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in the past

Ducktales 2 does very little to change up the formula from the original Ducktales game, but that isn't really a bad thing considering just how great the original was. Despite my memory of playing Ducktales was this game, I always associated it with the original and not the sequel because heck, I didn't know the sequel even existed, and I feel that is the overall experience for this game. Not really that this game isn't as remember-able, but that it just blends together with the original. While I know and understand that moving boxes with your cane is a new feature for this game, I just can't help, but think, some how, that it was actually in the original. That's the problem with making a sequel that doesn't do enough to differ itself, and while I understand the overall graphics were better, nearly everything else falls into this pile of from the first game, and while I don't think that's saying this game is bad, it's just an extension of what the first game was over it's own. Ducktales 2 doesn't exactly have very memorable bosses or music either, so to say that this remains in my brain fog is just the hard truth.
Everything I have said or will say about Ducktales would be true for the sequel. It's very basic mega man-esque platforming that has the charm of the old Ducktales TV show. There are plenty of treasures to go out and look for. But when it comes to picking it out of a line of games, sadly this game just gets lost in the crowd

i think this might be my favorite NES game. feels and plays great compared to other NES titles, the pogo jump mechanic is literally SO fun and the maps felt really well designed. i wish it could be a little longer though, but it's an incredible short game u can finish in under 1 hour

A tad worse than the first one but it has better boss fights. The levels arent as fun to explore and the music isnt as memorable. But its still a great Nes platformer that you should not skip by any means.

They Weren’t Lying. That DuckTales Really Be 2. …which is to say, it's an iterative sequel but still a fun one. I like that they slightly expanded upon Scrooge's cane abilities, although I did get softlocked at one point by missing an upgrade which was annoying.

A decent sequel to the original game. Much rarer and hard to find, unfortunately.

Um pouco inferior ao primeiro, é legal, mas não desperta o mesmo sentimento que o primeiro jogo foi capaz de proporcionar.
Tem melhores boss fights, mas a exploração aqui é menos divertida e eu diria incentivada, além das músicas das fases não serem muito memoráveis.
Curtinho igual o primeiro também, coisa de no máximo uns 40 minutos você consegue terminar.

I think I liked the levels more overall but the music pales in comparison. Kind of balances out a little bit. Helped I was more used to the pogo jump mechanic going in this time though.

One of the best licensed games from the NES library, without a shadow of a doubt, would have to be the original DuckTales game. It may be a very basic platformer that doesn’t do much but promote the show that it is based on, but it still remains pretty fun to this day, isn’t too hard so that anyone can jump in and have a good time with it, has plenty of replay value with being able to select any stage in whatever order you want, and has some of the best music that you could hear from an NES game. People look back on the game fondly to this day and absolutely love it, and in addition, people also love the remake of the game that was released over 20 years later. But, one thing that many probably don’t realize was that, there was actually a game in-between those two releases. Kind of a shame that nobody talks about it that much, but it was a late NES title, and the show that it was based on had already ended, which means it was essentially sent to die right out the gate. But either way, this forgotten game was the generically named DuckTales 2.

Like many, I myself didn’t really know about DuckTales 2, and by the time that I had finally discovered that it was a thing, I was well familiar with both the original game as well as its remake. I was curious as to why nobody brought up this particular game when people bring up the DuckTales game, so when I got The Disney Afternoon Collection, I decided to finally give it a shot. After playing it again, I would say that the game isn’t quite as good as the original game, but for a sequel, it is still pretty great. It may not do too much new when compared to the original game, and it still has some of the same problems as that original game, but it still ends up being a fun time all the way through.

The story is, what else, about Scrooge McDuck trying to get rich while facing off against Flintheart Glomgold, which was pretty much the same plot as the original, but it is DuckTales, so I can’t expect too much more from it, the graphics are about on the same level as the original game, but the sprite work for characters and enemies are given more detail this time around, making for an overall better looking game, the music is fantastic, of course, giving off the same whimsy and charm that the original soundtrack did, along with the sound effects also being golden, but none of the tracks really reach the heights as some of the previous game’s best, like The Moon track, the control is about the same as the original game, but there are some noticeable improvements this time around, such as the pogo jump being easier to pull off in this game, and the gameplay is very similar to the original as well, while adding several new additions to make it seem like not just a barebones sequel.

The game is a 2D platformer, where you take control of Scrooge McDuck once more, take on a set of five different levels that take place around the world, defeat plenty of cartoony baddies by either bouncing on them with your pogo stick or hitting them with numerous objects scattered around the place, gather plenty of health items, upgrades to help you out, and all of the money that you could possibly hold in your pockets along your journey, and take on plenty of simple, yet fun cartoony bosses that will test you to see if you have what it takes to take all of the treasures for yourself. If you have played through the original DuckTales game, or even the remake of it, you pretty much know what you are getting into here, but to its credit, not only does it still manage to be fun to this day, but there are also those inclusions that make it more interesting and in depth then its predecessor.

