Reviews from

in the past

It's a game for those who wants to chill for a couple of evenings and loves the 80s that never existed. You know like purple neon and retro wave kind of stuff. I liked the idea of interactions with the world from the studio but it has some unrealized potential imo. The story itself is a mediocre trashy horror, so don't expect too much. Puzzles are pretty easy to solve if you pay attention. I don't like the controls, for example, the dialog window appears in a specific area and when I looked in another direction, I missed a QTE. Which is not good. I liked the references to classic horror movies. Buy it on sale, and you won't regret. It's 3.5/5 from me.

The puzzles were fun, but much of the dialogue was painful.

What I REALLY liked about the game, was how the finale weaved all the clues together to give us the full connected story, it made a lot of sense considering the setting is in a small town so it felt very natural to do that. However, there was a twist that I completely forgot was possible because it was briefly passed by, so while it was on the nose to shove it in there last second I guess it made sense. All of these things the game did well within the genre of mystery puzzler, so I think it was fun overall to play through.

Just again a lot of what the characters said was just so cringe and would take you out of the experience a bit. I also think a lot of the tension with the game was fine, it wasn't exactly great in horror but it did make for some great moments where you were uncertain if the whistling man was closer than you thought.

You’re a local graveyard shift radio DJ, live on the air and dealing with a serial killer terrorizing the town during the 80’s. Somewhat short, but a total blast playing, taking calls and spinning records while trying to keep folks from dying. Wished it was longer and could have used better shortcuts for manning the phones and the turntable instead of point and click. Definitely worthy of multiple play throughs. My first run ended quite horribly.

An interesting premise that could be really cool if done right and taken more seriously. The script just seems childish and boring, not enticing in the slightest. This is also very obviously a VR title ported to PC, but for some reason on steam there's no VR mode.

Love the setting, love the puzzles, although I feel like some of them weren't very intuitive. The ending is a big minus - unfortunately it doesn't deliver

Gráficos, história e apresentação muito boas. Os puzzles são muito bem feitos, porem em 1/2 senti que estava muito dependente da sorte. A incapacidade de voltar a ouvir diálogos tanto pode atrapalhar como pode deixar-nos mais atentos e imersos no seu universo. Uma boa experiencia de 5 horas e meia, recomendo

A pretty original idea that had some interesting puzzle segments in it. You play as a DJ taking calls in and each one is dealing with a killer that's on the loose. Most "calls" usually have a puzzle in them so be prepared for that. I felt like this game really had it's ups and downs and both really balanced the game out for me. Nothing that blew me away but it was an interesting take on the subject.

Ótimo em questões técnicas porém repetitivo e irritantemente simples com os "puzzles". Faz boas referencias ao horror de 80, que agradam quem percebe que até o nome de uma rua é uma citação a Halloween. É divertido mas o nucleo de gameplay certamente não merece 5 horas tendo em vista que o que é apresentado no começo não é inovado/alterado até o final. O jogo te da opções com tempo, mas elas parecem mais só pra te irritar quando você esta explorando o escritorio ao inves de ficar na mesa principal, tendo em vista que raramente importa se você as escolhe ou não, e geralmente elas nem requerem muita atenção ou decisão.

10/10 game.

the visuals are fantastic, the characters are charming and fun, good story, the puzzles arent too hard but theyre not too easy either, and its a pretty good horror / comical game overall.

played it a buncha times and cant get tired of it.

Great little adventure horror game with a nice detective-like feel to it.

I really enjoyed this game even though some of the puzzles felt repetitive. It's a great game if you enjoy 80's horror comedy and dad jokes. For me personally, it was the the perfect amount of campiness, Although the protagonist radio host voice sometimes got on my nerves. Overall I would recommend to those who like this style of game.

Com certeza foi uma experiência além de muito agradável, também foi muito surpreendente, quero dizer esse jogo além de possuir um mistério que de certa forma começa meio lento no começo mas com o tempo vai passando, ele consegue engatar e fluir de uma forma extremamente envolvente e natural.

Talvez existam coisas que eu faria questão de mudar, acho o final um pouco "antí-climax" tendo em vista que a motivação do Assassino é um pouco superficial, tendo em vista que a trama aparentava estar construindo algo muito maior com o decorrer da gameplay, falando em gameplay, apesar de certa forma ser "monotona" pelo fato de ser somente no estúdio, ela consegue não ficar tão massante, também pelo fato do jogo não ser tão longo mas sim pelas ocorrências de certa forma serem até interessantes, discordo de algumas resoluções delas pois as vezes a opção que era nitidamente a mais plausível para salvar a pessoa, acabava matando ela de uma forma totalmente sem sentido, o que resultou que na minha run eu acabei matando mais da metade das pessoas kk... Inclusive ainda seguindo na parte da gameplay mas focando mais na parte do terror, a atmosfera do jogo é incrivel e o fato de você nunca saber se o assassino está por perto é muito divertida, pois em nenhum momento o jogo apela pra jumpscares baratos, além do que tem no tutorial.

Mais do que recomendado e eu gostaria que mais pessoas conhecessem esse jogo, pois ele me cativou e a minha experiência com ele foi muito boa.

A fun "reverse adventure" game where you're telling the person doing the puzzles how to do them over the phone with fairly easy puzzles and if you're that worried about it you can save whenever.

I enjoyed it a whole lot mainly due to the interactions with the cast and the general idea of it. Would love to see a different take on the same idea/sequel in the future.

