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in the past

Precioso juego de puzzles ambientado en una isla paradisiaca (ficticia) del caribe con unos escenarios bellisimos que realmente son una caricia a los ojos jaja te imaginas que te acaricien los ojos debe re arder. los puzzles estan buenos, no son para nada frustrantes y la duracion fue la justa, ni muy corto como para dejarme con ganas, ni muy largo como para aburrirme. lo unico que no me gusto es como te cuentan la historia, senti que me la daban de comer en la boca con una cucharita como si fuera un bebe, hay suficientes notas diseminadas en todo el juego (que encima son demasiado obvias) como para que unas las piezas por tu cuenta pero deciden explicarte todo con charlas que tiene la protagonista consigo misma, podrian haber tirado un par de notas mas y listo no se.
obviando eso me parecio una experiencia muy grata para ir cerrando el año

A solid puzzle game with some gorgeous environments. The puzzles hit a good balance. They're not so challenging as to impede the game's narrative (The Witness this is not), but for the most part, they require an intuitive leap on the player's part - an understanding of the environment around you. Unfortunately, I also encountered a number of bugs. Nothing that broke progression, but I had to reload my game several times.

Embrace your inner fish.

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Sometimes you gotta gaslight your wife into turning herself into a Cthulhu mermaid, amirite fellas?

Please, just take a shower once.
And don't "Y ph'nglui ah wgah'nagl" at me.

I'm having a lot of fun with this game, it's charming and gorgeous....but man is it confusing. Needs a little MORE hand holding

You know you're doing something right as a developer when your game makes you feel butterflies from sense of discovering what happened

There are plenty of good puzzle games out there, but with interesting characters and narrative, not so much, and Call of The Sea is one of them, the puzzles are intriguing, the crew is interesting, and the narrative is actually very well done, as well as astonishing visuals, it's the whole package.

Wonderful walking simulator story. On par with the likes of Firewatch and such but with a hint of more mystery. The performance of the voice actors was superb and a surprise. Puzzles are generally hard but fair. Ended up just under a 7 hour playtime. If you have gamepass I'd say its a must play.

Gorgeous adventure game. Not for me.

One of the better walking sims out there. Super pretty visuals and well made puzzles (but not overly complicated and with solid quality of life features so you have all the resources to solve them) make this a pretty enjoyable experience. More detail could have been given to the protagonist and her old life, and there were some bugs when I played through the Game Pass version (the cutscenes did not work and were replaced by a blank white rectangle), but all in all, a fairly nice and simple experience. The payoff wasn't amazing, but the journey was satisfying enough.

Simples, bonito, com uma história legal e que emociona. Deu muito certo.

Una pequeña aventura de puzzles interesante, bonita y colorida. Tiene la dificultad justa para dejarte fluir la historia. Me ha gustado bastante.

A decent first-person puzzle adventure game that looks great and has a good story. The movement is a little sluggish, which becomes annoying when the puzzle solutions require multiple back and forth trips across sections of the island. But overall I enjoyed my time with this one.

Increible, Firewatch meets Sea of Thieves. Ha sido una experiencia narrativa increible.

Jogo de andar observando o cenário

unintuitive, bad puzzles that are impossible without the game telling you the solution, playing it made me sick and gave me a headache, and while trying to not be racist it's still racist. also, was 35gb(?!) and did not run especially well.

Los amigos de @OutBlueGames crean una disfrutable aventura con tintes lovecraftnianos donde el jugador va desentrañando la historia y los misterios de la isla a base de unos buenos e intuitivos puzles. El apartado artístico es una delicia.

A pretty enjoyable story. For a game with big environmental puzzles it has an excruciating walk/run speed. It can take minutes just to walk from one place to another if you realize you might have missed a step in a puzzle. (admittedly I did just start looking at guides to get through the story)

A visual treat filled with (mostly) accessible and fair puzzles that doesn’t overstay its welcome, I had a really fun time with Call of the Sea.

A lot of the direction for the more guided walking/swimming segments felt straight out of a Disney theme park attraction. Even if the story itself feels slight and ultimately the final decision was not heavy on my heart, I find myself wishing more games operated at this level of length and presentation. I would venture to say 90% of games are too long, but this isn’t one of them. For that alone, I’ll end up remembering it more fondly than many other, more meaningful titles.

Guys, this game is very beautiful and the story told is amazing too. For start this game you will need to like a story telling game and solve many puzzles, and call of the sea delivers a satisfaction when you solve a puzzle and proceeds in the story.
On Xbox series S I saw some render bugs but nothing big that gets in your way. You will may be desapointed about the duration of this game, because is very short.

Cute Myst-meets-Edith Finch exploration game with some astoundingly beautiful graphics and a killer soundtrack. The writing is piss-poor though, and for such a narrative-focused game it really stunk up my experience, despite how fantastic the exploration was.

Uhh I guess its cool? It looks pretty good. The beginning puzzles really annoyed me because it wasn't conveying something clearly enough, or i just misunderstood it. The other puzzles were alright with one good one.
The main story is kind of predictable, no surprises really. Also its really short, like it doesnt overstay its welcome and i wasnt clamoring for more, but it still felt really short.

