Reviews from

in the past

Without a doubt, this game has some of the most gorgeous pixel art I've ever seen. At any point in the game, you could pause and just stare at how beautiful it is. Unfortunately, the gameplay itself felt more like work than recreation, but if you're into other chore-intensive games like Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, or Farming Simulator, I'd say it's worth a try just to see if it's for you.

Erhm... It's kinda nice farm-manager, with original idea about handling graveyard and making it partly automatic. But in general there's it's handful of not so great design decisions - slow speed, bad alchemy, overlooked inventory managmnet. It have tons of content, especialy with DLC, but it hurts to play through all this content. If you want some quality time doing farming in pixel graphics - it's better to replay Stardew Valley, trust me.
Feels great if you need to kill your time, or maybe if you have some sort of ADHD-syndrom and wants to watch anime while playing some meditative slow-paced farm-manager.

Described as a morbid Stardew Valley, Graveyard Keeper had a lot to it and offered many many hours of content. I usually don't go for these sandbox style crafting games where the content lies in the inconvenience—to complete one task you must first do several prerequisites, rinse and repeat where nothing is ever straightforward. It's the grind that loses me, and this definitely had slog, but it was charming with its humour, and more importantly it was addictive.

The skill trees provided a lot, the customisation options pretty fun when it came to the graveyard and chapel. Several townsfolk offered questlines, yet were only available on a specific day—seven characters for seven days—and I found I often missed that window and had to wait. Still, I put a lot of work into this game, so it did something right.

Stardew valley's morbid cousin.

i don't know what it is about this game or maybe it's my adhd but there is something so gripping about this. numbers go up . i've never finished it/completed the main quests and i don't think i ever will but i've spent over 70 hours in this game doing....... stuff. it's not something i think i'd solely dedicate my time to but as something to idly play on the side while i watch tv, it's pretty good.
edit: i actually finally finished it. thoughts are the same.

Did not finish until the end, it was too overwhelming

Played this for 8 hours and even now I feel a certain compulsion to go back for more, to unlock a bit more research or build the next thing... but I've never had any fun with the damn thing. It's all RPG Progression loops on top of ultimately bland activities. Walk here and hold X for 5 seconds to chop. Walk here and hold X to build. Walk for 5 minutes to find an NPC who'll ask you to walk to the other side of the map and hold X to get some moths. It's Stardew without a satisfying core loop or a division between short and longterm goals.

There's a bizarre lack of signposting where vital skills are completely locked behind talking to a faceless NPC somewhere, and in the meantime your gormless protagonist can hold an shovel in his hand in front of a mound of sand saying "Technology required" to do this. MATE. It's a mound of sand, start digging.

The graveyard element also seems oddly peripheral. I spent the majority of my time playing the game chopping wood, planting crops and breaking rocks. There's so much Stardew stuff included that gets in the way of a very fun premise.

The story's also just a non-starter which made me disinclined to interact with any of the NPCs.

As most would state, this is Stardew Valley but with a graveyard. I loved the concept of the game and the dark themes along with the story although the amount of grind it eventually develops into was almost miserable for myself, I ended up modding it and with mods it became significantly more enjoyable. The mods didn't take away from the game, just felt like simple "quality of life" changes that made the game way more fun for me to play. Overall a fun and enjoyable experience.

Es exactamente como Stardew Valley, te deja a tu suerte sin muchas presiones para que te vayas aclimatando y tomes la historia con la misma calma que el juego toma en avanzar. A veces puede parecer que hay largos periodos sin un solo personaje que te hable, cosa que no me gusta tanto, pero como los demás sistemas son tan entretenidos, no genera aburrimiento narrativo. Además... no hay que pedirle eso a un gestor de granja tan bueno.

La progresión se siente lo más lenta que se pudo gestar, pero sigue siendo de una u otra forma gratificante. Como si hubieran medido con un termómetro el punto justo para que no te resulte ni tedioso, ni apresurado. Puede que los puntos azules no aparezcan en las primeras 10 horas de juego y que veas el fin de tu juego pasadas las 60 horas, pero se nota el balance justo en casi todas las mecánicas del juego.

