Reviews from

in the past

Soundtrack of the year, brought to you by some of the minds behind the Sonic Dreams collection.

Really wanted to love this and there's just not enough there and what is there is just not that great.

Finished this with my son for the second time. He is 4 years old now and loves this game.

Me ha gustado mucho: Gracioso, simpático y divertido. Pero es TAN corto que te deja con muchas ganas de más.

katamari but hole, i picked it up for 6 bucks and it was a fun time, should be a bit longer

I wish this game was longer and more engaging.

a good narrative about gentrification and fun katamari-esque gameplay, sure, but also this game had me hooked the second you could send a duck emoji to someone and they would immediately respond with the same duck emoji

Like Katamari, but with holes.

Simple, short, and strangely addicting. Like many, I wish there were a little more depth (heh) to it.

Charm and quirkiness make the short duration of Donut County a joyful journey through millenial dialogues and simple, but fun, puzzles. But the lightheartedness isn't enough to compensate for the limited variety of gameplay.

The gameplay isn't very deep, but the writing is very enjoyable and it was a fun time.

It’s cute and enjoyable with funny writing; short (like 2 to 3 hours short) and simple to a tee.

way too short for its own good

Un indie simpatiquísimo que cumple el sueño de cualquier persona decente: controlar a un mapache cabroncete que arruina la vida de toda una ciudad con la ayuda de un agujero mágico.

This feels like they made the whole game out of the tutorial

A cute and short indie game with a fun premise

This game is stupid and it took me an hour and a half to beat it but it was pretty fun. Making stuff fall in a hole is satisfying. Probably not worth the 6 bucks it cost but it was fun.

the writing is very 'meme'-y and the gameplay feels like getting constantly cuckolded. levels end way too fast, most levels lack interesting set pieces or a meaningful feeling of progression, and it's all over in a bit over an hour. it has some cute ideas but they're not much more than cute. the obvious comparison is Katamari, but Katamari has a weight to it this doesn't. a feeling of constant growth, great pacing, and simple, satisfying gameplay. this game isn't very satisfying but i feel bad disliking it so much so i'll stop here.

I absolutely adore this game for it's funny humour, like I just love the idea of dropping everything into hole, and also the fact that there are raccoons in this game, which so happen to be my favourite animal. My only gripe is that the game is too short, but with that said, I really enjoyed it.

I got every single achievement for this game in 2 hours and I'm not a speedrunner. I'd like to think the time spent doing that could have been better spent on going to Subway and getting an Italian B.M.T.

It's so fun and charming and cute and the concept is so cool and I honestly found it kinda hilarious but MAN IT'S ONLY TWO HOURS LONG ;w;

The Good:
-Nice art style
-Intuitive controls
-Great dialogue
-Good gameplay

The Ok:
-Story is pretty basic

The Bad:
-It is exceedingly short

Donut County is a delightful mobile game, that does a lot of things right. It looks and sounds great, and, perhaps most importantly, it feels good to control on a touchscreen. I really like the gameplay, and it really does feel quite satisfying watching your hole get bigger and bigger. The puzzles are also nice, if a little easy. The story by itself is pretty barebones, but the dialogue is amazing. It feels like actual people wrote this, and cared whether it sounded real. It was funny, and flowed well. However, Donut County does have a significant flaw that prevents it from being great: its length. Now, I’m not expecting a 10-20 hour adventure from a mobile app, but for an app costing $5, I expect more than a couple hours of gameplay. I realize that stretching out a game can cause its welcome to wear thin, but there are multiple ways to go around this. It would’ve been nice for collectibles in every level, or even dialogue options. As it stands, there is little replay value (unless you’re going trophy hunting on a console). In summary, this is a fine app assuming you get it on sale, but as it stands there are much better games for $5 you can find.