Reviews from

in the past

played the 360 version.

This game gives me way too much motion sickness

The Graphics Are So Bad You Are Being Shot By People You Can't Seen

I've poured dozens if not hundreds of hours into this game's multiplayer modes with friends over the years, and everything about it just strikes at a primordial vein of nostalgia for me. That said, Goldeneye may be the best example of an all-time great game becoming outclassed by its contemporaries in a bafflingly short time. When you compare it to the likes of Halo 1, TimeSplitters, or even its own spiritual successor Perfect Dark - all of which came a scant 3-4 years afterward - you can see why people say Goldeneye has aged a bit poorly. Still, it's a landmark game in its own right, and it's fun to revisit every now and then. I recommend sticking to the multiplayer, however.

Goldeneye 007 has been hailed as a classic for a multitude of reasons, and while I agree with a lot of them, there are still quite a few nagging issues that really affected my enjoyment of the game. Weirdly enough, GoldenEye 007 was my introduction to the James Bond series, as I’ve never actually seen a James Bond movie before, and while I’m pretty sure that James Bond doesn’t spend every scene in his movies shooting Russians and accidentally blowing up random crates and chairs, I’d say that this was a pretty good introduction. The levels are almost all nonlinear and have multiple objectives to complete, like many shooters of the time, and while I will get into why this has a downside to it later on in this review, I still like the concept, as it gives each of the level’s rooms and sections more meaning and it also increases the game’s replay value. While the controls feel weird on a keyboard, the shooting itself feels great and satisfying, and the gadgets that Bond uses in certain levels gives the game its spy theme, which makes the game more distinguishable from its early FPS counterparts.

A lot of my problems with GoldenEye 007 come from how some of the game’s parts haven’t aged very well. While I did appreciate the concept of nonlinear levels, there were a lot of cases where I wandered around the level endlessly around the level, having no idea what I had to do until I gave up and looked the objective up on Google. The draw distance is also really low, and while that isn’t so bad in most of the levels, the few outdoor levels in the game are a nightmare because of this draw distance, as you end up getting killed by enemies that you couldn’t even see. The aim mode is nearly unusable, as the red sight is always snaps back to the center of the screen instead of letting you aim wherever you want, and this makes shooting at something specific incredibly frustrating.

While it hasn’t fully aged well, GoldenEye 007 is a great and influential game that still deserves to be played, and although I haven’t gotten a chance to try out the iconic multiplayer mode due to the fact that I played this on an emulator, I still think that I had a great time with this game.

I respect it and had a lot fun with it back in the day, but it has aged SO BAD. You're much better off just playing 007: Nightfire for a more enjoyable James Bond gaming experience nowadays.

In 2021 this is dogshit. I can't write get around what seems like a clear verdict in my head. It controls terribly, the missions aren't as interesting as other retro fps games, and the multiplayer is a mess. I just don't get it

I mean it's no James Pond 2: Codename: RoboCod but it's good.

Some games are allowed not to age well. The happiness provided by this beautiful game in my childhood made me both an FPS player and a James Bond fan. In 2021, it's not amazing, but in 1998, pick up some Pizza Hut and grab the gang because we're turning on Remote Mines on Complex for a good five hours straight.

Really fun single and multiplayer gameplay.

Sadly I never owned the game so never got to beat all the levels.

Of all the shooters of all time, this is one of them. Even playing the XBLA prototype, with its high resolution and framerate, can't save this dull thing. I can see why people loved this on Nintendo 64, but jesus

Veredito: nostalgia pura, e mais nada.

Não dá pra recomendar GoldenEye pra quase ninguém que não cresceu com ele. O gráfico é feio, o controle é travado e quase tudo que acontece é arbitrário: você perde porque sim, o tempo todo.

Agora, se cresceu com ele, meu amigo... Vem reencontrar seu eu criança. Tu vai pular de alegria nas mesmas horas que pulava antes, vai passar as mesmas raivas e vai ter injeções de nostalgia a cada 5 minutos. Sem contar os cheats delícia destraváveis pra quem lembra e gosta (paintball + DK mode é o que há), e o modo multi maravilhoso (as melhores partidas são com Proximity Mines na Facility e com Granade Launcher na Temple, e quem discorda tá errado) que infelizmente não pude rejogar por causa da pandemia.