First off, at the end of each level, you are given the option to purchase stuff from a shop, which not only sells typical stuff like extra lives and health items that you can hold along your journey, but also items that can increase your health and give you a continue whenever you die. Not only are plenty of these items pretty useful to have, but they also greatly benefit the whole game, as they actually give the money that you collect some actual purpose rather than just… you know, being there. May as well do something with those millions of dollars rather than just keeping it all collecting dust in a safe, y’know? In addition to this, there are also optional collectibles in the game in the form of pieces to a treasure map, and when all of them are found, it will give you access to a sixth hidden stage, which will also lead you to the true ending of the game. This is an inclusion that I REALLY love, and is a great alternative to getting a better ending in one of these games other then just getting a fuck ton of money for the heck of it.

But, if none of that is enough to sell you on this game, then what we have here is, all in all, a very similar adventure to the original. Nothing too major about the main gameplay has changed to where it can be seen as a significant step up from the previous game, and it goes about the same way as you would expect. That’s not necessarily a bad thing for big fans of the original game, but for those who are wanting something more out of these games, this sequel isn’t gonna give you that. Not to mention, two of my gripes from the previous game are still present in this sequel: the game is too short, and the game is too easy. Once again, that isn’t automatically a bad thing depending on who you ask, and there are some optional goodies there that you can go for to extend game-time, but for a sequel that was made 4 years after the original, it does kinda suck that they couldn’t have added just a little more meat onto these bones, maybe with a side of difficulty alongside it.

Overall, despite not changing up the gameplay too much, as well as still being too short and easy, DuckTales 2 is still what I would consider an underappreciated sequel to an NES classic, and a great game in general, one that will give fans of the original more of what they loved, and even give newcomers a fun little romp with this group of duck-billed heroes once again. I would definitely recommend it for those who loved the original game or its remake, as well as those who love NES platformers, because this game will definitely give you what you are looking for in both of those departments. Although, before I go, I gotta say… Launchpad constantly referring to you as “Uncle Scrooge” like one of his nephews is pretty freaking weird. I dunno if he is trying to hit on him, or he has other intentions, but either way, I am very uncomfortable right now.

Game #415

DuckTales 2 is a solid game that I had fun with overall, but as a sequel to a great game it kinda falls a bit flat. Bosses aren't as creative as the original, and levels don't feel as vast when it come to the explorative/treasure hunting nature of them. Music is catchy but nothing earwormed me like the original. Despite all that, its still a pretty fun game, its just not as great as what came before.

This one was quite a surprise, I thought it would just be a "DLC" for the first game and I thought that was why people didn't talk much about it, but when I played it more in depth, I really liked it, even more than the first, the graphics are better, the background is more detailed and interesting, it's challenging (and a little naughty in some parts, say-
in passing) and the coolest thing of all that made me like this one more than the first: the exploration.

Unlike the first game, which looked more like a normal platform game where you went forward and so on to reach the end of the level, here I found it more interesting, because there are more paths to explore and find treasures,
including a map that I don't know if you get all the parts and you get a different ending, but I liked this focus more on exploration, so much so that there's that bird inventor from the comic/cartoon that gives you equipment with your cane to destroy indestructible blocks, pull heavy blocks and destroy indestructible blocks that are on the ground,
giving a kind of "metroidvania" vibe even if it's in stages. If you've never played Ducktales 2, play it, and if you've already played the first game and don't know whether you should play the second, play it, it's also very worth it.

Excellent sequel. Same great gameplay, can't get enough of the pogo stick mechanic. Felt a little shorter and easier then the first, but felt just as good as the first


The Disney Afternoon Collection. Часть 5. Disney's DuckTales 2 (1993)

На закате эпохи 8-битных консолей только и остаётся, что цеплять последние остатки внимания потребителей продолжениями своих некогда успешных хитов. Собственно, вот и вся подноготная сиквела Уток. Стоило ли оно того? Нет. 4 года спустя DuckTales 2 не может предложить и доли того детского восторга в и по сей день неустаревшей классике 1989 года. Мультяшная феерия должным образом переносилась с формата полуденного шоу на пиксельное интерактивное поприще, передавая ту самую атмосферу ярких кругосветных приключений. Здесь же я и близко не ощутил хотя бы причастность к самому тайтлу. Складывается ощущение, что спрайты Скруджа и прочих здесь и вовсе не к месту, словно чужеродный элемент. Антураж у игры более мрачный и безжизненный, возможно излишне детализированный. Нет уже былой гармонии между легкомысленными краями света и населяющими их образинами. Всё здесь какое-то не присущее Диснеевской ТВ сказке, а скорее обособленное игровое фэнтэзи. Всё вышеперечисленное к саундтреку, кстати, тоже относится. Трудно ещё как-то передать эту разницу в тексте, но надеюсь, что меня поймут.
В основном сиквел хвалят за его упор на великое множество секретов и возможность достичь лучшую концовку лишь сбором всех необходимых айтемов и открытием дополнительного уровня. Для того времени идея особенно хорошая, душой кривить не буду. Но заниматься этим в игре с ограниченными жизнями и малейшим правом на ошибку - дело крайне сомнительное. Это сейчас можно со спокойной душой сохраняться где угодно, а то и вовсе перематывать, но такое удовольствие не по мне. Прошёл один раз и забыл, увы.