Lo único que no puedo perdonar son los grandes espacios de tiempo que uno pasa caminando y durmiendo. Lo entiendo al principio, pero pasadas las 30 horas, deberíamos tener alguna forma de pasar ciertas rutas más rápidas que los malditos atajos. Te juro que me genera un tedio o más bien una ansiedad que me dan ganas de arrancarme los pelos. Y la energía tampoco se modifica mucho, así que siempre estamos durmiendo como si fuéramos... como si fuéramos... Bueno... UN TIPO NORMAL.

Graveyard Keeper is an odd one. Imagine Stardew Valley, but instead of farming, you run a medieval graveyard! It's got a super dark sense of humor, and there's a ton of crafting and tasks to juggle. It's fun expanding your graveyard and finding...creative ways to make money. The grind kicks in HARD though, and it gets repetitive after a while. If you have a twisted sense of humor and enjoy crafting games, Graveyard Keeper is a quirky, unique ride.

- Management type game with an interesting premise of being a graveyard keeper.
- Has a lot of mechanics and elements outside of the gravekeeping but it always circles back to it.
- Interesting writing for whatever is there.

Bem divertido, acho que a melhor definição pra esse jogo é Stardew Valley nerfado só que de coveiro.
É um jogo bem gostoso de jogar, a progressão é muito boa, você passa de um cara que não tem tempo e nem energia pra nada, pra um cara que só fica de boas olhando seus zumbis fazendo todo o trabalho, obviamente tem algumas coisas que zumbis não fazem e você precisa fazer, mas num geral é muito bom.
Meus únicos problemas com o jogo foram que ele vez ou outra ele dava uma morrida nervosa, e travava igual uma véia de coluna fudida, e ter que ficar comprando ovo pra fazer bolo, chato pra caralho, mas são uns problemas bem bobos até.
Agora é esperar uma promoção pra pegar as DLC's

Here's my impression after playing Graveyard Keeper for over 15 hours.

The developer or publisher refers to this as an 'inaccurate medieval cemetery management sim', but I think that's a bit misleading. The focus isn't necessarily on managing a cemetery like you would a hospital in a game like Two Point Hospital. Graveyard Keeper is more of a crafting game first and management game second, or at least crafting is central to being good at managing, which some might find disappointing.

With that out of the way as a crafting game, Graveyard Keeper has a sound gameplay loop. There's never a day spent in a game where you won't have some soft objective in your mind, like; chopping down trees, to craft planks, which you'll to craft a fence, and build the said fence. Maybe, that's me dumbing it down a little too much, but it's the general gist. The claims of inaccuracy might spice things up a little. Another daily loop might involve doing an autopsy, then cooking the flesh your retrieve and selling it in the town. I imagine people looking at this are familiar with other titles like Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, or maybe, the most popular of these titles on PC Stardew Valley will have a concrete idea of how this plays.

My biggest complaint about this game is that it can be incredibly vague. It isn't limited to a single area either; crafting can be that way, progressing or even starting quests feels random, it's hard to figure efficient layouts for all the crafting tables, etc. You'll constantly want to look at another screen with a Wiki, a guide, Reddit, or YouTube video open. Not necessarily the worst complaint, but one that might be a deal breaker for people looking for a game 'chill/farm to' since there is a bit of a learning curve that's hard to overcome in-game outside of trial and error.

Overall, Graveyard Keeper is a fun way to pass a few hours here and there, but time investment and repetitive loops might grow old fast. BYO soundtrack if you're in for the long haul.

I originally posted this review on Fanatical.

A Harvest Moon style game with a dark sense of humor. Pretty fun, also easy to put down and forget about it forever.

Funny and dark but missing the replay value of games like Stradew. as all characters are just quest-givers rather than characters to learn about. there is enough diversity in farm activities to keep them entertaining even when you automate your land.

i enjoy the visual style, its super clean. I wasn't enjoying the slow move speed and the energy meter or the schedules it was asking me to keep track of.

Let's start with the good first; it is rather pretty, the pixel art is crisp and functional, the sound design is nice - aesthetically it's there.

However; feature creep is just far too rife. I can confidently say I've never felt a game had too much content until now. Furthermore, the content is rather repetitive as the mechanics of doing almost anything don't change - though you can automate some things later.

It needs trimming in certain places; and filling out in others, it's just a weird beast.

That said if you're in to this sort of thing, it might be your jam. Not sure if I'll ever revisit it, but maybe one day I'll really crave a grave-digger themed isekai.

A brisa é legal porem o grinding me deixa maluco.

