Reviews from

in the past

No voy a engañar a nadie. Me compré el juego por su acojonante acabado técnico, vaya espectáculo. El juego, una aventurilla con puzzles sencillos, es muy simpático y cuenta una historia típica pero bonita. Un par de horas muy agradables :)

very cute, very short, visually impressive little puzzler, but playing on PS4/5, the place brick button needed to be assigned to a different button than the rotate brick; this made no sense to me at all, all the other buttons aren’t assigned to anything! and it’s not easy to precisely choose where you want the bricks to go. a few super simple changes would’ve made this a perfect afternoon playthrough.

Cute little puzzle adventure. Controls were a bit awkward at times and none of the puzzles were that deep. It was nice that most things didn't have a single solution and allowed for some creativity.

A short, quaint experience, but not one free of issues. I loved the concept and the comfy vibes, but found myself taking issues with the often times confusing console controls as well as the weird mix of satisfying, confusing and repetitve puzzles with the satisfying ones all but vanishing by the end of the game, instead just providing longwinded and tedious building.

I'd overall recommend this game (especially if you can pick it up for literally £2 like I did) but be warned of its short runtime and lack of replay value. The experience as it is can be summed up as "a mostly solid brainteaser featuring beautiful LEGO setpieces". Personally, for as good as it is, this makes me really excited as to what the future of LEGO games holds.

Cool idea, cute and beautiful execution and an absolute banger to test out on your new iPhone.

Honestly, this probably works better on console or pc, but in the state i played it in, its very annoying to control, but has potential if played on proper hardware.

Don't get me wrong I fuck with LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC© Super Heroes as much as the next guy, but I do think it's a massive shame that the main LEGO games barely incorporate building stuff into the gameplay loop. Yeah Harry Potter or Chase McCain or Batman get to wiggle their arms a bit and summon an entire shelving unit into existence but I don't do jack shit! I want to build something, I want to be creative, I want to have a minigame where the batmobile breaks down and I have to reassemble the engine from a set of instructions.

I haven't played a new LEGO game in like 7 years so I don't know, maybe LEGO engine maintenance is a thing now. I know they tried to make a LEGO Minecraft clone a couple years ago and it looked like shit. I guess the technology for emulating the full LEGO experience wasn't there yet...

I'm rambling but point is, I thought this was really cool. The most authentically LEGO 'LEGO Game' I've ever played. Made me feel like a little kid snapping together my LEGO Creator 3 in 1 house all over again, and I didn't even have to take out a mortgage to afford all the pieces!

This game really got me in the feels, it's just so nice and calming, with a charming little story too. I love it, and hope to see a sequel soon

Lego™️ Divorce leads Lego™️ Children to the worst Lego™️ Places

Barely a puzzle game, worst controls

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked (1,000G). Very different from most of the recent LEGO franchise games, LEGO: Builder's Journey uses LEGO for a puzzle mechanic that I'm surprised hasn't been seen much in the past. Playing out a gentle story told entirely by actions, without a word of dialog or narration, the game follows a pair of LEGO-built characters journeying through a range of contained environments. Of course, LEGO naturally lends itself to a great range of building-based puzzle mechanics and the few stages that make use of this in building structures/vehicles or similar are satisfying if unchallenging, but disappointingly most instead simply ask the player to build a path for one of the characters to follow. There is still some decent variety in this, but I'm still left feeling that there's a lot of missed potential here. More positively, environment design - of course, entirely with LEGO pieces - is impressive, especially when we see working, interactive machinery.

There's a relatively short playtime here, probably 3-4 hours at most - which is perhaps for the best given the similarity of most of the puzzles - but that again brings me back to the sense of missed potential, as a greater diversity of puzzles could have supported a significantly longer game.

musica calma, relaxante e tals. Não posso falar bem da gameplay quando os controles são de pessima escolha pelos desenvolvedores, pegar, soltar e colocar com o mesmo botão do mouse é uma verdadeira merda.

This is shockingly atmospheric and would be a wonderful little game if it weren't for the occasionally janky and frustrating controls

A charming story and an interesting set of puzzle mechanics, ultimately let down by obtuse and inconsistent cursor controls (at least on gamepad).

Cute and relaxing puzzle game with great graphics, sometimes a bit confusing.
Very short.

There's not much to say about LEGO Builder's Journey. I was personally a bit underwhelmed by it.

