping seasons.

Curtia mt qnd mlk, daora pra porra.

Don't know how I acquired this game, I have almost no memory of it but I remember the feeling lmao

Little memory of this game. I only remember that for some reason you had to dance to unlock treasure chests, and there were so many stealth sections.

Avatar in Smite before Avatar in Smite

I love this style of gameplay, it's a shame that it didn't cover the entire show.

I did not want this game I did not ask for this game why did I have this game

Fun game, except for the 2 last puzzles.

Never beat this game as a kid, many of the objectives require fetchquests for items that take forever to find across the map. Combat is lackluster and levels are way too big & empty.

boring, but also bad controls. really cool that they got the og voice actors for it, though.

This game felt like a fever dream

minha memoria desse é dele ser bem divertido

Joguei muito durante a infância, era divertido.

Even back when I was a 9 year old that had just got this game for Christmas, I still thought this game sucked ass

A fun top down ARPG in the style of "Diablo" with extremely basic and easy controls, suitable for its younger target audience given the usual difficulty of the genre.

It has an original story that takes place between Book 1 and Book 2.

I never beat this game when I played it as a kid. I am considering buying a replacement copy and replaying it if I ever decide to rewatch the show I was a huge fan of back then.

I hated this even as a child and I was a big huge fanboy of ATLA, so you know it's trash.

I played this a lot as a kid. I'm not sure why.

People who really have an issue with me reviewing games I only played for about 30 minutes, or reviewing beloved games awfully, or thinking I'm joking when I review Sonic Spinball 5 stars really need to shut up and let me just say what I need to say.

Y'all need to relax. I'm just a rambling nut on the internet with an opinion. I'm not hurting anyone.

Anyway, I didn't do much in this game and I only played it for about 10-15 minutes.

After an unskippable intro cutscene I was thrown into a game with the assumption it was a linear "dungeon crawler" esque game where I just run around and spam a button until I get shit done.

In reality, it's a quest-driven game in which you have to complete a set amount of tasks in order to progress, all while you get attacked by the most generic wolves, reading prompts that flash up quicker than I can read, doing quests that I have no idea what to do in and moving just a smidge in order to let the game realise I'm standing in front of something it wants me to.

I'd have played this game more but for some reason once you die you have to sit through the game's first cutscene, the one that's made to be long in order to catch you up on the story, and is unskippable.
Even though I did save a few times as they save prompts are not hard to miss.

I died to wolves during the first quest as I'd unlocked a combo move it wanted me to use, but didn't give me enough time to read how to do it.
If you're not gonna let me play your game correctly then I'm not gonna play it at all.

I rated this 2/5 because I'm sure it'd be good in some way, but I only played it for less than an hour.

Yes, I'm reviewing it anyway, cry about it.