Simple environmental puzzles with a compelling narrative and lovely art direction.

Honestly a cute and rather beautful adventure game with a decent plot that feels like it could have done with a little more. The main plottwists sadly are a little too well telegraphed and the puzzles mostly are a little too far on the easy side thanks to Nora's continous note-taking and chattering causing the game to feel a little too hand-holdy at times.

Still. If you want a cozy afternoon adventure style of game, you've got one here. Its not ground breaking but it does an allright job at it.

a cute little adventure game with incredible settings/aesthetics and slightly above average puzzle investment.

it definitely falls into some adventure/walking simulator game pitfalls (most particularly constant talking to one's self from the protagonist) in small amounts. the highlights were enough to outweigh them for me this time.

not anything earth shattering by any means but it definitely has enough going for it to stand out among similar fare and i'm glad i gave it a go.

The puzzles are way too unintuitive and slow at times

It's pretty! It's also pretty average. Decent story, but nothing special. Decent puzzles. And utterly ridiculous slow movement speed that probably is in there to stretch out the length of the game because it's very short.

A very engaging story and atmosphere, and good puzzles that weren't too easy nor too difficult. It reminded me a bit to old graphic adventures, really liked it. And the voice actors (specially Norah) nailed it, they were awesome.

where the great™ myst respects the player by having its fat already trimmed, call of the sea severely restricts player movement and agency by continuously trapping you in droll snail's pace corridor walking sim sections, animation reels in place to inflate hours played, and asset (de)tours down the polynesian wikipedia riverway. there's a half hour of game here and five hours of trying to wrestle your way out of a strait jacket. most of those polynesian asides were purposeless, reflexive sackcloth and ashes "teaching moments" at the cost of world building. who needs the particularities of a handcrafted story when you can wantonly pepper in bits of a culture in anticipated defense of centering the story around an aristocratic white englishwoman? as tired i am of this wish fulfillment---the posh but "actually the good posh" because she cheekily quips about overpacking 14 luggage cases of dresses (so relatable!) (but you know she hates the poor, loves the king, and beats her minority group child chimney sweep back home, right?)---the defense was unnecessary and such concerns should've been directed toward appreciating this interesting culture naturally instead of constantly rubbernecking/wondering at them, treating the polynesians like perfect little children in an artificially constructed distillment of a people down to a few exoticized props with horrific extrapolations like "wow, they're so attuned with nature they don't even know what violence is! they can't even imagine it!". your posh lady explorer never stops talking; a veritable human gatling gun with two modes, smug marvel movie one liners and handholding descriptions of what you visually gleaned a minute ago. the first chapter of a novel is oft considered the first important. call of the sea's equivalent is woefully immature, a self-monologuing rapid fire of the plot beats bereft of mystery that could have been (and should have been) built up organically. read:

[after having a bad dream] "Ahh, I've been startled awake... I just had a horrible dream. I have had these unpleasant dreams since my mother died. My mother died and left me this music box. Whenever I have the music box, I have these nightmares... My husband always said the music box was no good. I have a strange disease. Nobody knows how I contracted it. Ever since my mother died, leaving me this music box, I have been afflicted with this strange illness."

no joke, it's that on the nose. pretty much verbatim. they're so desperate to hold your hand narratively because the writer doesn't have the talent or the necessary influences to cook up a genre story like this. he's drowning and trying to take you down with him. keep in mind the whole pitch of these walking sims is environmental storytelling yet it's eschewed totally. you're not permitted an "a-ha" moment finding puzzle pieces because narration will promptly say 75 words about the piece you just found, how you found it, and what to do with it. when you find a box with a keyhole and click it for your customary 40 second animation, your character monologues "The box has the initials CS. Earlier, I found a key with the same initials. The key read CS. Could they be related? When I found this key, I discerned the initials CS, and now I find a box with the very same letters. There couldn't be any chance the key fits the hole of this box, could there be?" while you're already %$#^ing opening it. it is a constant onslaught of stating the obvious, never risking the peace and quiet that should be dealt in heaps in this back of beyond story of isolation. your character must constantly quip or verbosely describe what you're looking at like you're a moron. everything is telegraphed, stripped of mystery. you look at a million photos (which doesn't just waste your time but draws the player away from this ostensible strange world of intrigue, so it's wholly working against the atmosphere the game desires for you) and your character gives it all away. the writer thinks you're stupid, and what good bedfellows you'd make if you were, because they give you an animated movie about a man regretting a death and has your lady explorer leap into a monologue about how the man seems to regret a death. this is a disgusting Product with no value for the human intellect. the puzzles are mostly bioshock "wait a minute that card" moments, yes really. the levels suffer from the typical overly cluttered, excessively vertical design presently plaguing most modern maps that aren't proc gen. oh there are some cute shaders on the tropical assets, sure, and so what? stay far away!

Un walking simulator + puzless bastante interesante en su historia y con un misterio intrigante por resolver,