Reviews from

in the past

Fun tactics game to do a run of every so often.
As a big fan of tactics games I find myself coming back to it a lot.

A really tense tactical rogue-like that forces you to make tough decisions. You will often have to sacrifice one thing to save or prolong the lifespan of another. The game can be played fairly quickly, however. The fact that you can carry a unit over from a failed play through to continue leveling them is a really neat and rewarding Idea. This is a game that forces you to make tough decisions, the essence of a good tactics game! Love the progression between runs as well.The different squads you can begin runs with all have very unique ways of dispatching enemies. The HIGH difficulty and repetitive dialogue wear me down, however.

Excellent tactics game. The ending isn't as big of a difficulty spike as in FTL and the achievement system adds a lot of replayability.

A really fun strategy game, just not for me. My brain is too small for these rougelikes :(

I'd keep playing it if a single run didn't take me over 3 hours :(

Tactical turn based rogue-like puzzles. It's actually pretty fun, challenging and satisfying. You pick/build a team of 3 mechs with different skills and have to wipe the aliens on each level while protecting your buildings, it starts off kinda easy but the difficulty ramps up pretty soon and hard. A must try.

Not as scary as Microsoft Excel. Still pretty damn scary

near perfecction in its own category

Into the Breach chega muito perto de ser um jogo tático perfeito; tão perto que a única coisa que me impede de classificá-lo como tal é a hesitação natural de rotular algo como "perfeito". Dois elementos chave o fazem ser tão bem-sucedido: seu foco em fazer mais com menos e sua quase total transparência com o jogador.

Uma consequência muito vantajosa do primeiro ponto para um jogo tático é que tudo importa. Por mais que eu goste de jogos de estratégia maçantes e cheios de bilhões de sistemas, admiro essa abordagem minimalista de Into the Breach. São poucos mechas, poucos inimigos, poucas armas, poucos tipos de missões... Até aspectos mais abstratos, como os atributos das unidades, é diminuto - nunca vi uma com mais de 7 de HP e as partidas nunca duram mais de 5 turnos. Por conseguinte, cada movimento em falso ou dano bobo é potencialmente catastrófico.

O segundo ponto reforça o primeiro. A cada turno, o game mostra quais movimentos os inimigos do mapa vão fazer com todos os detalhes, eliminando a necessidade de antecipar as ações do adversário. Assim, Into the Breach consegue ser um jogo quase puramente tático. Boa parte do meu tempo com o jogo foi olhando imóvel para a tela por meia hora e pensando "e agora, qual meu próximo movimento?". Finalmente achar a resposta para essa pergunta e executar minha tática com perfeição, exterminando o esquadrão inimigo com maestria, fazia-me sentir-me um verdadeiro gênio. Isso é muito mais um reflexo da inteligência dos devs em criar cenário táticos tão bem montados do que do que qualquer forma de esperteza minha, claro.

Mas o mais impressionante de tudo pra mim é como um game assim minimalista e transparente ainda consegue ser tão variado. Já que literalmente tudo importa, qualquer mudança, por menor que seja, faz uma enorme diferença. Cada um dos esquadrões que o jogo te dá acesso abre um novo leque de oportunidades táticas para você experimentar - e a geração procedural de conteúdo garante que nenhuma partida seja igual a outra.

Tl;dr: ItB é como aqueles puzzles de xadrez em que você tem que descobrir como dar xeque-mate em 1~3 movimentos, mas com mechas e insetos gigantes.

Into the Breach is a perfect game to look at and think about for 15 minutes without making any decisions. It's like chess with giant robots that make aliens kill each other instead of destroying machines. I've fully completed this game twice, once on PC, once on Switch, and I still see myself returning to this game in the future.

Nie sądziłem, że tego typu gra jest w stanie wciągnąć mnie na dziesiątki godzin. Troche obudziłą wspomnienia Batle Isle na Amigę, chociaż mechanicznie to inny rodzaj gry.

A great follow-up to the brilliant FTL.

I stopped playing after a few completions cuz I can only play roguelikes for so long, but the gameplay is very solid. Significantly better than FTL, though it doesn't seem fair to compare the two given they are entirely different genres.

Honestly one of the best Turndbased Strategy Games.
There is high Risk vs. Reward. Things can really get out of hand fast if you're doing wrong moves. The Music and Presentation is also very well done.
One negative is the replayvalue for an RogueLite. It's there but not as strong as other games of it's genre.
But it's anyways a masterpiece.

