Reviews from

in the past

Está chulo, pero ¿por qué meterle farmeo a esto si sus virtudes están en otro lado?

One of the most creative roguelikes I've played. It has a really good core gameplay loop, where the first few hours are an absolute blast to figure out new singergies, discover new cards, try out different strategies. It really is amazing for several hours.

Then the game gets a little repetitive and grindy, especially to unlock some of the late game content. It made me stop playing after trying the 4th level a couple times, but I'm still extremely satisfied with what I got out of the experience.

This is truly a must play if you value creative game systems.

La idea es genial pero la recta final abusa de manera exagerada del grindeo para avanzar lo más mínimo.

La gracia del juego no está en el farmeo, sino en todo lo demás.
Muy divertido las primeras horas, pero luego... el juego en sí ya es poco interactivo, pero esa virtud (es una virtud en este caso) se va a tomar por culo cuando el gameplay es el mismo sin variables interesantes una y otra y otra vez.
Como dice mi hermano fíjate si es malo trabajar que te pagan, pero aquí ni eso.

It resembles, in some stretchy ways, a real time Slay the Spire. The risk and reward gameplay and the moment to moment tactical decisions feel amazing

Interesting game concept paired with a great soundtrack. But it feels very repetitive to so I stopped playing after rougly 8 hours.

Uno de los roguelikes más simples y adictivos que he jugado. Navidades pasadas en toque de queda... all night long

Increíblemente adictivo y aunque a veces el rng te juega una mala pasada sigues queriendo volver a por mas

A game in which every few seconds I'm asked to make an important but incredibly simple input to keep the machine running optimally. A lot of information to parse but little thought, that would be best solved with an algorithm.

I don’t understand the hype. Game is pretty boring tbh. Don’t know if I’ll pick it up again. Shelved for now.

It has some great idea and a very cool style. I'm not sure that I like it so much. You can't leave it on idle and you don't make so many decisions while playing. Unlocking cards and builds is the fun of the game and progress is a little slow. Don't love it but admire it.

Uma incrível mistura de RPG, roguelike, deckbuild, gerenciamento de recursos, crafting e elementos de tower defense, que infelizmente não é pra mim.

Realmente o jogo tem tudo pra fisgar, e fisga, mas não dura muito na minha mão. Mas é incrível e notável a criatividade que a equipe teve pra bolar as mecânicas e interações desse jogo.

Gosto como ele usa de forma literal e figurada o loop (um belo jogo de palavras com o título e o chamado game loop) propondo um desafio repetitivo, mas sempre com a opção "jogo do milhão" de arriscar estender mais ou parar enquanto tem uma boa quantidade de recursos e preservá-los pra gerenciar a base.

Com certeza um dos roguelikes que mais me diverti, apesar de não ser fã do gênero.

I honestly love the art and music, but it's a glorified clicker game.

Had fun with this, beat the second boss a couple of times, but it started to feel very samey and the runs take too long to commit to the grind.

Entretenido al principio hasta coger la mecánica de los bucles. Hasta que se descubre el grindeo absurdo que hace falta para avanzar

This is a personal issue, clearly. This is on many people's GOTY lists. But this game kinda sucked for me. The first act was pretty great, it only took me a few runs to get to the boss and I felt engaged and thoughtful to get there. But by the second act, the pacing shattered. Here's how it worked, for me. Playing the loop, as I was, I wasn't getting anywhere close, not even halfway. I tried looking up tips and it was all stuff I already knew, and missing other tips and optimizations I had picked up on my own. So I didn't really understand what I was doing wrong, so I assumed it was a matter of progression, I needed to unlock stronger cards. But if that is the case, jesus. The progression is incredibly slow and grindy, how to get specific materials is pretty obtuse, and somewhat RNG whether you get the stuff you want, meaning sometimes it will take a solid handful of runs to get a single building. And even then, the buffs from those buildings felt very unimportant, a nice help but nothing game changing that was making a noticeable impact on my run. I know people talk about this as a psuedo-idle game, and that the second loop is about 6 hours or so, but I have no patience for that. The pacing was just not for me, despite a fairly fun premise and gameplay loop.

great pacing
easy to read encyclopedia containing actual helpful information
could literally go forever I stopped at loop 69

Uma ideia GENIAL que se perde no meio do jogo e se torna um grind excessivo e desnecessário.

Loop Hero é um dos Roguelike mais interessantes que já vi, com um estilo até que único de gameplay e uma história no qual chamou minha atenção. O primeiro ato contra o Lich foi muito divertido e eu estava amando o jogo, diria que era nota 8 ou 9.

Porém, ao começar o segundo ato, percebi seus problemas e o que me fez droppar até então, talvez eu continue, não sei, perdi a vontade.

Variedade é o maior problema de Loop Hero, é o que falta em todos os aspectos, sejam as cartas, nos inimigos, nas classes, nos equipamentos, nas construções e até nas mecânicas.

Após um tempo você começa a pegar o jeito do jogo, consegue novas cartas porém... Elas não são tão impactantes para o jogo, elas não mudam drasticamente o gameplay ao ponto de ser uma excelente ajuda à ti, parece que esse jogo tenta o tempo todo te ferrar, o problema é que isso não é de forma natural.

É patético o fato de a cada ato os inimigos ganharem mais habilidades e você continuar o mesmo, tipo, poderia muito bem ter novas funções pras cartas ou até mesmo elas serem mais fortes, porém não é o caso aqui.

As Classes desse jogo sendo 3 são ridículas. Uma é a básica e a mais comum de usar. Outra é a Ladino que é TOSCA e literalmente impede de evoluir por causa daquela bolsa. E por fim o Necromante que é legal porém tedioso demais, jogar com ela apenas vai prolongar mais ainda a run.

