Reviews from

in the past

The only thing keeping this game from a 10 is being too grindy and having a small inventory. More story for the NPCs would also have been cool. Still, great game.

poopoo peepee i hate this game

too grindy and has no respect for player time and simultaneously expects you to commit to it
also everything is purposely obfuscated and vague so you "figure it out for yourself" but I was looking at the wiki 99% of the time

I remember reading a Kotaku (I think it was Kotaku) review of this game claiming that all this game's tedium and reluctance to let you automate any part of your workload was a deliberate strategy to illustrate its allegedly critical view of capitalism: much like the way capitalism grinds down our dreams and hopes through endless labor, the game distracts you with so much repetitive busywork that you gradually start to forget that your ultimate goal is finding a way back home. It's an interesting take, though not one I'm sure I agree with; in the time I spent with the game its attempts at direct storytelling were hamfisted at best, so I'm not sure if the creators were actually savvy enough to make their farming sim into a commentary on farming sims. But, y'know, death of the author and all that.

What I can say with certainty is that the grind got to me very quickly, and I had to jump ship lest I succumb to the game's madness. I don't think a game needs to be fun to be good (currently playing Death Stranding, thanks), but what I find most satisfying about farming sims is when they're able to nail a perfect balance between chill and stress. This game has barely an ounce of chill in it.

A simple game about owning a graveyard for the town so you can get back home to your wife through the magic portal, pretty fun at first, but the more you repeat things, the more things get added to the previous things to repeat until you get zombies to do stuff. With the hours of content and dlc it's a great game for it's value.

Stardew pero con cadáveres y órganos extraídos. Fórmula ganadora.

I'm not really sure if I should keep playing this, it seems like it takes wayy too long to get anything done. I got shit to do man

El juego me resulta muy divertido pero el princpio costo un poco (y ahora por momentos tambien) entender como avanzar, hay mucho grindeo de items que tenes que ir descubriendo como conseguirlo.
Es muy interesante y creo que entretenido. Recomendado si te gustan juegos como el stardew valley

É um bom jogo pra quem gosta do estilo, mas esse jogo não deu pra mim, só queria dissecar morto pra vender hambúrguer, mas a desgraça do burro queria cenoura e eu não tinha

Starts out fun and winds up an eternal grindfest. No thanks.

Without a doubt, this game has some of the most gorgeous pixel art I've ever seen. At any point in the game, you could pause and just stare at how beautiful it is. Unfortunately, the gameplay itself felt more like work than recreation, but if you're into other chore-intensive games like Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, or Farming Simulator, I'd say it's worth a try just to see if it's for you.

Adoro o gênero mas certas coisas me incomodam muito

Here's my impression after playing Graveyard Keeper for over 15 hours.

The developer or publisher refers to this as an 'inaccurate medieval cemetery management sim', but I think that's a bit misleading. The focus isn't necessarily on managing a cemetery like you would a hospital in a game like Two Point Hospital. Graveyard Keeper is more of a crafting game first and management game second, or at least crafting is central to being good at managing, which some might find disappointing.

With that out of the way as a crafting game, Graveyard Keeper has a sound gameplay loop. There's never a day spent in a game where you won't have some soft objective in your mind, like; chopping down trees, to craft planks, which you'll to craft a fence, and build the said fence. Maybe, that's me dumbing it down a little too much, but it's the general gist. The claims of inaccuracy might spice things up a little. Another daily loop might involve doing an autopsy, then cooking the flesh your retrieve and selling it in the town. I imagine people looking at this are familiar with other titles like Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, or maybe, the most popular of these titles on PC Stardew Valley will have a concrete idea of how this plays.

My biggest complaint about this game is that it can be incredibly vague. It isn't limited to a single area either; crafting can be that way, progressing or even starting quests feels random, it's hard to figure efficient layouts for all the crafting tables, etc. You'll constantly want to look at another screen with a Wiki, a guide, Reddit, or YouTube video open. Not necessarily the worst complaint, but one that might be a deal breaker for people looking for a game 'chill/farm to' since there is a bit of a learning curve that's hard to overcome in-game outside of trial and error.

Overall, Graveyard Keeper is a fun way to pass a few hours here and there, but time investment and repetitive loops might grow old fast. BYO soundtrack if you're in for the long haul.

I originally posted this review on Fanatical.

It's an amazing game for resource managing/crafting/etc. It can be a bit tricky if you're not ready for something that will have you constantly running all around the map, but it's fun. I like to wait for a lightly snowy day at the start of the year and just buckle down and play a ton of it.

Kinda slow and writing is odd, decent farming tho

I like what it's doing, but it's very tedious.

Un stardew valley pero mas relajado porque no hay tanta prisa

Fun but gets stale and grindy after a while.

Mejor que la primera vez que lo jugué

Very fun game, but crafting can be very tedious.

Bem divertido, acho que a melhor definição pra esse jogo é Stardew Valley nerfado só que de coveiro.
É um jogo bem gostoso de jogar, a progressão é muito boa, você passa de um cara que não tem tempo e nem energia pra nada, pra um cara que só fica de boas olhando seus zumbis fazendo todo o trabalho, obviamente tem algumas coisas que zumbis não fazem e você precisa fazer, mas num geral é muito bom.
Meus únicos problemas com o jogo foram que ele vez ou outra ele dava uma morrida nervosa, e travava igual uma véia de coluna fudida, e ter que ficar comprando ovo pra fazer bolo, chato pra caralho, mas são uns problemas bem bobos até.
Agora é esperar uma promoção pra pegar as DLC's

addicting quests with an awesome theme. stardew valley with less punishment for hanging around and a little less tedious. terrible at explaining things and doesnt utilize everything in the tree. was a great blast though.

Stardew valley's morbid cousin.

When I started, I thought this was a Stardew Valley killer. There were so many different quests and things to do, i was in heaven. Unfortunately, it turns into the biggest grind fest I’ve ever experienced by mid-game. It starts to require so much work and different type of resources and money to advance any stories, you’ll spend hours grinding with very little to show for it. It’s a shame, a little bit more tweaking and it could have been perfect.

This review contains spoilers

¿Qué nos vamos a encontrar en Graveyard Keeper? Pues sin entrar en muchos tecnicismos, es un simulador de cementerios, a partir de aquí, podíamos decir que es el hermano gamberro de Stardew Valley. De salida no lo habría recomendado, por lo rotísimo que estaba y por las actualizaciones diarias que apenas solucionaban nada. Pero pasado el tiempo, os invito que disfrutéis de esta locura, con carniceros de carne humana y ahora también con Zombies.
Para saber más, aquí mi análisis en Orgullogamer

En esta reseña os hablo de los DLC (que no son pocos)

Many rave reviews about this game ended up in me getting it, but I can never get into it. Not a big fan of constantly getting lost either, and I am forever looking up in the wiki for the quests.

This is basically a much less polished, deep, or interesting Stardew. The slow grind in this game is insane, it takes forever to make any progress. I didn't mind it too much when playing since I wanted something comfy but by the end I was so sick of it and got real mad at the complete lack of payoff in the ending.