Reviews from

in the past

whoever invented the konami code deserves to get their ass ate

Desnecessariamente muito difícil , mas muito divertido.

I love difficult games, and Contra is a game that's incredibly difficult but the fun kind of difficult. It's made to be difficult and it isn't unfair due to poor game design or anything. It's a genuine challenge.

I love how overdramatic everything in this game is with its constant chaos and explosions. It's a rare instance where the console version is way better than the arcade version. Yes I've beaten this game without the Konami code multiple times, and it never gets old.

Fucked up that this cool side scroller has interstials of running up and at the screen in some kind of Reinier Wolfcastle bullshit. Mindless fun otherwise.

Não joguei muito isso, é difícil demais, mas até que é legal

Não sei como consegui zerar isso na época. Tenho certeza que se fosse jogar hoje em dia eu iria me frustrar.

Eu e meu pai zeramos muitas vezes, as vezes era um jogo miserável de difícil, mas hoje, é mamão com açucar.

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start

There, the game is now playable since I can get hit more than 9 times. And it's a pretty fun game too. Experimenting with power-ups, running and gunning, varying level styles, this is prime run n' gun gameplay! It just needed a cheat code to be fair.

If you 1CC it without the Konami code then you can officially call yourself a gamer. Afterwards you should probably go outside

I actually never played this back in the day. Never knew anybody that had it and never rented it. I've played other Contra games but had to wait like 20 years before I actually played it. It was exactly how I imagined a Contra game on the NES would play lol.

Plus holy shit it gave us the Konami Code. So massive props.

No veo el punto de hacerte iniciar desde el inicio del juego al perder, no es un juego de maquinas arcade, sin eso lo hubiera considerado bueno.

I'm gonna get flack for this, but I think it's okay and overrated, especially compared to it's sequel.

Ignoring the fact that dying makes you start all over, this game is entertaining. It's unfair at some points, and maybe the levels aren't extremely creative, but I think it's enjoyable; the gameplay is simple yet effective (like its OST), the 3D sections work surprisingly well and the weapons are fun to use.

Only played it on an Arcade that closed many years ago, I never completed it. I don't think I would enjoy it anywhere else.

Would like it more without all the fast tiny white bullets that I struggle to see

Yeah I would not have been able to do this shit without the Konami code lol

Era massa mas nao jogava muito por nao conseguir avançar no jogo

The quintessential NES run-and-gun. Super hard due to its one-hit deaths, but it very rarely feels unfair. Only marked as played because I never actually beat it without the code. Also an excellent example of an NES game that's far superior to its original arcade version.

It’s like Rambo, but mixed with Predator! So badass, it’ll almost make me want to purchase another AR15 from my local Walmart to use for target practice!

Stallone & Van Damme videojogo


One of the only games i've ever played that I could not beat due to difficulty (without using konami code). Without code it's honestly too frustrating to get good at for me, with the code it's an extremely fun action game with sick sound and visuals

A versão de NES é um puta jogo, é um dos meus favoritos do console, pelo menos uma vez por ano eu rezero ele, é divertido e uma experiencia muito interessante, um verdadeiro jogo arcade para aquela época

Já a versão Arcade é bem merda, mais curta que a original (eu zerei em 20 min na minha PRIMEIRA VEZ JOGANDO) controles terriveis, e graficos estranhos pra um senhor caralho. Se não fosse a versão de NES contra nunca teria crescido, a de NES é do caralho.

I can beat it without the code. I feel it's important to brag about that.

Definitely one of the best NES classics of all time! Add a friend and lose them just as fast because this game will make them your worst enemy, but it's a fun game no matter how you play it. The game is so hard, but so fair that after playing it so many times it becomes easy. No RNG, no major bugs, looks amazing, responsive controls, etc.

Contra has a reputation for being way too hard and that's probably because it's way too hard. This game is unforgiving, and on your first play, you'll be doing better than most if you can clear the first level even with all the continues the game offers you. I couldn't as a kid and I didn't as an adult either, but eventually I beat the game -- more on that in a minute.

It's a side-scrolling shooter with nice, tight controls, and good stage layouts that are never particularly unfair although they may feel that way at first. The one hit deaths when so many bullets and enemies come onto the screen feel particularly frustrating, but once you learn the patterns, you realize the game is actually very generous about it. Mostly. There are some bad egg examples of things that you could hardly be prepared for, such as the pressure panel (?) spike walls that shoot out in one of the later levels, killing you instantly if you don't know you need to stop perfectly in front of where they'll drop to shoot them open.

Anyway, about beating the game -- I rarely like to use save states but now that I've gotten older I sometimes allow them, but I always have to find a way to do it that isn't going to make me feel disappointed or frustrated or impatient with the game. For me, I have noticed that my opinion of a game is generally lowered by usage of save-states, and sometimes even leads me to have a false perception of the difficulty of the game (it's so hard because I've cheated my way forwards into an area I haven't practiced properly). Contra provided a great opportunity to tinker with it and discover the method of using save states that I still use on games now and enjoy. In short: I only save stated at the end of any level I was able to clear without dying a single time, pushing my checkpoint back repeatedly. If I did die, I'd go ahead and play out my continues before reloading.

Anyway, by doing this, then going back and playing the game again with no save states at all, I found I had learned to beat the game in its entirety without the need for them, by the end. It was a magical feeling, and probably one of my favorite gaming accomplishments of all time -- I still occasionally go back and clear it through just to relive how fun it is to be able to do it and keep the skill in my tool-belt (for no reason whatsoever other than self-satisfaction).

So anyway, some may consider Contra's extreme difficulty to be a negative, but I would argue that its extreme difficulty coupled with just being a good feeling game to play makes it a very trying challenge with a huge pay off. I'm really glad I beat it, and it'll always be a standout gaming memory for me. I'm also glad it was so difficult that it necessitated me finding a way to use save-states that I could be okay with in my own gaming (as a training method for being able to clear the game legitimately). It's the game that broke me a little, but by doing so it taught me a better way to appreciate retro games.

4.5 - Excellent: The main stock of my list of "greatest games ever"

I'm very bad at this.