Reviews from

in the past

Je fais la review avant d'avoir fini les dlcs pck je vais tout mélanger sinon.
On est clairement sur la formule perfectionnée des souls, ce qui pour moi donne un belle béta d'Elden Ring.
Gameplay très fluide, belle DA, bonne osts.
L'arrivée des PC, mais pas de la plétore d'arts pour autant, il y en a si peu...
Même niveau armes exotiques, je reste clairement sur ma faim.

Pour l'instant plus le souls est récent, plus je l'apprécie, ce qui témoigne d'une réelle amélioration à chaque opus.

Conclusion : J'aime pas TANT que ça les souls, Elden Ring étant l'exception qui confirme la règle.

Can't put into words how much I love this game. Superb music, bosses, and gameplay.

i don't have a clue what happened in the story but i do know it was cool as hell

My favourite of Souls trilogy and a true sequel to the first game.

mama mia, loved it so much, finishing my first run made me start another one right after, unlike elden ring booooooh

Me resulta fascinante como Dark Souls III es en esencia mejor juego que Dark Souls pero aún así es peor juego. Pese a ser la tercera entrada en la saga es un sucesor directo del primero y obvia casi por completo el segundo, el combate es más dinámico pareciéndose al de Bloodborne sin serlo y la estructura de su mundo es más similar a las de Dark Souls II. En general es una línea recta que diverge lo justo pero que no llega ni de cerca a lo que hace Dark Souls en su primera mitad, de hecho las hogueras aparecen por todas partes y marcan más el progreso en esa línea recta que el regreso a un lugar seguro. También decide hacerte volver una y otra vez a la "base de operaciones" para subir de nivel haciendo que subir de nivel en las hogueras sea una rareza del original, ya que ni Demon's Souls lo hace y a mi es algo que me cansa bastante y no consigo comprender.
El combate está bien y los jefes destacan en lo visual y en lo complejo de sus animaciones que los hacen más vivos aunque se echan algo de menos esas peleas con truco que en este solo suponen dos o tres encuentros. Sé que no son los favoritos de la mayoría pero yo los prefiero frente a los jefes con múltiples fases que abundan este juego. La primera expansión se nota algo coja y su jefe final con tres fases puede ser insufrible. En cambio la segunda me parece un gran punto final para la saga, quizás exagera en la cantidad de enemigos que te lanza pero sus jefes son entretenidos y bastante emocionantes menos el dragón que es una esponja de daño que se menea de un lado a otro de la sala.
A mi me ha costado ocho años acabarlo porque pese a ser un juego destacable llega un punto poco antes del final que me deja extenuado y acabo dejándolo abandonado, cosa que me ha pasado tres veces pero al final he hecho de tripas corazón y me he "forzado" a acabarlo.
Es un juego mucho más estable que Dark Souls, mantiene muy bien su nivel pero hay algo que me deja peor sabor de boca, por así decirlo. Tal vez su diseño de niveles, tal vez que se me hace largo o que ya es la tercera entrega (o la quinta si cuentas Demon's Souls y Bloodborne) y ya tengo la fórmula muy manida pero no puedo evitar pensar en todo lo que hace mejor la primera entrega, todo lo que estaba muy bien pensado y ha ido desapareciendo secuela tras secuela y como la necesidad de tener un teletransporte desde el principio le quita gran parte del encanto que tenía para mi el original.
Aún así un juego destacable, con un apartado visual precioso y un gran broche para la historia del uno, porque el dos no importa, eso nos lo han dejado claro.

First Dark Souls game ive beat, love the levels in this game and bosses are good (except yhorm)

a rough start with the PC port that smoothed out into another favorite in the Souls series. I haven't thought about this game in a long time, to be honest, but I was obsessed with this game when it came out and loved being a part of the initial hype and community. One day i'll get the last few achievements.

Isn't it stupid that the least innovative (and arguably worst) of all of the FromSoft SoulsBorne games is a masterclass in game design?

A must play and kind of an accessible entry for the series, as I see it, too.