I'm not sure why this didn't grip me more, but I never got addicted to it in the way many did. Still, I had a fantastic time with it. I think it's immaculately designed.

Into the Breach is a transcendent tactics game whose rougelike cycle will leave you thoroughly engrossed and cussing it out. Almost immediately, the game presents players with many layers of strategy, beyond simply eliminating the kaiju bugs, that threaten to be inscrutable. In the beginning, many events that damn good runs will seem unfair and it can be difficult to know how to improve. But the layers will slowly reveal themselves and perceived unfairness is shown to be ignorance at least most of the time. While impossible decisions will remain as a part of the game, runs will become more successful and riveting as your team nears the end.

Yet, there is so much more to Into the Breach than just reaching the end for the first time. The game encourages repeat play throughs by supplying different mech teams that radically change the way one has to play as well as achievements to nudge players towards more ridiculous feats. Perhaps this is the game’s peak, having fun with now understood systems with the pressure of winning a run removed. Pair that with the portable nature of the Switch and Into the Breach can easily become a staple to fill spare time both on the go and at home.

Really original roguelike, had me thinking for five minutes before every move.

A tough, addicting puzzle roguelike in a tactics shell. The different factions are all really unique puzzles to solve, and trying to maximize your synergies is such a good time. An underappreciated game and an easy one to recommend

Roguelite de estrategia que te puede hacer sentir cerebro gordisimo y perder en el siguiente turno. 10/10

Love tactics game, and one that's not fantasy theme is a nice breath of fresh air

Uh, I don't get it.

I was super pumped to check this game out since I loved FTL and I'd heard tons of great things about it, but then half an hour later I was already watching the credits scroll. Did I blink and miss the amazing game everyone was talking about? Even then it wasn't that fun, compared to something like Fire Emblem I felt more frustrated by the RTS combat than anything. Every time I discovered a new weapon for my tanks I couldn't equip it because the game said no and wouldn't give me a reason why.

Maybe I'm missing something but I'm not super keen to go back and find out what.

Wirkt auf den ersten Blick simpel, aber bietet einiges an Tiefgang und Taktik.
Konnte mich trotzdem noch nicht so wirklich packen, bin aber auch nicht der größte Strategie-Fan

UPDATE: Habe nun die advanced Version auf Android gespielt und bin jetzt komplett süchtig nach Into the Breach! Es eignet sich einfach super als Handyspiel, welches man hin und wieder für ein paar Minuten spielen möchte. Wahrscheinlich eins der komplexesten Spiele auf dem Mobile Games Markt. Dazu kommt noch mehr Vielfalt durch die neuen Mechs und Gegner der Advanced Edition.

Es gibt für mich nichts mehr an diesem Spiel auszusetzen und es liefert meiner Meinung nach die beste Handyspiel Erfahrung.

Fantastic turn based tactics game where almost nothing is random and it's almost entirely up to the player to succeed or fail. Once you understand the game, it becomes more of a puzzle game than anything, and sometimes I'll be staring at the current board state for 15 mins before making my move. Plays more like a board game than a video game at times, and I think that's why it's one of the only rogue-lites that has kept my attention for more than 4 hours.

incontáveis horas que jogo isso e ainda não fiz 100%(talvez eu tenha perdido o save o que me levaria ao caminho das drogas)

Not quite as magical as FTL I'm afraid, but really damn cool nonetheless.

giant robot chess. it rules so much. this game feels like it is working knots out of my brain. rusting hulks 4 life. I got every achievement and still find myself wanting to replay occasionally.

The game has a really cool premise and some intense strategic gameplay with situations that can quickly spiral out of control fairly often. I especially like how you can win by just shuffling enemies around and preventing them from hitting things, make them hit eachother, and prevent others from spawning. The satisfaction of completing an island and especially completing a run is immense. Visuals are nice, especially with some satisfying pops when you finish off an enemy and the squads play very differently which makes multiple runs more fun. However, most of the variety is on the player side with teams and equipment and the actual hazards and enemy groups end up feeling pretty same-y across runs.

Outstanding new game from the developers who made FTL, Into the Breach is a great tactical grid-based rogue like. Plan your actions carefully during each attempt to incur as minimal damage as possible until you get to the end.