The game's strongest factor is in its visual direction. It looks absolutely stunning, especially with ray-tracing enabled, and I'm quite surprised this is built off Unity. It also has a nice and calm soundtrack that helps invoke a sense of zen, eeriness, and nostalgia.

Unfortunately, the rest of the game falls flat a bit. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the minimalist approach to things, and I shouldn't really mark the game down for its story not being as emotional as I thought it would be. But its segmented level design is both friendly and damaging to the core gameplay, and the game's flaws are more apparent than anything else. There are sections that promo creativity for sure, but there are also sections that introduce new gameplay mechanics that aren't necessarily repeated much later on. Also, its minimalist approach to explanations also hurts it, as there is sometimes no indication of where the player must go to reach their goal. I'm actually kinda surprised others found this game to be so easy, because I was kinda perplexed a few times.

Not a bad game, but it's definitely more of a visual showcase than anything.

LEGO Builder's Journey is an excellent experience as it tells a story through various LEGO based puzzles and characters?Most of the puzzles had an adequate amount of difficulty and the visuals were a beautiful showcase of raytracing that everyone should experience at least once. I would say that it is abit expensive and my 3 hour playthrough went by too quickly.

Cute Little game

+ Amazing showcase graphics
+ Cute emotional story

- Mechanics are not repeated often and could be further explored
- Overpriced, only worth buying on sale

It tells a cute, wordless story with some lite puzzles, what more can I ask for? It can be a little tricky to snap a block to the intended space at times due to the perspective and the touch controls, but that doesn't seriously detract from the experience because quick reaction times aren't demanded. I'd definitely be interested in a lengthier game that builds on this style.

i can't be THAT mean to this game, it's like an hour and a half long and is a cute little experience, just not one that really grabbed me or anything. seeing the little lego builds was cute, but the story wasn't all that great (not that it was trying to be a masterpiece but still.) and the puzzles weren't very satisfying or great. some even got a little frustrating/annoying by the end and part of that is on the controls. to be fair, i think playing this on PC would 100% be ideal but the mobile controls were pretty janky and annoying. i can't imagine controller is much better.

this also isn't really my exact kind of game, and i didn't have a terrible time but i was hoping it'd be a bit more charming or the puzzles would be a bit more interesting to feel super worth it.

we need more of whatever this is

The best looking LEGO bricks???? Charming little puzzle game. The controls are very janky and finnicky (PC with mouse), which is pretty much the only big gripe I have with it other than it being rather easy. Was a nice break from the usual games, though, so I'm glad it was short. I just think it's neat.

INSIDE or LIMBO but a little more kid-friendly

i love the visuals and the concept of this sorta game is great but a lot of the levels were a bit too easy/repetitive for my liking and despite this being a relatively short game i felt like it dragged on because of that.
my main gripe is that there's little room for creativity when it comes to solving each level even though this is a Lego Game

unfinished because on one of the last few levels my framerate suddenly went to hell and i don't feel like going through another 2-layered level at that pace.
i would love to see another game like this in the future though!

Cozy music, good vibes, but unfortunately I didn't find the puzzles all that interesting. For being a LEGO game, most of the puzzles are really restrictive and don't let you come up with interesting solutions on your own. It would have been nice if there was a button to rotate the blocks the opposite way as well, but I overall found the experience boring.

I bought this to test my newly purchased 3090 and was astounded by the graphics. The puzzles reminded me of Monument Valley but some of the later ones seem a little arbitrary in how you should approach them.

It's a well worthwhile if you have an hour to spare, and even more if you have a system with ray tracing capabilities.

A little puzzle game in Lego style. And there is even a little story!.. Well.. very little but it's there.
The puzzles are mostly not that hard, but still not to easy too.
Sometimes it was a bit clumsy to get your stone in the right time on the right place, but nothing that broke the game.
So all in all: Nice little puzzle game

Game perhaps too simple except on rare occasions. Short, too short to pay full price. Do not pay more than 10 €/$ for this game.

Lego Builder's Journey é um jogo com um visual bem bonito e uma história super fofa. A temática LEGO é fundamental pro jogo, pois a narrativa e a jogabilidade são totalmente baseadas nas famosas pecinhas de montar.

Mas nossa, como a jogabilidade é lenta e pesada, o jogo melhoraria muito se fizessem uma repaginada nos controles (e olha que só usam os dois botões do mouse).