When I started, I thought this was a Stardew Valley killer. There were so many different quests and things to do, i was in heaven. Unfortunately, it turns into the biggest grind fest I’ve ever experienced by mid-game. It starts to require so much work and different type of resources and money to advance any stories, you’ll spend hours grinding with very little to show for it. It’s a shame, a little bit more tweaking and it could have been perfect.

This review contains spoilers

The thing that kept me hooked on this was the ability to have your own zombies working for you. For some reason, that really made me want to build a massive horde that did all my busy work for me.

This sounds dismissive, but the best way I know how to describe it is "Stardew Valley if it was morbid and slightly less intuitive". It wears its inspiration on its sleeve but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

It's really fun having to plan to unlock stuff on the technology trees that unlocks something else that unlocks something else in this big chain. For me personally, the biggest issue is slightly unintuitive decisions like locking the blue exp orbs behind a story event or having to put logs in this specific bin to use them even though you don't need to do that with other resources. But those are relatively small complaints that are fixed by putting enough time into it or maybe not being as dumb as me :^)

It's charm definitely comes from its morbidness and I think that means, in contrast to Stardew Valley, it's not for everyone. I do think most people who find horror movies fun would enjoy this, though.

this game... is odd.
on one hand, i can't stop playing it. it's really good, and i enjoy the systems. on the other, there's obvious flaws with the game that are overshadowed by the solid, core gameplay loop.

i don't know who made this game, i've never heard of them before, other than the fact that they're russian. it shows in some parts of the game, especially in the dialogue, and even though the game is solid, will always be, i can't help but notice the flaws.

this game is clearly made to grind in, and not to have a fantastic experience. the only way i can describe it is from a steam review of this game, which is thinking that "this is stardew valley with a graveyard" at the beginning of the game, but it's not even a third of what stardew is. it's an okay-at-best knockoff with a similar aesthetic and elements that are similar, where everything i liked about stardew valley is almost non-existent in this game.

don't get me wrong, this is a good game. i'd recommend it on a sale or something, but the grinding and the lack of content due to the grind are too big of a downside for me to recommend at full price.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game but the way it just throws you in with like 0 handholding makes this game infinitely overwhelming at times. The first 40 hours there was not a single moment where I didn't have atleast six things to keep track of, with a dozen wiki pages open. But after hour 40 it slows down to the point of being just a waiting game for the next opportunity to do something without ever finding an even middle ground. Definitely fun and would recommend to some people, but only those who are well adept at getting stressed at games lol.

Chega uma parte onde basicamente é: Vc precisa fazer X, mas tu só pode fazer isso numa "Mesa de X", então pra construir uma "Mesa de X" vc precisa de um Y, mas vc só pode produzir um Y numa "Destiladora de Y", que você constrói usando um Z. E tu acaba esquecendo que tu é um coveiro.

The only thing keeping this game from a 10 is being too grindy and having a small inventory. More story for the NPCs would also have been cool. Still, great game.

poopoo peepee i hate this game

too grindy and has no respect for player time and simultaneously expects you to commit to it
also everything is purposely obfuscated and vague so you "figure it out for yourself" but I was looking at the wiki 99% of the time

É um bom jogo pra quem gosta do estilo, mas esse jogo não deu pra mim, só queria dissecar morto pra vender hambúrguer, mas a desgraça do burro queria cenoura e eu não tinha

It's an amazing game for resource managing/crafting/etc. It can be a bit tricky if you're not ready for something that will have you constantly running all around the map, but it's fun. I like to wait for a lightly snowy day at the start of the year and just buckle down and play a ton of it.

Um Welten besser als Stardew Valley.
Hier muss man nicht jeden Tag mit JEDEM sprechen, damit bloß nicht die Harmonieleiste sinkt.
Im Gegenteil.
Anstatt dass Arbeit zunichte gemacht wird, wird man hier für ALLES belohnt.

Ständig erhält man Erfahrung mit der man neue Dinge freischaltet auch nach über 30-40 Stunden noch.

Geld ist bis beinah zum Ende hin wichtig.

Als das sind Dinge, die alle Farmsims falsch machen und hier endlich richtig gemacht worden sind.

Amazing concept, the progression could be better. Also the devs haven't expanded the game all they should, it feels incomplete and kinda shallow, even with all the dlc.