Reviews from

in the past

I love this game! I never beat it tho, maybe I'll try again

Surprisingly good roguelike. Klei is one of those indie devs who really just knocks it out of the park each time, huh? I picked this up back in 2015 or 2016 and shelved it after about an hour, but picking it back up again lately, I am loving the blend of strategy and roguelike elements. The different party members don't bring too much to the table besides some (not always useful) unique equipment, but the different "programs" you begin with can drastically change your playstyle. Mediocre plot, but great mechanics and a nerve-wracking tension throughout.

A playthrough of the main campaign will take 2 or 3 hours, so it's not quite the "pick up and play" style of all the other roguelikes that take 45 minutes for a run. But it's absolutely worth the time and I've been loving rediscovering it.

The best compliment I can give to Invisible Inc is that immediately after finishing it, I wanted to play another run. The game gives you so many options and choices to make each run unique, requiring different approaches to its satisfying stealth tactics.

This would be a 5 star view if not for nasty performance issues on the Switch.

Vague story and gameplay was unintriguing.

Interesting combination of stealth and turn based strategy, but there a lot of complexity on the game systems. I just don't have the patience anymore and ended up abandoning.

Not the games fault, its just not my type of game.

Die Charaktere und Handlung fand ich ganz nett, aber das Gameplay hat irgendwie nicht so für mich funktioniert.
Irgendwie hat sich in den Missionen für mich einfach keine Spannung aufgebaut.

Invisible inc. - это стратегия, в котрой в самые напряженные моменты ощущаешь себя Гарри Каспаровым над шахматной доской.

Invisible inc. - это стелс-игра о шпионах, где вы не переживете встречу лицом к лицу даже с самым слабым противником, а выжить можно только в тенях.

Invisible inc. - это пошаговый рогалик, где один лишний шаг на соседнюю клетку может изменить ход всей вашей игры.

Любителям напрячь ум понравится

Fully admit I think this is on me more than the game, I just struggled with the controls and mechanics on this. Gave it 2-3 hours but wasn't drawn into the game at all either, so gave up.

jspr un jour jai lenergie de le finir pck wow c tres bien

Uma vez por ano eu volto para experimentar esse jogo. É extremamente bem feito e, pra mim, é o melhor jogo da Klei, que só tem jogos bons no catálogo.

Acredito que o maior problema pra mim, que gosto de jogar de forma tranquila, é que o lategame do modo endless acelera demais o jogo. De qualquer forma, dá pra você modelar quase completamente as características do jogo.

God I really want to like this game - I also really want to play it more! I love strategy games, I love the style and aesthetic but I just can not get to grips with this game.

I did a complete run through on beginner difficulty and had a great time with it but trying to replay it on harder difficulties just doesn't feel rewarding at all. Maybe I'm just bad ™ but it feels like once you mess up there's very rarely a good way to salvage the situation and losing a unit is devastating to the rest of the run through (let alone losing both). On top of this levels and strategies do start feeling a little repetitive - it never feells like you actually get to use units' cool unique abilities :(

Idk I really want to come back to this at some point, maybe with a strategy guide but for now I can't say I think it's a super well balanced experience but a first runthrough is enjoyable.

Spy and stealth in turn base gamplay???

Cool tactical roguelike stealth game. Very unique

One of those games that I can recognize is good, but I don't like it, but I feel like I should so I'll play it for a bit once every few years forever

Really cool roguelike with interesting ideas all built around the spy theme. The dungeons kinda feel like hand-built even if they are randomly generated. Nice set of characters with their own abilities. The story is also interesting enought. Worth a shot if you like roguelikes, tactical X-Com like games or both.

If you hate corporations and love XCOM boy have I got a game for you!

This game struggles a bit with the balance between giving the player freedom to do fun stuff and applying pressure to do the optimal thing. At the start, you don't have many options to do fun stuff but there's not too much pressure either. Later, you both get more options and more pressure. The ideal sweet spot is somewhere around day 2, but the game is enjoyable the entire time.

Love the cyberpunk hacking heist theme, love the tactical two-layered design (power/hacking management and physical space actions) and how visually streamlined but nuanced the stealth layer is. Expert mode put me in challenging, pleasantly stressful quandaries that made me feel smart to escape or even avoid entirely. Story minimal but with a neat twist. Plenty of combos of agents/tools/programs/mission types/Corp strengths to allow a diversity of experiences.

Fun for an hour or two but gets stale and repetitive way too fast

I know it should be good, but I bounced off this after 6 hours. Not a lot of time for a full tactics game.

Although XCOM 2 reinvigorated its turn-based squad strategy by introducing “concealment,” it simultaneously exposed the faults and seams inherited from its predecessor. Invisible Inc, on the other hand, is turn-based stealth at its finest, designed for that purpose from the ground up. The ever-increasing security level (every few turns a new guard enters the fray) ratchets up the tension more effectively than X2's countdown missions. The game's main flaw is a rogue-like plot that ends on a cliffhanger, in which the supposedly brilliant mentor is duped by an obvious double-cross – not the best incentive for starting another play-through.

Turn based game with a focus on maintaining stealth. Campaign or endless mode can be played, both giving you a lot of different ways to customize how the game works. 10 Agents (14 with DLC), agent variants, and different items for your AI hacker give you a lot of ways to play. Spend resources on weapons, traps, items, and augmentations for agents or on upgrading their base stats. Choose between different mission types, each one focusing on different rewards or upgrades. Security is strengthened as each in game day passes. An excellent combination of stealth and turn based gameplay and one of the most enjoyable games I've played in both genres.

This seemed right up my alley, but it never clicked.

I just think Incognita did nothing wrong

It's cool that your options when getting caught are:

Not a bad game but not my jam.

Not really my type of game (i.e. narrative is just there for flavour).

Cool setting, though.