Reviews from

in the past

Destaque especial pros veículos, gunplay e movimentação. A trilha sonora também é um espetáculo com seus tons épicos e sombrios. A campanha full coop peca por ter gameplay com 2 personagens e as cutscenes contemplarem apenas um, revelando um jogo pensado para o singleplay que acomodou o coop. Também não gostei da pouca orientação dos níveis, dificultam saber pra onde e por onde ir em alguns momentos.

Os visuais originais são bem bonitos pra época, mas o Anniversary Edition conseguiu dar uma repaginada para deixá-los mais modernos e bonitos. Um jogão até hoje.

Half of the best FPS singleplayer campaign of the generation, copy-pasted to get the thing out the door.

Halo is where all the Goldeneye players went. It's also the only reason that the Xbox brand exists.

Possibly the best campaign of the series? although I can never decide if the whole "circular" theme (going back and replaying everything you just did halfway through the game until you end up back where you started) is lazy padding or thematic genius.

Also the best multiplayer in the series, and it still sucks, because of course it does! It's a 20 year old game!

"It is time to evolve combat" - Halo Chief

What if the US occupation of Afghanistan but the Taliban are aliens who only communicate with grunts/guttural laughter/high-pitched Flea in THE WILD THORNBERRYS gibbering, and Afghanistan itself is the weapon of mass destruction, and it's all of the worst aspects of ALIENS (which is most of ALIENS) and none of the good but with zombies, and we just make everything after "The Silent Cartographer" a beyond tedious grind with copy-pasted corridors so we can shove this thing out the door on time.

tl;dr JockJamz MARATHON, or the BIOSHOCK to that game's SYSTEM SHOCK. Some interesting/compelling production design and gameplay dynamics throughout (hopping in a Warthog with a buddy is all-time and the assault rifle feels great) but otherwise utterly fucking dire even when playing co-op with a friend, not to mention grossly jingoistic and racist without the polish or design muscle to make it worth fucking with. Just skip to the sequel imho.

I am lambasted daily for expressing my thoughts on Halo since it's arrival on PC and finally finishing this, after years of trying on Xbox, didn't help. Aged pretty badly. Constant backtracking through repeated levels, bland combat and largely emotionless story with MC at his most basic white bread protagonist. Doesn't stand on it's own well as it's lore and storytelling are done more justice in the books being barely touched upon here.

people shit on the library mission all the time, but they forget that the rest of the game is designed just as terribly

This is a certified hood classic

One of the most important shooters of all time that still holds up superbly. The story is kinda eh but literally, and I mean that literally, every other element holds up 19 years later.

First shooter I ever played. Was surpassed by later Halo games, but is still better than most games will ever dream to be.

Shows it’s age, but for a forerunner of modern shooters, it’s a solid experience!

I first completed Halo: CE around 10 years ago. Having been introduced to the series through Halo 3, I wanted to give the previous games in the a series a shot. I remember thinking highly of CE's campaign at the time. Having just replayed it via The Master Chief Collection, however, I feel that its campaign is showing its age. That being said, for the time of its release, it's easy to see why Halo was so groundbreaking.

From a presentation standpoint, Halo still holds up remarkably well. I gave both the Anniversary and original graphics settings a fair shake during my playthrough. While the OG graphics are a little simple by today's standards, I think they actually contribute to the game's atmosphere quite well, especially in the open, outdoor maps. The atmosphere is backed up by a phenomenal soundtrack that always seems to nail whatever mood it is that the designers were going for at any given time. These elements have aged very well all things considered.

The gameplay of Halo is solid, if a little basic by today's standards. Weapon variety is limited, but the weapons that are there each provide something unique. That pistol is still legendary. There's also a couple of vehicles to use, but the vehicle controls are rather tough to get a grip on after two decades of improvement. My main issue with the campaign is just how repetitive it feels. The first several missions start off pretty bombastically. You escape a space cruiser and wander the installation in order to rescue survivors, but things get really boring when you have to venture interior areas. This game constantly asks you to trek through identical hallways and rooms in its latter half. Then it has the audacity to make you go through those same boring areas again in reverse. I guess I didn't notice it in the past, but it's really apparent now and makes getting through the last third of the game a real slog.

Halo: CE will always be a classic for what it contributed to the genre, but it's got some issues that make it harder to go back to today.

I've beaten this game more than any other. A formative experience playing this as a kid, and playing it as an adult is equally as enjoyable. The first five levels in particular are some of the best designed levels I can think of regardless of the era. My pick for the best FPS of all time.

A near timeless masterpiece, Combat Evolved is a symphony of compelling atmosphere, exceptional music, and combat bliss. Re-used campaign assets don't get in the way of the perfection that is the sandbox - Every enemy, gun, grenade, and vehicle serves a distinct purpose in tightly designed arenas where impeccable A.I. create an always dynamic fight.

Multiplayer combat quickly becomes second nature and very apparently one of the most skill demanding console FPS multiplayer games after overcoming an admittedly tough-to-master learning curve.

It's too bad they never made a Halo: Combat Evolved Two.

Playing the original Xbox version of this game made me appreciate it a lot more

master chief's assault rifle go brrr

The menu music is an aphrodisiac to any fps fan.

Halo Combat Evolved is a solid enough fps with a couple limitations slapped on, but ultimately it's not one that aged too well. Despite this, it actually still ends up being the best campaign on offer in the series, mostly due to how the enemy AI and projectile design works on Legendary, with most arenas being excellent playing grounds for weaving between bullets. From elites who dodge shots and flank, to flood that overwhelms you, this plus your limited toolbox makes movement and positioning really key and emphasized. It's also attached to a schlocky somewhat fun if a bit tonedeaf story.

Unfortunately, even though it reaches grand as hell peaks, it doesn't help that a lot of it is simultaneously flawed. About 1/3 of the levels are uninteresting rehashes, and The Library especially is full on awful, with continuous open areas for enemies that use hitscan weapons. It pushes it to a cover shooter of the worst regard, and even though it never reaches a low as big as this, it's a stark contrast that demonstrates how weaker the latter half is (other than Keyes, that mission slaps).

The multiplayer is similarly busted, with actually garbage maps and stupid fundamentals. Specifically, the way spawns work turns multiple firefights into grenade camped hallways, absolute mayhem that will end up with team fights that are incredibly one sided. It's definitely the part I think should've been left behind when it came to PC.

As the first of a long line of the series, its age is definitely going to show in some spots. It ends up fairly well in scrutiny but it's definitely a flawed experience under the highlights overall. I still recommend playing it, it's a good shooter. But even with the best campaign of the series, the highs from games after in 2/5 multiplayer are better off exploring.

The combat has evolved. 5 stars no debate

green man changes gaming forever part 1 of 5

A revolutionary step forward in video games, Halo CE is as classic as FPSs can get, standing alongside Half Life 2, and Doom in terms of its contribution to the gaming industry, because of its perfection of FPS controls on console.

To this day the graphics and setting look amazing, and although some may see it as dated, I see it as full of charm and color. The gameplay is fun and easy to jump into, with a story, while generic, is still a blast to play, with the absolutely beautiful soundtrack created by Martin O' Donnell.

This shit ugly. Map design pretty good though