Reviews from

in the past

It's not as good but it maintains the charm in a sense

Fun game, a bit iffy on coop due camera but LEGO games are 99% of the time fun :3

Não consigo avaliar isso seriamente

It's a LEGO game. If you like them, you'll like this one. Really well done and makes you nostalgic for the books/movies.

where did my disc for this game go

Idk what it was but I just did not like this game very much. I got about halfway through half blood prince until I just dropped the game completely. Maybe it was just too similar to years 1-4.

No me gusta para nada Harry Potter actualmente...
aun así guardo cierta nostalgia por este juego.

Achei esse jogo mais repetitivo que o anterior, ele traz novas mecânicas mas acaba repetindo elas de mais e isso acaba saturando-as. Sem fala dos conmensais da morte, que inimigos chatos! Fora isso, o jogo apresenta uma boa melhora nos gráficos e ainda ganha pontos comigo por ser harry potter e ser divertido de jogar.

I loved this game but somebody stole my 3ds while I was playing this game and I don't know if I should laugh or cry now that I'm remembering about it.

Es inferior al primero la verdad, tiene un ritmo muy irregular y el sistema de aprendizaje de hechizos desaparece, aún así, puedes pasar un buen rato con él

Lego games are always fun, even tough I’ve never seen/read any Harry Potter stuff

I don’t know if it’s just because I don’t like these movies as much as 1-4 but I just never liked this game

I thought that the 2nd part would be conveyor, but no. Especially since people say that the latest films about hp are worse than the first ones in terms of plot and visual style, but in Lego format it looks even better.
+ The visual style has become more pleasant, the physics has become better, some levels are very atmospheric, the open world has become larger, new spells have been added (now it makes sense to use the spell wheel). Red magic is given for completing the entire story, and not at a random level in free play.
- The characters that can be unlocked with money are even more boring than in the first part. The optimization is terrible, near fire FPS drops to 10 on a modern system. The levels in the middle lack variety to keep you from getting bored complete 2 lego hp games in a row. Gold blocks are also useless, as well as the spell for bullying bots.

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Я думал, что 2-ая часть окажется конвеерной, но нет.
Тем более, что говорят, что последние фильмы про ГП хуже первых по сюжету и визуальному стилю, а в формате лего они смотрятся даже лучше.
+ Визуальный стиль стал более приятным, физика стала лучше, некоторые уровни очень атмосферные, открытый мир стал больше, добавили новые заклинания (теперь колесом заклинаний есть смысл пользоваться). Красная магия даётся за прохождение всего сюжета, а не в рандом уровне в свободной игре.
- Открывающиеся за монетки персонажи ещё более скучные, чем в первой части. Оптимизация ужасная, при сильных эффектах падение фпс до 10 на современной системе. Уровням к середине не хватает разнообразия настолько, чтобы не было скучно пройти 2 лего гари потера подряд. Золотые блоки также бесполезны, как и способность издеваться над ботами.

I actually think this is better than 1-4, mainly because I get to be bellatrix lestrange

This is a more mechanically tuned, slightly better sequel to Years 1-4 with way less annoying bits to it. There's new visible indicators of what collectibles are in the overworld after you beat the game, no mandrakes and pixies, a more Overworld friendly Polyjuice Potion, an Expecto Patronum with a faster cast time so battling Dementors isn't The Worst, and more little tune-ups of this nature. This game also contains the best portrayals of the big story deaths of Harry Potter (they changed a stabbing into someone being crushed to death underneath a mountain of garbage, a fitting metaphor for the current state of this franchise under the iron claws of Queen Terf) so you are, indeed, playing a slightly better version of the 6.5/10 game that was Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4.

It's still a 6.5 out of 10 game at its core, but it's a less janky 6.5 out of 10.

Unfortunately, the trade off is you're playing through the four David Yates Harry Potter films now and playing through his versions of Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince are rough. Years 1-4 were charming little kid's movies with some iconic scenes that made for some good video game levels; Years 5-7 are when JK Rowling tricked herself into thinking she was writing an epic political drama about fascism or whatever the fuck so, even with Legos, you get this dreary experience where half of the collectibles are characters like "Yaxley" and "Pius Thicknesse".

With that in mind, this is still the best way to experience Deathly Hallows because Harry Potter gets to dropkick the Voldemort baby while he's in purgatory.

The first LEGO Harry Potter is chef's kiss. This expands the scale a bit too much for my liking while also changing up the gameplay systems in ways that feel awkward and ill-conceived. The new duel mechanic is totally whack, and the added London hub seems more like padding than a meaningful inclusion to the experience. Probably the first LEGO game where I could feel a degree of diminishing returns.

Thank god this Lego game wasn’t glitched.

This game has a weird obsession with dancing skeletons for some reason, but that wasn't enough to emphasize the unending misery I felt playing it until one of them started dabbing.

I played this as part of the LEGO Harry Potter Collection. It's largely the same experience as the first game but with a lot of quality-of-life improvements. At least this time I didn't come across any bugs or glitches, so was able to get to 100% completion. As with the previous game, it can be difficult to know how to get around the hub area, and it's bigger this time around. I ended up needing to find an image online to know how to navigate through the various zones.

Ok, so compared to the first game, I actually think this one is slightly better. Its still lacks in a lot of area's such as characters basically all doing the same thing and the fact a lot of characters have different outfits for filler so changing characters is pretty much pointless...which is why they practically give you the Voldemort and Bellatrix unlock right at the last level which is nice I guess. But it is a Harry potter game following the last game's formula and had limited characters so I guess thats just how it is. However, short list of how this game improves on its predecessor, much better looking (obviously), I like the duelling aspect although I think they used it a bit too much and I love the spell changes I thought they were much neater then the older setup. I think they did the levels a lot better then the other game two. Thats about all I have to say, its worth a play although its not the best lego game out there by a long shot.

This game was a slight improvement over years 1-4 but unfortunately not enough to pull it out of the average rank. The added dueling into the gameplay which, while better than the original, still becomes stale fairly quickly. The move set is still not differentiated enough to make it worth playing with multiple different characters making the characters once again just feel like skin swaps. While the overall experience was slightly better the story somehow became even worse. There were multiple times me and my wife said if we didn’t know the Harry Potter story we would have no clue as to what was going on.

Just like years 1-4 I had an ok time playing this but if I wasn’t playing with my wife and we didn’t love Harry Potter I’m not sure how much I would have enjoyed this game. Even as a big Harry Potter fan I just cannot give this game any higher than an average score. If you are into Harry Potter you’ll at least have a decent time but if you don’t know anything about Harry Potter sit back and read the books or watch the movies before playing this otherwise I can’t see where there would be much enjoyment.


I liked this one better but it was still not quite good.

Great sequel! Improved upon many things from the orginal :)! 5/5

As a continuation, it polishes the gameplay a bit but mostly plays similar to its predecessor. At the very least its consistent and we still have the characters communicating through sign language (or something like that).

This is the epitome of childhood nostalgia when it comes to games for me! I have vivid vivid memories of playing Dumbledore vs Voldemort and making their spell clash last like a full minute constantly and annoying my brother because it due to how cool it was to me!

No game will probably ever top this when it comes to childhood nostalgia!