Os equipamentos serem limitados é a coisa mais broxante desse jogo, você ter que usar uma carta dourada que te da um debuff pra liberar um novo slot é ridículo, ainda mais tendo dois que são totalmente inacessíveis. E o RNG, meu Deus, tem vários momentos onde só vai cair coisa repetida e inútil, sério, já cheguei no Loop 4 usando espada do Loop 1 e no Loop 11 só caia item do Loop 8.

A mecânica da Cidade é maçante, ter que coletar recursos pra construir cada casinha é irritante ao ponto de te forçar fazer Grinding, algo extremamente ridículo pra esse jogo, havia VÁRIAS construções ali que dão inúteis, principalmente a Fazenda.

A randomização é algo que entristece, ainda mais quando você quer carta e não vêm nenhuma. Sério, nesse jogo deveria ter a mínima certeza de vir um equipamento e carta por batalha, fiquei mais de 30 minutos pra enfrentar o segundo Boss pra no fim não dar nem metade da vida dele pois o sistema de cura é uma porcaria, o Boss é extremamente apelão e estava no Loop 12.

A Cura desse jogo é um estrume. Você não pode decidir quando quer usar os frascos, eles usam sozinhos e na maioria das vezes em momentos desnecessários.

Fico muito triste com essa decepção, sério mesmo, esse jogo tava sendo bota 9, eu estava amando, porém quando os problemas vieram átona, caiu pra 6. Mais que isso é aceitar ser trouxa.

Loop Hero is a unique and interesting concept that works pretty well. I liked it but the interest wore off and the repetition got to me after a bit so I have shelved it for now.

The sprite work in Loop Hero is well done and attractive. It is fairly simplistic, but it works to convey what is happening in the game and strikes a consistent tone throughout the play space and the menus.

Loop Hero's gameplay consists of placing tiles to form a map, each of which grant bonuses or trigger events. The tiles you place combine, spawn enemies, and interact in various ways, which was the main driving force for my interest in the game. Your character automatically walks along a path and fights enemies he finds along the way. There are many cool interactions and hidden things to uncover, leading to different strategies you can employ for powering up your character and controlling what kinds of enemies you have to fight.

I ended up falling off Loop Hero because it indexes a bit too hard on repetition and (fairly random) difficulty. Combining tiles for advantages isn't quite rewarding enough -- combos that seem like they should be awesome end up working, but are not overpowered. Since you set up your deck at the beginning of a game this makes sense (and the game's balance is very solid), but some randomized element here that lets the player luck into cool and overpowered combos would be welcome. As presented, runs can feel samey and there isn't enough variation, other than the different classes you can choose.

I love the concept here and Loop Hero is doing things that most other games don't. I think a couple of changes to the structure would have made this a really amazing game, but I still liked it quite a bit.

Unique and engaging, but gets grindy towards the end

Perfect time killer. After I abounded Fallout Shelter which at some point became annoying and messy UI wise, this one kicked in.
I see why many people liked it a lot last year, but when you watch all these GOTY lists and high scores, don’t think of the game as something profound or groundbreaking. It deserves its 4 stars as a simple, captivating small game for killing a time. And that’s all.

A unique auto battle roguelite. Dumped some hours into it, but not enough to beat the entire thing. Will likely go back to it one day.

I really couldn't get into Loop Hero. Its pixel art is gorgeous, I like how gloomy and dour the soundtrack is and I think it has some cool ideas, but I don't exactly think they work.

It doesn't explain itself particularly well, the functions and benefits of many of the tiles I placed did not make sense to me even after having used them multiple times, elements of the UI were often weirdly hard to read/interpret, and the core gameplay being so literally stop/start makes it feel really jarring and weirdly paced. (Unless I'm missing something? I was really sure that pausing after every few fights to check/equip new weapons & armour was optimal and in fact kind of encouraged as the game's core "loop" but also this felt very unintuitive and not fun so I'm honestly not sure if I'm an idiot and maybe this isn't how you're supposed to play.)

I didn't hate it, it has some cool ideas - the satisfying feeling of progression that most roguelikes can give you is there, I always like being able to upgrade buildings and facilities between runs and meet new characters as you go and unlock new classes and whatnot, but I felt like the few things it tried to do that other roguelikes don't do (and better!) just felt off. The terrain/structures being represented through cards and the whole deckbuilding element felt a bit forced to me and again, poorly explained much like the rest of the game. I played for about 6 hours and just didn't feel like I wanted to continue.

I suck balls and dick at this game so i havent finished.

this game feels like a chore at almost every stage. I unlocked like the chef, blacksmith, and a few other tiles in the town, but ultimately nothing intrigued me enough to make me want to stay. DNF.

Zu interaktiv für ein Idle-Spiel. Zu langweilig für ein "richtiges" Spiel. Loop Hero hat ein paar interessante Ideen. Ultimativ weiß ich aber nicht, was die richtige Stimmung sein soll in der man Loop Hero zocken kann. Man muss sich zu sehr drauf konzentrieren um etwas nebenbei machen zu können, aber es geht auch viel zu langsam voran um die volle Aufmerksamkeit zu verdienen.

Bis ich den ersten Boss geschafft habe, habe ich es durchgezogen, aber ich bin nicht motiviert noch mehr Zeit reinzustecken.

Very VERY close to being really fun, it's just missing another layer to the gameplay loop. Once the gimmick of building the world has worn off (which is pretty much by the time you've done the first chapter), there isn't a whole lot new to justify another 20 hours.

Was going for 100% but then i goofed and deleted my file to do the first run achievement. Fun game, although the middle portion when you're building your town the most kind of sags. Could have used one more chapter between 1 and 2 for a better curve I think.