Reviews from

in the past

tim burton inspired survival game pretty cool

Muito legal e interessante! Gosto de jogar com amigos + art style muito bom

I had fun with it but got frustrated with constantly starting over. One day I'll return and put my all into it.

fun game even though i have literally no reason to touch it now that don't starve together is out

Не нравится эта игра. Хоть для меня графика не главное, но отвратительную видно издалека

i've played this game so much and yet I hold incredibly mixed feelings on it.

um ótimo jogo de sobrevivência onde cada segundo e muito importante para não morre de fome porem acho ele um pouco seco de conteudo perante sua versão online

ser for jogar recomendo as 2 DLC

I had way more fun watching somebody else play

fun game that had fun lore and mystery
unfortunately from what i can remember they kinda stopped building on the lore in a fun way
personally i dont feel like playing the game over and over again to finally get to the end especially when the end isnt all that interesting
maybe lore wise but gameplay wise theres no point
still a good game tho i recommend playing until you get bored then looking up the ending

Um jogo bom e estiloso de sobrevivência.

I could never get past the first fucking dog raid, but I liked the game's depth and I wish I could have explored more of it. if only those dogs didn't ruin everything and I wasn't too young to think of a good counter to them.

Don’t Starve is a sandbox survival game with an art style that really resonates with me. I enjoy properties that remind me of Tim Burton or Neil Gaiman’s works, and it does that with the world, music, and visuals. However, the gameplay offers a rewarding yet tedious experience that takes some getting used to.

Don’t Starve has a great style and world that made me curious to explore it. I loved the character designs and the way it pays homage to classic works of horror and gothic culture. I had fun finding new things, although it’s main focus is the fact that you really have to put thought into every step of the way as death is permanent with each run.

The gameplay consists in gathering resources to craft better materials, while trying to stay alive gathering food. In order to survive, you need to manage your priorities as you explore the world while keeping track of your items. The combat is something that I thought could have been better, but given the game’s style I think it is a minor part of the whole picture. Getting used to the mechanics provides a far more enjoyable experience after a while.

Overall, I liked the game and would probably try some new runs in the future as I get more used to it, but I recognize that it can be frustrating to put several hours into a world just to lose it in one mistake.

Final Score: 70/100

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Jogo não me pegou, achei sem graça.

é um bom jogo, mas não faz nem um pouco meu estilo

se veia bonito pero no le vi mucho la gracia

esse foi meu primeiro jogo da steam, curioso como isso faz 9 anos

I love this game, but can't seem to survive longer than 2 days in game. Too frustrating to continue trying.

Repetitive mess with a great aesthetic

Looks pretty but I can't get into this genre.

Survival's finest, I'm afraid

gave it a real shot this time but losing your base over and over sucks

Wendy is my girl, but WX-78 is MY homie.