Reviews from

in the past

Turns out adding color to star stacker doesnt do much

That sign won't stop me, because I know the game mechanics!

A kinda repetitive puzzle game that gets stale kinda quickly. Avalanche (I mean duh, Puyo Puyo) was more fun for me.

The most popular game at the baby casino. No thoughts lights flashing let’s do this.

Played this game using an online SNES emulator on a school chromebook, as well as a ROM hack translation using SNES9x on my modded Wii. Cleared the story mode, defeated Gryll.

the best way to play this game is by marathoning round clear when you're slightly delirious

Yeah, I won't lie to you... I did like the sweet graphics and the overall presentation, but I just can't understand why make a second Kirby puzzle game. It's decent, but I think the way you can exchange attacks with the enemy is unintuitive (I still don't get it).
The game isn't bad tho, surely it's waaaay better than Kirby's Avalanche (the lowest point of the franchise).

this game has kine getting drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the fish is drunk!!!!!!!!

KIrby's Super Star Stacker is a very simple puzzle game where you link at least two animals of the same kind either vertically or horizontally as long as they are all the same or are a normal block. While the actual concept of this gameplay is simple, the actual combo system of Super Star Stacker is the meat on the bone. Combos are pretty much the only way you are able to do damage, and while it's certainly possible to get big combos with little attention, largely the game can't be beat on pure blind combos. This ends up making Super Star Stacker far more versus oriented over some of it's other puzzle game likes but not for the better. Arguably, Star Stacker is kinda boring without it's combo system, and it's further distanced from the usual make by the game trying to add more after your initial combo. It's certainly neat that sometimes after a two combo the game can position you into an undeserved 10 combo by constantly throwing boxes at your board, but it certainly doesn't feel earned.

While I certainly don't want to belittle this game, the truth of the matter is that it's nicer to look at than play. A lot of the story cutscenes are really cute, the animations of characters attacking each other give some added flavor, the menus are done nicely, the sound effects feel good, and the OST is certainly a pop. Sadly, these are all things that don't help Star Stacker's gameplay in a meaningful way, and largely it just feels like a rather half baked game compared to other puzzle games. While I certainly don't think there is no joy to be had, it really just boils down to "there are better puzzle games out there"; hell what probably hurts this game most is that there are better KIRBY PUZZLE games out there. This game is neat for a first run, but just don't expect much.

Fun little puzzle game! I beat story mode + Gryll which didn't take long, but it was enough for me :^D
I also don't know any japanese so to me the story is just kirby and his cute animal friends walking around and beating the shit out of every resident of dream land. which isn't that far off from any other kirby game's plot, let's be fair

Baby's first Tetris (but like in a very good way)

Ich glaube das Spiel ist vor allem was für Leute, die sonst nie groß Spiele in der Art spielen. Durch die wenigen Blocktypen ist es sehr einfach Ketten zu bauen, auch wenn man es nicht beabsichtigt, sodass man schnell ein Erfolgserlebnis hat.
Allerdings ist es glaube ich nicht für Leute wie mich. Und das liegt jetzt nicht daran dass es Baby's First Puzzle Game ist, das ist bei einem Kirby-Spiel zu erwarten. Ich spiel ja auch gerne einfachere Plattformer, da ich das als entspannend empfinde. Das Problem für mich hier ist, dass ich Puzzlespiele immer so lange spiele, bis ich abschmiere. Und das passiert mir hier nicht. Ich hab heute bis zur Maximalpunktzahl gespielt, worauf mich das Spiel abgewürgt hat. Ich hab jetzt zusammen über fünf Stunden Material von einer Session (die ich dann Switch mehrfach pauseieren konnte), wie ich dieses Spiel spiele, und ich hab nicht alles aufgenommen. Irgendwann wird dieses Spiel dann einfach nur noch ermüdend, und man spielt es so halb im Autopilot, während man sich dabei YouTube-Essays anhört, weil es anders nicht mehr geht. Und ich weiß dass das albern klingt dass man dann überhaupt noch spielt, aber das Ding ist dass ich halt so lange spielen will bis ich abschmiere um wirklich zu wissen wie gut ich bin. Ich will mich da messen. Und wenn man mit dem Ansatz daran geht und ein wenig Ahnung von solchen Spielen hat, ist das hier nix für einen. Wenn man sich das Genre ansehen will, oder man nicht schauen will wie weit man es schafft, dann kann ichs empfehlen, ist ein süßes Spiel. Aber ansonsten nicht.

I played this a few hours ago, and I can not remember what the game even was. Hold on let me look it up… okay, yeah, it was fine.

IS KINE DOWNING A BOTTLE?? HE'S EVEN MORE CHILL THAN I THOUGHT GODDAMN 🚬 this game is also known as the true Star Stacker, we are star stacking everyday of the week in this one only! For the Battle Pass! Or for fun?? Corporations may believe in the former. But Kirby is about none of that thankfully... unless it's Extra Epic Yarn on Battle Royale ??! What am I yapping about bruh, look at the graphics though we get a return of the ultimate goat that is the hand drawn style from Dream Land 3. The world map and the UI is quite good. To say it's better than the GB one is... well its not that surprising really.

Flowey the flower said "finders keepers" 😠 i hate botanical life forms. Ofc, since it's Star Stacker but better... we have a story mode, and who better than Mr. Star to be our companion! It's weird how Kirby designers sometimes just... don't. They don't design. But then the final boss is a genderfluid witch without a body (top surgery removed ALL the top??) and then it kinda becomes based, so I guess one was made during unproductive hours. Yes japanese people aren't productive 24/7. Look at the clearly traditional japanese inspired Dedede and tell me he's productive! It's still crazy how he lost his credibility so early once Adventure happened and they pumped out titles where he was an appetizer for a secret main course. Yes, this still is the case in Super Star Stacker.

Look at them beefing on the top screen, I just don't approve of the lifestyle that's all. Btw have you looked at the japanese title? Who are Kirby's sparkling kids 😨😨 ??! We might have known if Nintendo of America didn't say "you know what? fuck you SNES" while the system was doing... just fine! I understand why they withheld since the game is pretty much the exact same outside of story mode and being slightly less lenient. I don't even remember if that was in the original, but I like how the center columns become skull emojis when you lose. Like you just 💀💀 and modern games don't have this kind of SOUL and KINO anymore.