The story doesn't quite live up to what I was expecting, the ending just sort of happens suddenly and I had kind of pieced together what was going on earlier from a few small things you can find laying around that you can't bring up in dialogue. Really besides a few more puzzles, this game is missing a Fallout esque epilogue slideshow or something to that effect to see what happened to everyone afterwards.

Oh also big plus, no jump scares besides a very telegraphed one at the very beginning and a few small, cans knocked over, parts.


This game felt great at first but the VR roots started showing quickly and then you realize you’re mostly just pressing play on a lot of pre recorded and WONDERFULLY acted voiceovers. I almost feel like this would have been better served as an audio only experience or podcast. Sometimes I’d have to find something to do with my hands like check my phone while listening to yet more exposition without gameplay. Very polished though… a nice experiment.

O jogo é bem gostosinho de jogar, gostei bastante de me sentir um Radialista, e tomar conta das músicas e de todo o equipamento que o jogo disponibiliza para nós. A história do game é bem legal e passa para o jogador uma angústia e uma preocupação com os ouvintes que estão em perigo. A parte de investigação eu particularmente achei interessante, e a nossa interação com Penny também achei massa.

Só achei que o final foi um pouco abaixo das minhas expectativas que criei ao longo do jogo. Todas às vezes que eu tinha que sair da minha sala principal para explorar o exterior era um cagaço diferente.

Recomendo aí para quem ta em dúvida em jogar esse jogo, vai na fé que ele é bem feitinho. Só acho que deveríamos ter pernas

Killer Frequency: Short yet I wish it was shorter, Killer Frequency is a game that I think sounds a lot better on paper than it plays in reality. Perhaps, as others have pointed out, the biggest problem is the game's indecisiveness of its tone.

The game opens with a brief tutorial of how to pick stuff up before you're murdered! A spooky lil' jumpscare and then you're in the studio as Forrest Nash, a has-been radio DJ now shouting over the airwaves of Bumfuck, Nowhere. Peggy (producer/sidekick) and Forrest will now be the world's most useless 911 team as the town has no police, no ambulance, and no firefighters able to respond to anything. If this was the real world, you've has just been given the duty of listening to people die, accompanying them briefly as they leave their mortal coil behind to see the Great Unknown.
But it's a game! There's a serial killer on the loose and you're going to miraculously help people out of sticky jamz, freeing them outta death's grasp before tossing on a new vinyl record for their listening pleasure. Give people the right advice and they live, mess up even slightly and somebody's dying, babydoll. Better pay attention and actually read your notes.

There's just never a lot of fun, here. You pick prompts and if you're a savescumming bastard like me, nobody is going to die, though if you pay attention this won't be that tough. You also shoot paper basketballs from your desk into a trashcan across the room and the game tracks this. I had about 400 by the time the game ended a few hours later: that's how little is happening.

Peggy and Forrest have a good relationship and their actors are believable, but it's weird how the game flip-flops between poking fun of its inspirations and being deadly serious. The story of the town's killer, The Whistling Man, is very childish and during the final climax when all is being revealed, you won't care as that last phone call drags on. The name sucks, the outfit is uninspired, and even his whistling stops being “scary” and starts to just make you sigh when you hear it through the phone.
Maybe keep the murders visceral but just go over the top with everything else? Forrest getting all slow and therapist-y with the killer at the end is so painful to hear, I'd call it undeservedly sentimental. And that last twist: wow, it's nothing!
Your soundbound effects change nothing as callers won't care if you make fun of them on the air (while a serial killer hunts them, mind you). I guess I didn't care, either.

I drunkenly started watching “Pontypool” one night years ago and never finished it. I imagine that movie is better than this game. If you want that vibe, or whatever vibe you think you'll get when you're checking out the Steam screenshots, just watch “Pontypool”, I guess.

I do not recommend Killer Frequency.

A cool vibe as I generally like unique games in intimate settings. Killer Frequency has a similar kind of storytelling to Firewatch, which is a game I love, but doesn't reach the same heights. The story was convoluted (especially trying to remember each character) and didn't do enough to grab my attention. I also wouldn't recommend playing this game on Switch as it is difficult to aim and see small text.

I didn't expect to be quite so invested in the lives of those targeted by The Whispering Man, but this was really well done and the majority of the voice acting was stellar. Played this with my partner and it was really fun to figure out the best course of action each time. Recommended.

Great 5 hour experience! Great music and very much it’s own thing! The story was so captivating and other then feeling a little repetitive I had so much fun in this game!

Jogo indie simples mas muito bom com puzzles e por incrivel q pareça dá um cagacinho as vezes, nao esperava nada mas foi mt bom

Campy B-Level Horror movie vibes, love it

Highly recommend to anyone who likes 4-8 hour story based games. extremely well polished from the visuals to the sound and especially the voice acting. The mystery itself is great and all of the puzzles are engaging, I have nothing but good things to say about killer frequency.

HEY DJ! Spin that shit!

It’s a comical horror type of game with a twist at the end. There’s a few endings iirc so multiple playthroughs are needed for you to grab them.

Molto carino e tutte le citazioncine sono un tocco di classe

If you're familiar with the movie Pontypool, this may be up your ally since it draws inspiration even having a reference to it in the game. Otherwise I really enjoyed the concept and format in which the puzzles were presented.

The game is fun in general, the discoveries throughout the story make you want to really understand what is happening and the fact that you just listen and can set up the scenario however you want in your imagination makes the game even more interesting to play. to play. The biggest point of this game is the setting, which is surreal, even in moments when nothing is happening, you understand that something is wrong and it always leaves you with that chill down your spine wondering what the next event will be!