É bem apropriado que a sequência do reskin de Mega Man 2 com patos seguiu o mesmo caminho de Mega Man: reutilizar o máximo dos assets do jogo anterior, adicionar uma ou duas mecânicas "novas" mas esparsamente usadas para dizer que o game tem novidades e considerar o trabalho terminado. O resultado é ok. Tipo, DuckTales 1 era bom, um jogo que segue seu molde fielmente dificilmente seria ruim. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, para quer jogar ele se DuckTales 1 existe, e de quebra ainda tem um desafio e música bem melhores?

This really was a DuckTale, two.

Un gran ejemplo de como mejorar una segunda entrega sin que pierda la esencia del primero. Se agregan nuevas mecánicas y mejoras que quedan perfectas en la formula. Los nuevos niveles son crema de la buena.

É um jogaço assim como o primeiro. Eu joguei esse antes de jogar "Ducktales" e me deliciei. Foi o jogo que me ensinou a explorar os cenários. Sem dúvida um dos melhores da biblioteca do NES.

WTH I didn't realize Scrooge McDuck was Scottish.

Def felt more like an level expansion for the first game over being a full-blown sequel, but i guess that's probably how it be when you are capcom still making NES games in 1993. Has that like latter-trilogy NES mega man vibe to it, things are polished and look nice and the game has some new improvements and features from the previous game but it still just somehow feels like it's just going through the motions. There's new mechanics revolving using the cane to push and pull things, as well as items that can be bought with your points to get things like extra hit points and continues which is neat. There's also a new collectible in the form of 7 map pieces that when found get you the best ending and a bonus level which adds some form of replay value, I guess. Though due to that, it does mean there aren't multiple endings depending on how much money you earn throughout the game, and that makes things like using launchpad to replay levels feel kinda pointless now? It also makes the game not very deep and rather easy since the money doesn't matter and the game will shower you with continues. The soundtrack is also one of the largest downgrades I have seen in gaming, but that's honestly less an insult to this games OST and more that trying to surpass ducktales 1s OST is an insanely tall order. The tracks just feel like generic NES music, I didn't remember a single tune. Despite all these qualms it's still ducktales which means it's a solid time through and through, I just now understand why this game isn't brought up nearly as much as its predecessor, and I don't think the late release timing is the sole culprit.

Ducktales 2 es el segundo juego basado en la serie de las Patoaventuras y desarrollado por Capcom para la NES.

En esta segunda aventura volvemos a tener 5 zonas que explorar, pero esta vez tenemos más coleccionables, como unos trozos de un mapa del tesoro, que nos desbloquearán un nivel extra al final si los encontramos todos. Por lo demás el gemaplay principal sigue siendo el mismo: explorar a fondo cada zona, encontrar todos sus tesoros y vencer al jefe. Aun así hay añadidos como mejoras del bastón para poder romper rocas más duras, poder romper rocas al saltar sobre ellas o poder tirar de objetos más pesados. Además, en algunos niveles encontraremos cosas interesantes como unas balsas que se moverán si empujamos hacia la pared estado montados encima, o unas flores que nos catapultarán si estiramos lo suficiente de ellas.

La música y el apartado gráfico siguen siendo igual de buenos que antes, pero ahora quizá tengamos un poco más de variedad que antes. Lo mismo ocurre con el diseño de niveles.

Personalmente, he disfrutado este juego mucho más que el primero, ya que ya estaba familiarizado con los controles y la mecánica del rebote con el bastón. Al poco de jugar, ya sentía como tenía prácticamente todos los saltos y movimientos bien calculados y todo fluía como la seda.

Ductales 2 es un buen juego en el que simplemente recorrer el nivel sin tener un destino fijado ya es divertido de por sí, aunque es posible que se te haga un poco cuesta arriba si no te conoces bien los controles.

Beaucoup moins célèbre que son illustre ainé mais pas déméritant, les qualités restent et les mécaniques ajoutées font le taf. Les musiques sont en revanche beaucoup moins marquantes, faut pas s'attendre à trouver un équivalent au Moon Theme.

i love hopping about as an old rich man who is a duck!...2!

Excellent platformer for the NES! It's not really very different from the first one, but having a new set of levels makes it fun to play. The gameplay doesn't change radically, however, this game introduces some new ideas like new uses for the cane, which make interacting with some elements of the environment more entertaining. I really like how exploring is still the focal point of the adventure, and this is made more entertaining as there are more secrets in the levels, such as more treasures or upgrades for the cane. The first DuckTales was not a difficult game, but still losing all lives could cause a sudden Game Over, DuckTales 2 instead is much more accessible in its difficulty, making you can spend the money you earn in the levels in a store where you can buy items that recover vitality, lives or even continues.

I felt that this time the scenery and music were not as memorable as in the first installment, but it is compensated by a better level design in general. Perhaps my only complaint is that the game is too short. It's too short, and as soon as you think about it the game will be over suddenly, just like this review.


Game holds up great if not better than the original.

Largely ignored due to the NES's end of life status at the time of its release, it was just as good as the first game and even refined the gameplay a bit while keeping the great visuals and sound design from the first game.