Se não cresceu com ele, bom, GoldenEye é um pedaço importantíssimo da história do Videogame. Sem ele, os FPSs nunca teriam evoluído pra onde evoluíram, seja no solo ou seja no multi. Mas fora a curiosidade histórica, não tem por que jogar.

Nunca fui muito fã de FPS mas jogar com 4 amigos era muito legal.

La mejor película de Bond tiene el mejor juego de Bond.

Fair enough.

Where as DOOM was a huge evolution for single player FPS, this was the true spark for FPS Multiplayer. Everyone has memories of getting the Golden Gun and hating whoever had the nerve to pick Oddjob.

As a single player venture it's okay, there are parts with a lot of walking and the N64 controller isn't ideal (there are Keyboard+Mouse mods nowadays though), and it's a little hard to see certain key things due to the N64's low resolution, but everything gets the job done, Mr. Bond.

I selected "Mastered." But really, did anyone REALLY master this when cheats exist?

This is a very functional shooter and something where there is the distinct Rareware charm to it, although it's awfully primitive and I think one of its biggest flaws is just how so much of it feels rote now and the gameplay has been expanded on in better titles such as Perfect Dark and Timesplitters 2, and also the control scheme which worked for the time but would probably alienate people just picking this up for the first time. It was and very much feels like a group of people trying to make a low-rent videogame version of the movie Goldeneye (1995) and its kind of charming in that respect - and the objective based approach is simple and straight forward, so much of this game is just centred around being a pure FPS game without much slack towards it - even if it can be confusing at points.

Would still very much recommend this game though, although I think that a lot of people wind up remembering much more about their late 90s era nostalgic memories much more than the actual game - although the multiplayer portion is probably the most fun part of this game, just with how much it allowed you to mess around with friends. It's also enjoyable purely on the basis to see an early example of where certain mechanics (namely location based damage, quassi-stealth segments, and the cinematic approach to videogame storytelling) come from. This was great for its time, still fun - but not exactly the best shooter game in the world.

Golden Eye foi um absurdo em seu tempo. Tanto por ser um multiplayer extremamente popular, como por ser um título licenciado de extrema qualidade, com campanha completa baseada no filme e bem adaptada, bem como bastante conteúdo multiplayer competitivo.

great game. inspire me to write the lyrics to our song "waste my time"
"Hey James / Come and spend the day / Time’s been accumulating"
that is about playing goldeneye all daym, because it is a good game.
please check us out on bandcamp

The time at which games are released is important but sometimes it doesn't completely overweigh the glaring broken elements of game design.

aging millenials have been engaged in a psy-op to put this thing in Top 10 lists for decades now

The missions in this game are great, but most people remember playing this game with their friends when they were growing up.

The controls are basically unplayable now compared to what they were back in the day, but let's be honest, First Person Shooters before dual analog was always a crapshoot.

It's a relic of the past, but the campaign is still pretty good. That said, it's an old shooter. This is not going to replace any modern shooter, beyond old levels people remember fondly.

If you download the PC KB+M mod, it's real fun, otherwise, shite

This game was the absolute shit back in the day. I remember seeing a commercial for this and thinking that graphics couldn’t get any better. The multiplayer was also incredibly fun, if only for the ability to play as characters from other Bond films.

o multiplayer dos jogos não seria o que é hoje sem este jogo. o que não quer dizer que esse jogo seja bom, porque não é mesmo

one of the best movie tie-in games ever made

I used to think the guns were weird pencils when I was a child. Still fun tho

Journal Entry 90:

I honestly have no idea how long it’s been, or where I’m at but one thing is for sure…

I’ll always have the second amendment to keep me company.

Whether the police catch me or not though, that’s a different story.

it still plays JUST AS WELL today as it did in 1999. if you disagree i'm constitutionally allowed to silence you with a katana. read the bill of rights.