It's like dark souls 1 with a less interesting world and like dark souls 2 with everything that made that game special stripped away. Also probably the best feeling and looking game of the series.

i will complete this one day

Actual masterpiece, from the atmosphere to the boss fights I enjoyed every second of it. It does take a bit to get used to the combat, but after you find your build and flow it starts to become such a blast to play.

amazing flow and feel, great balance of spectacle and function when the boss fights are concerned, high highs and pretty ok lows

Intenté jugar esta wea y destruyo mi antigua fuente de poder.

This game is the perfect blend of cataclysm and beauty.

I know that elden ring is a better game but I enjoyed this a bit more. The setting and atmosphere was amazing and I felt so immersed in the game. Bosses and DLC were amazing too. One of my favourite games of all time.

Knock on my door once again, and scream to my ears that Dark Souls III is the exemplar of its series, and I'm going to hit you with Zweihänder's R2.

Dark Souls III is the "what-if Dark Souls was combat only"?
Immersion? Nah.
Psychological reaction? What do you mean by that, utterlynowhere?
Emotions? Only anger and dopamine.

Dark Souls III is a narrow product, highlighting the series as merely games where you have to "master its technical aspects". A true-consequence of competitive capital-G gamer culture's dominance in video games.

always wanted to play this game ever since i was 9 , finally played this game in 2023 during some of the best times of my life , paired with its amazing world design and boss mechanics , the hours spent on this masterpiece definitely cemented a sense of nostalgia..

My first souls game and the best of the series, I think. Hard to say what specifically makes it good, since pretty much every aspect of this game is almost perfect. I'd say that the area design and music are a few things that come to mind. Also very fun to play as well.

This review contains spoilers

While DS3 has undeniably some of the best bosses in the entire series, with particular highlights being in the late game and DLCs of this game, This game is held back by 3 main things:
1) the atmosphere. This might be the most depressing game I've ever played (maybe except for inside) because the colour pallete is just beige, grey and dark green. It's so dull and while I definitely feel like that was the goal, there is just so much colour in many other of the souls games like DS1, DS2, Elden Ring, and I'd even say DmS. Playing the early game of this game for more than an hour makes me want to kill myself because of how muted it is, and it greatly hinders the replay value I get from this game.
2) The areas. HOLY SHIT THEY SUCK. In the entire game I think maybe 4-5 of the areas are at the very least bearable. And half of them are in the ringed city DLC. DS3 is probably the opposite of DS1, as most of the games quality is in the second half of the game rather than the first, but at least in DS1 there was SOME stuff in the second half that made it fun to trek through (Dukes archives is a fun area with a cool gimmick, Nito is a cool boss, Four kings can be fun, and I actually like the Centipede Demon). But outside of High wall and MAYBE Undead settlement on a good day, playing through the early game areas of DS3 is just ass. They are sooooooo fucking linear in design and not really many branching off points to go and mess around with, like in DS1 with the darkroot garden and the valley of drakes which lets you do some funky shit out of order.
3) the enemies. The bosses in DS3 are really fucking awesome dont get me wrong, but FIGHTING ENEMIES SUCKS. I feel like everyone ESPECIALLY in Lotheric castle is soooo beafy and has needlessly hard movesets to learn, making them just pains in the ass as I try to get to each boss. I tried to do an int build on one of my subsequent playthroughs but genuinely couldn't get past some of the enemies and had to respec into dex to finish up the game.

Overall while DS3 definitely cuts back on a lot of the jank of the older games, it loses a lot of the charm from those older games that I really appreciated, and also makes fighting through everything that isn't a boss hard and annoying.

In conclusion DS1 better xD

(also fuck the trophy list)

Finished the game in a few days under 30 hours, I still have DLC to play but god damn that was nice. Difficulty wasn't too hard nor was it easy it was perfect. Even though 90% of the things I collected in this game were useless to me because I rarely use consumables or experiment with weapons it was still fun to explore the map and pick up all the loot I can find while trying not to die.

My eyes see the best action-RPG ever but my brain tapped out in the worm room so I'll probably finish it when I achieve worm acceptance