Reviews from

in the past

I hate this game but sold it for like 200 bucks to buy Fire Emblem Path of Radiance

Birthright: The worst of the three gameplay-wise, there are no units that stand out from others except the royals, who are all broken as hell. Japan-inspired classes in Fire Emblem is kinda neat though.
Conquest: honestly a good experience, I would recommend it to people getting into the series. Fun units, but weak plot.
Revelation: no

This game is the equivalent of being told your son doesn't share any of your genes.

While i don't regret getting this, I still can't say ths game isn't a dissapointment. it left a bad taste in my mouth, both it's stupid story and the stupid controversy over "censorship." I've grown to despise this game, everything from the writing to the gameply i find either laughably bad or boring. blegh

revelation holds this back so much that it hurts. birthright and conquest are worthwhile plays however. fire emblem fans thinking this game is bad is a total meme, it's the only good nu-FE.

Marked Special Edition to say I played Conquest and Birthright
They are okay games, I agree the story sucks so hard but I love the characters and the gameplay is so good, I'm willing to overlook its flaws

This might be controversial due to the generic anime story and fanservice, which I wasn't all that fond of either, and the general hate surrounding this game, but I actually enjoyed my time with it, especially the soundtrack. It's so good.

Storywise, it's definitely not the best FE has to offer. The premise was good actually, but the execution failed pretty hard for me. Some characters were nothing but quirks, though this game also has some decent and likable characters who I came to enjoy. This, along with the fun gameplay, boosted my enjoyment. The poor localization and some of the fanservice were quite annoying sometimes, though.

Also, playing this with the Gay Fates patch made the experience definitely more fun for me

Conquest > Birthright >> Revelation

Este es otro caso de esos que, sin ser un mal juego, se da eso de "tanto potencial desperdiciado", pero al mismo tiempo, es de esos juegos que en retrospectiva uno puede ver qué intentaron hacer respecto a dejar su adn en lo que vendría después.

Básicamente sin Fates y sin Warriors, no tendríamos Three Houses.

This game sucks. It sucks so bad. The weird incest thing is strange, 85% of the good characters are LITERALLY lifted directly from Awakening, the child mechanic is shoehorned in because Awakening sold well, Birthright is piss easy, the twists were obvious.

Prince Ryoma will wait patiently for this game to be fixed, but only for 4 years. After that, he will just purchase Three Houses instead. Like you should.

Conquest has amazing maps and gameplay

Just a heads up, every review posted before this was copy-pasted from my GG account.

I decided to log the Special Edition of Fire Emblem Fates rather than all three routes seperately because, let's face it, Fire Emblem Fates is just one game sold in parts. Because I'm lazy, I'll leave a link to my YouTube review of this shitshow.

Second FE I played. Had some interesting concepts with the branching paths and classes but other than that, it's awful. Most of the game is locked behind buying both versions alongside the 'true' path being locked under a digital paywall. Took alot of what made Awakening great and completely butchers it for a broader audience. Just homebrew the Special Edition if you want to suffer.

Tried to copy what made Awakening great, but had a significantly worse story and characters. At least the soundtrack was good though.

Corrin feminina >>>>>> masculino.

Hacking it with the Gay Fates patch is the only reason it got even close to tolerable for me. The fan writers making Kirgai and Hisame's sibling support did more with the baby dimension that the actual writers of Fates.

I think the story can detract a lot of people from the gameplay, as I think the level design is still very tight in all versions. However even playing them, I do believe these games are just worse versions of Awakening across the board, and the fact Nintendo wants you to pay for all three paths is just plain greedy. You can definitely skip this one and not feel like you've missed out on much since Three Houses made this game practically obsolete.

Conquest is the only entry worth your time.

It's like David Cage smoked a lot of weed, licked a lot of toads and dropped a lot of acid, and then finally, when he was higher than the highest kite, he was like:

"Hey, you know those fire emblem games? I wann make one of those, but go full weeb simulator this time! And forget about the story. We'll just distract everybody with pretty characters, nice music and a whole lot of incest bait. They'll never notice."

so many decisions about the plot and the characters are just really, really bad. the premise itself is so bizarre and not handled well in any route. the level design and gameplay are good generally but it dropping weapon usage in favour for debuffs was such a bad decision and also i hate it. the character throwbacks to awakening were too much. characters being able to have kids worked in awakening and was just the absolute worst thing in this game and also i hate it (2x). the cast is decent, especially the player characters families, and theres some good moments when you care about the characters. somehow revelations has the worst plot of each three? which is saying a lot. i have 400 hours+ in this

what if incest caused a war, that is Fates. Too many characters that dont get a lot abt them even in their own supports, poor localization, rng is annoying, story isnt good. Ignoring the rng it is a fun play if you don't think about the story but don't pay 300$ for a special edition copy you aren't missing out

Played the Game Boy Fire Emblem games before playing this one and they weren't my cup of tea. Ended up playing Birthright, and while it's still not my cup of tea, the graphics are pretty good and the characters are interesting and well developed. There's too much story and lore for me to get into it, and I'm thinking this is one of those games that you're either a diehard for or you aren't.

Fates is the most enjoyable Fire Emblem for me. I love the characters.

Fire Emblem Fates could never live up to the hype of its concept, but I'm still happy with what we received. Birthright and Revelations are decent, Conquest is the REAL deal. Divvying up the job classes among Hoshido and Nohr was a great touch. The music is excellent. I hope we get a proper remaster on the Switch with less awkward narratives.

Among my deepest shames is that I spent over $100 on this terrible trilogy of games. Some of the maps in Conquest are OK? Everything else is just kind of the apotheosis of Awakening's worst excesses--map design ranging from gimmicky to a featureless field of enemies, a flimsy (at best) plot, bizarre character design, a metric ton of fanservice, the b a b y r e a l m s. Thank god they took a different tack after this.

Fuck you I'm writing an essay.

Fates is the worst game I've ever played.

In retrospect, it's a miracle that the series managed to climb out of the hole it dug itself in. Thank god for Echoes and Three Houses for redirecting the series in a promising direction.

Imagine trying to piggyback off the success of an entry so much that you would strip anything and everything the series had into a moneygrubbing parasite with the sole intention of becoming what everybody wanted. More supports. More characters. More shipping.

That's what people loved about the series.
That's what it became.

If the series continued in this direction I honestly think it would have been better if it was never saved by Awakening in the first place. It strips any kind of heart that the previous games had to create something truly monstrous. Did anybody ever get encapsulated by the game's paper thin plot, or its tropey characters, or its completely inconsistent design and gameplay? Everything is so middle in the road it hurts, from the MyCastle to the moment-to-moment gameplay. I don't think I've ever had fun playing this game, I completed all three games only to realize that my experience with it was absolutely meaningless.

It's everything I've ever hated about video games. I cannot fathom how anybody could enjoy a game so devoid of heart and creativity. This game was destined to be a product, so much so that Corrin got into smash before the game even released worldwide. That's absolutely pathetic.

Where was it? Where was the passion? When does this game ever give me a reason why I should play it? A game devoid of any soul.

Fates is the worst game I've ever played.

this game is like one of the worst fe games I have played

Sos tantas cosas y ninguna de esas me deja amarte dios mio tenes tantas fallas y en otros lados tantos aciertos te detesto.

The story is so weird... i love it

If I could throw this entire game into a dumpster fire I would. I love a handful of characters and the classes in this game are cool as hell but that will never make up for the amount of pure bullshit this game puts you through. Lack luster plot, incest and pedo shit at every turn, and some of the most sexist designs this franchise has ever had.